Jason followed as Dick tugged him towards the entrance of Wayne Manor. He had not been to his old home in a long time, in fact he had been avoiding Gotham altogether.

Jason and Dick had finally decided that they were tired of hiding their relationship and Dick had set a date with Bruce for them to meet. The residence of the manor were unaware of what this gathering would be about, but all were attending it.

He was nervous and could tell Dick was as well, but there was no turning back now. They paused outside as they waited for Alfred to respond the the doorbell. Jason squeezed Dick's hand in reassurance. Although he hoped that their relationship would be accepted, Jason knew that Dick cared much more about what Bruce thought than he did.

The door opened to show Alfred with a knowing smile. How the family butler knew everything was beyond him, but by the look in his eye Jason knew that they had at least on supporter.

Alfred led them into the living room where the rest of their dysfunctional family were waiting. Still holding hands they took a seat on a small couch. Jason watched as Bruce's eyes flickered to their intertwined fingers and narrowed in suspicion before looking to the first Robin to tell them why he had arranged this meeting.

Shifting a little, Dick started to speak, "There really is no other way to put it than bluntly." he started, "Jason and I have been dating for a while now."

The room was quiet for a moment before Stephanie grinned, "I knew it!" Cassandra nodded in agreement. Steph continued, "You guys make a cute couple and I totally called it." Dick smiled at her and Jason, although not quite used to being referred to as cute, relaxed a little.

Damian spoke next, "Todd is not my favorite person but it is none of my concern as to what you do in your private life." Dick ruffled his hair, much to his displeasure, and mumbled a thank you.

Tim just shrugged, "I've heard the rumors from Bluhaven." he began, "The RedHood has been seen patrolling with Nightwing and he hasn't killed anyone in five months." Jason internally rolled his eyes, of course the Replacement would know. He always kept tabs on Dick, the golden boy of the family. He was, however, glad of the lack of negative comments and Jason gave him a small nod while Tim was being suffocated by Dick.

All that was left was Bruce and all eyes turned to him, "I approve." Jason was shocked. Everyone knew how protective he was of Dick and Jason had been expecting to get in a massive fight. "But if you hurt him in any way there will be hell to pay." Ah, there in was. Of course this final statement was accompanied by a bat glare.

Bruce also got a hug from Dick and Jason nodding in understanding. He would never hurt Dick. Not ever. Dick was ecstatic and after releasing Bruce he grabbed Jason and kissed him hard. They ignored the indignant exclamation of 'Grayson' and the aww's coming from Stephanie.

They only broke apart after the sound of retreating footsteps had faded, "I love you" Dick breathed, their foreheads rested against each other. Jason smiled genuinely, "I love you too."