AN:Goooooooooooooooooooooooooood evening my Imperial Storm Army! New story! Whoo! And now my story board is empty...wait! What?! *looks at board on profile* Well damn. That's a first. The last time my board was empty, it was a long time. Huh. I need new stories. Or maybe I'll break and work on those one shot requests for Our Beloved Sammy, that have been sitting in my notebook for a while. *shrugs* I don't know what I'll do yet. Anyways. You guys and gals know that if you have any story ideas, requests, and/or suggestions, you're always free to PM me here or on Facebook! And since my board is empty for the moment, let your imagination fly! But please note, not every story makes it to my board. There's numerous reasons for it, so don't take it personally. Who knows, it may show up one day! Anyways. Let's get going!

Summary: AU Season 8. Sam has been hurt by Dean before but this breaks his heart. Literally! Sam's heart strings are broken and there's nothing anyone can do to save him. Or is there?



Join me and Team Free Will on Facebook as Mutilated Pancake

All mistakes are my own and flames are not welcome!

Pains of My Heart

Sam rubbed his chest for the umpteenth in the last few minutes. The pains had gotten worse these last days. The last doctor he visited warned him about this, but Sam felt he had no other choice. His brother was already disappointed in him, he couldn't afford to be laid up. He had to prove to Dean that he still cared for him and had to make up for not searching for him.

'But I couldn't look for him. No matter how much I wanted to, I couldn't.' Sam though to himself.

After Dean had disappeared, he had got sick. Really sick. Jody had been looking after him and still was. In fact she was on her way now to take him to the hospital for his latest appointment.

Anyways, he got really sick from all the stress he put on himself. First he had a fever, once that broke he went back to work on finding Dean and then got caught up in a hunt which put more stress on him and caused him to be short of breath, all the doctors he went to advised against hunting, he took the doctors advise but got caught in another hunt on his back to Jody's and that's when the chest pains hit, again the doctors advised against hunting and really advised against any and all stress, but then his brother came back.

He was happy in all and hated to admit it, but Dean has really been putting a lot of stress on him. With all of it, the pains in his got worse and his breathing became labored. It wasn't so much all the fighting and such, but the words.

'I've been hurt by Dean before, but my heart has literally taken a pounding lately. I don't know how much more I can take.' Sam thought.

He prayed that Jody would show up soon. He really needed his doctor. He'd go by himself, but Dean was with Benny again and he took the Impala. Sam would've walked but the hospital was good few miles away, and with his shortness of breath, he wasn't sure he would make it.

"Maybe I'll call her." Sam said to himself, a little breathlessly.

His jumped when his cell rang. It was Dean. He groaned. After their last argument, he didn't want to deal with him. But against his better judgement he answered.

"Yeah?" Sam asked.

"Hunts done. Pack up, we're leaving tonight."

"Dean, I-we can't leave just yet." Sam said quietly.

"What?! Why not?"

"I have something I need to do. It probably won't take long." Sam said.

"So what is this thing you have to do? Sleeping with another demon?"

"Dean!" Sam exclaimed. He couldn't believe his ears.

"What the hell am I suppose to believe Sam?! You won't tell me what's going on and what happened this past year! So sorry if I got suspicious, but it happened before, so you can't tell me you wouldn't do it again!"

Sam was angry! His brother was accusing of sleeping with another demon. He had learned his lesson and vowed never to trust another demon.

He gasped softly when a sharp pain shot through his chest. His heart was pounding.

"I..learned my..lesson...won't do...that again..." Sam managed to get out, the pain was getting worse. and it was getting harder to breath.

"Yeah fucking right! Dammit Sammy! Can't you do anything right?! See, Benny is a better brother. Hell, he's my only brother."

After Dean said that the pain sent him to his knees and he was softly gasping for air.

"Y you don't m mean that." Sam stammered.

"Don't I! Hell, I should leave you there and just go back to him!"

"D Dean." Sam gasped out.

"I'll be there in a few hours. Come with me or not. Your choice."

Sam didn't get to say anything for Dean hung up after that. Sam had tears running down his face. His heart not only was hurting, it was broken. Completely broken, but unknown to Sam, his heart literally was broken! And he was dying.

He managed to dial Jody's number and gasped out what had happened. He turned off his phone in relief. Jody was only a few minutes away. He smiled a little. He knew Jody would take care of him like she had all year.

"I'm...sorry...D Dean..wouldn't t couldn't...didn't w want leave...b but you're...l leaving m me...anyways...b but you don't...c care...m'll b be...b better off..." Sam gasped out.

He felt really weak, the pain was worse than before, black dots danced in his eyes, and he couldn't breathe. He coughed and tasted blood. He was in trouble.

He closed his eyes, and sunk to the floor. He curled up and tried to breathe.

"I'm sorry Deanie. I love you, even though you hate me." Sam whispered as he panted like a marathon runner.

As he was drifting away, he heard the door slam open and gasp filled the air. He felt soft and gentle hands roll him over to his back and stroking his hair.

"Sam? Sam honey? It's Jody. Can you hear me?" Jody asked panic hinting in her voice.

"J Jody." Sam breathed, eyes fluttering then shutting one last time.

"No! Sam honey! Stay awake! Stay with me!" Jody shouted.

But Sam was already drifting away. He couldn't feel much pain here in the dark. He sorta liked it. At least now, Dean could go be with his "real" brother.

His last thought was that he hoped his brother would be safe with Benny, and that his death would bring Dean peace.

Oh man. Guys and gals, I hope you stocked up on tissues! You're really going to need them after this! Anyways, if you reviewed the final chapter of Of Import, I'll answer them tomorrow. To the guests who reviewed, I won't be able to answer yours, but thank you for your reviews! They were awesome!

Until Next Time! *stocks up on tissues and ice cream*