The Potter's Cottage rose from its position in Godric's Hollow like a cold tombstone, solemnly watching the man who stood in front of it. While fire flickered in it's hearth, and lights lit up it's windows, it did not seem cheerful-not in the slightest. Though little could seem cheerful on a night such as this.

Voldemort however, felt cheerful-or as close to that as he could feel. Today would the first day of his immortality. He would strike down the Potter brat and then… nothing would stop him. The corners of his mouth curled up in a malevolent smirk. What once might have looked endearing or even attractive now only looked… corrupted. Indeed the Dark Lord wasn't exactly happy with his glowing red eyes and serpentine features-but it was a small price to pay for immortality.

And so, with a cruel smirk on his horrific features, Lord Voldemort waved his wand and blasted through the door of the Potter's.

James Potter was watching his wife sweep through the room with one of his sons; Oliver. She gently cooed as she attempted to put him to sleep. James felt nothing if not content in that moment, the fear of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named far from his mind. And then, with a crash, it all came back.

He was pale and had thin lips and his eyes, which were red, glistened with hate and predatory amusement, and before Oliver could even open his mouth to let out a loud wail, James was pulling his wand from his holster. Voldemort moved as spells filled the room, stepping to one side and waving his wand.

James didn't know what shield charm he used but it worked, and no spells hit him.

"Run!" James said, pushing his wife out of the room. He raised his wand to continue firing spells but the Dark Lord merely waved his wand and James was thrown bodily back. He didn't even have time to yell as his head cracked against the wall and darkness clouded his vision.

Voldemort strolled through the doorway, his eyes flicked up and saw the mudblood at the top of the stairs, hastily opening a door before slipping in and slamming it shut. Voldemort allowed himself a chuckle. He walked up the stairs to the landing, a flick of his wand causing the door to fly off of its hinges.

The woman, Lily if he remembered correctly, cried out as the door slammed into her and sent her sprawling. Voldemort stepped through the doorway, his wand elegantly poised in his fingers. He sent a stunner at woman as she tried to rise from the floor. Severus had begged for the woman's life, and Voldemort was not in the business of disillusioning his followers over the life of a single mudblood-especially not the one who had brought him the news of the prophecy.

He stepped over to one of the two cribs in the room. Engraved on the headboard was the name: Harry. Voldemort smiled at the child, sound asleep, completely unaware of what was going on. He would kill that one later, first would be Oliver.

Ever since he had heard the beginning of the prophecy that had foretold his downfall he had done little else other than gather information and plan the child's downfall. It had not been hard for an Imperiused nurse at St Mungo's to gather the birth records for the end of July.

Two births on the 31st of July, Harry and Oliver Potter. Harry, the elder. Oliver, the last born in the month of July.

Oliver Potter, born as the seventh month dies, he would be the one who would vanquish the dark lord. Or not. Voldemort would not let himself be defeated because of the words of some silly prophecy. So, he would kill the child before he ever became a problem.

Voldemort strolled over to the second crib but found it empty. He felt a jolt of panic rush through him, he did not have time for this. Dumbledore and the rest of the Order of the Phoenix would be here soon, and Voldemort had little desire to face them.

A cry pierced the silence. Voldemort whirled and spied him, under the body of his mother. He grinned cruelly as he levitated the mudblood off of the child. He looked down and smiled.

'Goodbye, Oliver Potter." He whispered, raising his wand.

Just as the words of the killing curse were on his lips he felt the ward he had placed around the house give one horrible shudder before crashing down.

Dumbledore! Voldemort felt his heartbeat quicken in fear, he drew in a sharp breath and…

"Avada Kedavra!"

The Dark Lord smiled as the green curse shot out and struck the boy. And then, everything went wrong. The curse seemed to pool in the boy before it flew backwards at Voldemort, who didn't even have time to register surprise.

And with a scream, Voldemort flew back, his body dead even before it hit the hard wooden floor.

"Harry!" Oliver yelled. "Hurry up! We're gonna be late!"

Lily smiled at her son's antics. "Oliver, calm down. We've still got plenty of time until rush hour."

"But Mum, I wanna look at the new racing brooms with Dad!"

"One second!" Harry called from the bathroom up the stairs. "Almost ready!"

Oliver rolled his eyes. "He always takes forever. He's like a girl."

"Alright I'm here." Harry said as he bounded down the stairs.

"Took your time."

Lily smiled as her sons bickered. They were always like this, it never ceased to be a source of amusement for her and her husband. As she watched them argue she let herself appraise the two. Oliver was the spitting image of his father; skinny with untidy black hair and hazel eyes-he had hints of herself here and there but there was nothing definitive. Harry on the other hand was quite the opposite; he did not have Oliver's famous lightning bolt scar and he seemed to be half a mix between Lily and James and half of James' originally Black mother; with the untidy black hair of his father, the bright green eyes of his mother and the high defined cheekbones, hooded eyes, long eyelashes and casual elegance that the Black family was so famous for.

Lily was brought back to reality as Oliver began yelling for James.

"Dad! If we don't hurry we won't be able to look at the racing brooms!"

As if he was a house-elf James appeared out of thin air, hastily pulling on his robes with a look of horror on his face.

Lily laughed at his look and pulled her sons to the fire place. After quickly placing a few glamour charms on themselves the Potter family floo'd to the Leaky Cauldron and made their way to Diagon Alley.

"How about we split up?" James asked. "I'll take Oliver and you take Harry. We can get their supplies and do our own thing and meet at Ollivander's at noon?"

Lily raised an eyebrow at this, knowing all too well what the two would be doing without her and Harry.

"Okay. But!" She added hastily as a look of joy spread across their faces. "If you appear at Ollivander's without any of Oliver's supplies, you'll never see the inside of Quality Quidditch ever again." She said sternly, though the corners of her mouth curled up as she saw the look of horror on their faces.

Quickly grabbing Oliver's hand, James hurriedly led him down the Alley.

Lily smiled and turned to Harry. She grabbed his shoulders and guided him through the crowd. They quickly made their way down the cobblestone street and stopped in front of Madam Malkin's. "Harry, you go get your robes and I'll get your potions supplies, okay?"

Harry nodded and stepped into the store.

"Hogwarts, dear?" asked a pleasant woman as soon as he stepped into the store.

"Ah, yes." Harry said.

"We're fitting another boy through here, come along," she said, smiling at him.

Harry followed the woman, Madam Malkin he supposed, through the door into the back of the shop where a blond boy was having his robes pinned up.

"Hello. Hogwarts, as well?" the boy asked boredly.

"Yep." Harry replied

"First year?"

Harry nodded. "You?"

"Yes," he paused for a second before continuing. "My father's next door buying my books and mother's up the street looking at wands. Then I'm going to drag them off to took at racing brooms. I don't see why first years can't have their own. I think I'll bully father into getting me one and I'll smuggle it in somehow."

Harry slowly nodded, not really listening.

"Got your own broom?" the boy asked.

Harry nodded.

"Play Quidditch at all?"

"Sometimes. My Dad and brother are mad about it but I don't really care for it."

The boy sniffed condescendingly. "Well, I play. My father says I should be on the Quidditch team. Do you know what house you'll be in?"

Harry shrugged.

"Well I'll be in Slytherin, my entire family has been in there." He said smugly. "I'd hate to be in Hufflepuff, they're not really good for anything."

Harry looked down and saw the young witch who was pinning up his robes give the boy an angry look. Harry rolled his eyes and shook his head slightly causing the young witch to smile.

"My names Malfoy by the way, Draco Malfoy. We're one of the oldest pureblood families in the wizarding world."

"All done dear." The young witch said to Harry.

Harry flashed her a quick smile and quickly stepped down from his stool. "That's…great." He said slowly to Draco. "However, I really must be going." Harry quickly left the room and found his mother waiting in the front. They quickly paid for his robes and left the store. They rushed through the rest of the stores. Taking time only at Eeylops Owl Emporium where they bought a snowy owl Harry named Hedwig and Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour.

Arriving outside of Ollivander's, Lily checked her watch and found they were pretty much on time. Entering the shop, Lily immediately noticed James and Oliver sitting on stools and Ollivander nowhere to be found.

"You're here early." Lily commented.

"We just got here, but we didn't want to start until you guys arrived."

As if on cue an old man with moon like eyes appeared from around the corner of one of the shelves. "Ah the Potters, I wondered when I would be fitting the young ones."

James gave a confused look before waving his wand and dispelling the charm. "How did you know? We've had glamours up all day."

"Ah, you forget that I remember every wand I sell. Mahogany wasn't it? Particularly good for transfiguration?" At James nod he turned to Lily, "Willow and good for charms?" At her nod he smiled. "I wonder which wands will choose the boys. Now, who's first?"

Oliver stepped forwards and Ollivander began fussing about him with a tape measurer, though he was soon wandering around looking at wands as the tape measurer began measuring the oddest things of its own accord. Ollivander gave Oliver wand after wand, and the Potters watched almost an hour of wand waving and Ollivander hurriedly snatching them back-only to get more and more excited. The old man seemed to be deep in thought as he fetched a wand from the darkest corner of his shelves.

"I wonder…holly and phoenix feather, eleven inches, nice and supple."

Oliver took the wand and swished it through the air, creating a trail of red and gold sparks.

"Bravo, Mr Potter, bravo, well done indeed." Ollivander said as Oliver was congratulated by Lily, James and Harry.

"Curious though…very curious."

"Sorry sir, but what's curious?" Oliver asked.

"I remember every wand I've ever sold, Mr Potter. It so happens that the phoenix whose tail feather is in your wand, gave another feather- just one other. It is very curious indeed that you should be destined for this wand when its brother is the one that gave you that scar." Ollivander said, pointing at the scar on Oliver's head.

Oliver gaped at his wand in horror and James and Lily both gave each other a nervous look. Oblivious to the reactions of the Potter family, Ollivander continued. "Yes, very curious. After all it is the wand who chooses the wizard, I think we can expect great things from you Mr Potter. Now, Mr Potter," he said, turning to Harry. "I suppose we should get on to your wand."

The Potters settled back into the chairs and watched as the old wand maker began handing Harry wand after wand. "Acacia and unicorn hair, quite springy-no, no. Cherry and phoenix feather, definitely not. Ebony and dragon heartstring… goodness gracious no, oh my, what an explosion… Ah, how about this one, black walnut and dragon heartstring, 12 and a 1/2 inches. Quite…unyielding."

Harry took the wand and felt a chill run through his fingers. He gave it a casual flick and felt a burst of adrenalin rush through him just as hundreds of small, sparkling bubbles burst from the end of his wand.

"Well done, Mr Potter, well done. Again, quite curious."

Harry raised an eyebrow. "What, is my wand the brother of another dark wizard's?"

Ollivander gave a smile. "No, not quite. Though… it does have… remarkable similarities to another wand. Not that it is the same by any means, no…no two wands are the same. But it is…similar." Ollivander shrugged.

Harry gave him an annoyed look and gestured for him to continue.

"It would seem, that the wand that has chosen you, is similar to the wand of one Bellatrix Black or Lestrange as she is now known. Walnut and dragon heartstring, 12 and 3/4 inches I believe, proficient with charms and dark magic."

Harry glanced at the wand-maker and his wand with a raised eyebrow, just as his parents shared another nervous look. Harry had heard all about Bellatrix from his parents, and they didn't talk about her in a positive manner.

Ollivander smiled at the two, slightly deflated Potter boys before turning to James. "That will be fourteen galleons Mr Potter."

Harry woke early. He took his wand from his bedside table and sat on his bead, cross legged. The wand was curved and smooth in his hand. He focused on it like he had done every morning and night since he had received it. He focused until he could feel the magic gently pulsating through it, he focused on how it it all connected. Slowly, he felt the magic vibrate through his fingers and up his arm, a chill not unlike the one he had felt when he had first received it rushed through him. He felt excited at this, though he kept himself subdued. He couldn't allow anything to ruin his calm in order to meditate like this.

And then his brother's voice, drifting up the stairs like a dog's whine, and he felt the vibrations recede. Muttering to himself, Harry got off his bed and walked into the bathroom, his meditation done for the day. He took a shower then pulled on his clothes before heading to the kitchen.

His mother was there, chastising his brother as he rushed around hurriedly packing his trunk.

"Morning," Harry said as he passed them, heading straight for the cupboard.

"Hello, dear," his mother said.

When Oliver didn't reply Harry smirked. "All ready and packed for Hogwarts, Olly?"

Oliver gave him a venomous look. "Shut it."

Lily glared at Oliver before turning to Harry. "All packed dear?"

Harry nodded. He poured some cereal into a bowl and added milk. "Last night," he said between mouthfuls. By the time he had shovelled the last scoop of cereal into his mouth his brother had finished cramming his stuff into his magically enlarged trunk.

Lily hurried Oliver and James as they ate their breakfasts and soon they had apparated to Platform Nine and Three Quarters, just before the Hogwarts Express was due to leave.

"Mum, just leave us, we'll be fine!"

Lily smiled sadly and pulled them into a teary hug. "Don't forget to write. Tell us what house you get into, and how your first day goes, and everything else that happens."

James joined them in the hug. "Be good, and we'll see you at Christmas."

After another few minutes of tear-stained goodbyes Harry and his brother were finally able to get away from their parents and board the train. With one last wave to their parents they began to search for an empty compartment. It wasn't until they reached the end car that they found one that wasn't completely full. Harry pulled open the compartment door and sighed when he saw the occupant.

Oliver pushed past him and smiled widely when he saw the red head sitting in the compartment. "Ron!" he exclaimed brightly.

Oliver was good friends with the Weasley family, as were his parents. Harry on the other hand wasn't too fond of them; he liked Ginny when she wasn't fawning over his brother and the twins where funny enough when they weren't pranking him but he and Ron had never got along.

"Oliver!" Ron exclaimed, he seemed to be ignoring Harry.

Harry stowed his trunk in the overhead compartment and sat a far away from the red head as he could possibly get. Harry shook his head slightly as the two began obsessing over Quidditch, he pulled out a book on Defence Against the Dark Arts, ignoring any attempts made by his brother to pull him into their discussion of Chudely Canons vs Puddlemore United.

As the countryside began to whizz by Harry finally got sick of the Quidditch conversation. "Olly, please shut up about Quidditch. Ron, the Canons are awful-everyone knows that."

Ron looked angry and opened his mouth to say something when the compartment door was thrown open, revealing a bushy haired girl and a boy with a round face. "Has anyone seen a toad? Neville lost his." She asked in a bossy tone.

Harry glanced up. "Nice of you to knock," he said and the girl blushed and spluttered. He turned to the boy. "Hello, Neville, sorry we haven't seen one."

Neville looked as if he was about to start crying. "Hello, Harry, Oliver." Harry's parents had been good friends with the Neville's parents however after the Lestrange's had broken into their family home and tortured them into insanity they hadn't seen much of the boy. The thought of the Lestrange's led too Harry unconsciously pushing his wand deeper inside his jacket pocket.

The girl seemed to have ignored his answer however, her eyes locked onto Harry's book.

"Oh, is that one of the first year textbooks?" she asked, sitting down across from Harry. "I've read all of the books already of course. Have you done any magic before? I've tried a few simple spells before and it's all worked for me."

Harry raised an eyebrow at her antics. "No, underage magic is illegal after all."

The girl looked horrified. "Wha-what? Do you think I'll get in trouble? Will I get expelled?"

Harry rolled his eyes. "Don't worry, they don't care about underage magic before you go to Hogwarts, though most parents don't let you do magic at home."

The girl visibly relaxed. "I'm Hermione by the way, Hermione Granger."

"Harry Potter."

"Do you know Oliver Potter? Are you his brother?"

Harry waved lazily in Oliver's direction.

Hermione turned to Oliver. "Are you really? I know all about you, of course, did you know you're in Modern Magical History and The Rise and Fall of the Dark Arts and Great Wizarding Events of the Twentieth Century?"

Harry turned back to his book and began ignoring the chatter going on in the compartment. After a brief talk about houses Hermione left with Neville to continue looking for his toad.

As the train ride continued the door to the compartment opened again, this time revealing a pale faced Draco Malfoy and two brutish looking boys who followed him in. He was looking between Harry and Oliver with a lot more interest than he had given Harry in Madam Malkin's.

"Is it true?" he asked. "Is Oliver Potter in this compartment?"

Harry silently cursed Hermione. "Draco Malfoy?" at the boy's obviously pleased nod he waved at his brother again. "Have at him."

Harry turned back to his book and tried his best to ignore the conversation but it didn't seem to go quite as pleasant as the one with Hermione and Neville had gone and as Ron and Oliver stood Harry felt obligated to play intermediary.

"Ladies! Ladies, please!" he said as he forced himelf between them. "Ron. Olly. Sit. Down." He glared his most intimidating glare. Ron looked like he wanted to protest but quietened when he saw the look in Harry's eye. Harry then turned to Draco and his goons. "Mr Malfoy, I'm sure your father would be quite disappointed if he saw you representing the ancient and most noble house of Malfoy in this manner."

At this Draco seemed to go pink.

"I'm sure my brother and Mr Weasley meant no disrespect." He glared at Ron when he snickered. "But I think it would be best if you were to leave."

Draco looked around the compartment and then at Harry. He opened his mouth to say something but then quickly closed it and spun on his heel and left, his companions quickly following.

"What the hell was that, Potter!?" Ron exploded after Harry had sat back down. "You were sucking up to him like he was a prince or something!"

Harry raised an eyebrow. "I said what I had too to get him to leave. Besides you shouldn't go around antagonising people before you even arrive at Hogwarts. Especially not the heir to a family as powerful as the Malfoy's."

Harry then turned back to his book, though he did hear Ron mutter "Slytherin" to his brother before they went back to discussing Quidditch.

Hermione popped back in quickly and said something about getting changed before popping back out-though not before annoying Ron much to Harry's amusement.

After awhile it became dark, and Harry pulled his robes over his clothes. He glanced out the window and could see mountains and dark forests under a deep purple sky. Harry noted that the train felt like it was slowing down.

Soon a voice echoed through the train. "We will be reaching Hogwarts in five minutes' time. Please leave your luggage on the train, it will be taken to the school separately."

Harry pulled down his trunk and placed his book inside, when he was done he left the trunk on the seat and joined the throng of students in the corridor. The train slowed down to a complete stop and everyone began to push their way to a door and out onto the small, dark platform. Harry's robes did little to beat back the freezing cold. His hands were numb as he buried them deep into his pockets, his own chattering teeth adding to the symphony of the student's voices. A lantern bobbed over the heads of the crowd, and Harry heard a vaguely familiar voice. "Fir' years! Fir' years over here!" Harry smiled as he recognised the giant of a man that was Hagrid. He had met him a few times, though their conversations never went much further than pleasantries. "C'mon, follow me- any more firs' years? Mind yer step, now! Firs' years follow me!"

Slipping and stumbling, they followed Hagrid down what seemed to be a steep, narrow path. It was so dark on either side of them that Harry thought there must be thick trees there. Nobody spoke much. Neville sniffed once or twice, much to the amusement of Draco and his goons.

"Ye'all get yer firs' sight o' Hogwarts in a sec," Hagrid called over his shoulder, "jus' round this bend here."

There was a loud "Oooooh!"

The narrow path had opened suddenly onto the edge of a great black lake. Perched atop a high mountain on the other side, its windows sparkling in the starry sky, was a vast castle with many turrets and towers.

"No more'n four to a boat!" Hagrid called, pointing to a fleet of little boats sitting in the water by the shore. Harry and Oliver were followed into their boat by Neville and Ron. "Everyone in?" shouted Hagrid, who had a boat to himself. "Right then- FORWARD!"

And the fleet of little boats moved off all at once, gliding across the lake, which was as smooth as glass. Everyone was silent, staring up at the great castle overhead. It towered over them as they sailed nearer and nearer to the cliff on which it stood.

"Heads down!" Hagrid yelled as the first boats reached the cliff; they all bent their heads and the little boats carried them through a curtain of ivy that hid a wide opening in the cliff face. They were carried along a dark tunnel, which seemed to be taking them right underneath the castle, until they reached a kind of underground harbour, where they clambered out onto rocks and pebbles.

"Oi, you there! Is this your toad?" said Hagrid, who was checking the boats as people climbed out of them.

"Trevor!" cried Neville, holding out his hands. They clambered up a passageway in the rock, following Hagrid's lamp, coming out at last onto smooth, damp grass right in the shadow of the castle.

They walked up a flight of stone steps and crowded around the huge, oak front door.

"Everyone here? You there, still got yer toad?"

Hagrid raised a gigantic fist and knocked three times on the castle door.

A/N: Hey! Thank you all for reading, this is my first published fanfic so any and all constructive criticism is welcome.

I thought I should establish a few things before we get any further.

Romance WILL happen later in the story, though I won't spoil who with.

While this is a dark Harry story, that won't happen for a short while. Though first year will show the beginnings of a darker Harry and second year will develop this quite a bit, you won't see a really dark Harry until he gets a bit more mature.

Harry is NOT the Boy-Who-Lived, I thought I should just state this plainly in case anyone was confused.

Oliver is pretty much what Harry is in the books (if a bit more stubborn and little bit more naive), hence why he looks like Harry does in the books (except for the eyes, they always go to Harry). Harry on the other hand looks more like a Black for the sole reason that I like Bellatrix.

I'll hopefully have this updated quite soon, expect the next chapter in a week or so (quite possibly sooner).

Again thank you for reading. Don't forget to follow, favourite and review.