Here's another chapter, if there are still people out there interested :) Hope you enjoy


For the past two months Lucas and Maya had a tendency to be MIA. With Valentine's Day just around the corner it had only gotten worse. In fact it had been a few days since Farkle and Riley had seen them with the exception of school. In all honestly, Farkle and Riley were okay with the situation, it made things easier for them too. Entering Topanga's Farkle found Riley in a back corner window seat. It hadn't been their usual seat because there were so many more of them most of the time. Now though, the small bench and the two person table were perfect. The small table already had a second hot chocolate for Farkle, Riley drinking hers.

"Hot Chocolate, how did you know?"

"Do you ever drink anything else in weather like this?"

"So you just made a very smart assumption."

Shaking her head Riley just laughed, taking another sip of her drinking, whipped cream stuck to the top of her lip. Leaning forward Farkle reached over and lightly wiped away the whipped cream with his thumb. A soft smile grew on her face as they locked eyes. For a moment it was just the two of them, not even the soft mumble from the rest of the café could break the silence between them. Without realizing it, they began to slowly lean toward each other. Just as they were mere inches apart the bell of the opening door rang and they quickly jumped apart.

"It's not them."

"How can you be so sure Farkle?"

"You really think they are going to be showing up, with Katy joining Shawn on one of his articles?"

"Alright you make a valid point."

"I've been known to be smart."

The tension on Riley's shoulders that appeared when the door opened slowly dissipated. Her back sloughed slightly as she leaned into Farkle's shoulder. His arm wrapped around her waist, his thumb caressing her side softly.

"We need to tell them."

"No we don't."

"So you want to be sneaking around? Jumping every time a door opens?"

"They didn't tell us."

There was a hint of malice in Riley's voice as she spoke. Enough to make Farkle push away slightly so he could look her directly in her eyes. For a moment his eyes roamed her face, trying to determine what to say, and how serious the malice in her voice was.

"Are you really still upset about that? It's been almost two years. I figured…"

"I'm not!"

Farkle's eyebrow rose at Riley's shout.

"I'm not, and…and I am."

There was a silence as Farkle simply waited. This was Riley after all, in a bay window. He didn't need to push to get her to talk. He never really needed to. As long as he was sitting there with her, she's open up. Sometimes it took longer than others, but all he needed to do was be there. It was an easy job for him.

"I don't know if I'll ever be completely over it. The lying. I always thought Maya and I were closer than that, that we'd never lie to each other. That there wasn't anything we could ever keep from each other. Now though, I'm starting to get it. Why she didn't say anything, why they both didn't. "

"Why then? Why didn't they want to say anything."

"Because it wasn't about us. And this, this isn't about them."

A soft smile graced Riley's lips as she shrugged. Farkle returned it with his usual bright overly expressive grin. Once she returned to her resting spot on his shoulder, Farkle's arm was once again around her waist and his head rested atop Riley's. It was comfortable like this, it always had been. Now though, it was even better. It just felt right.

"What is this about then Riley? We've never really talked about it."

"Do we have to?"

"I want to."

"What if after we do, everything changes?"

"Hasn't it already?"

"I like to think it hasn't."


There was a sadness in Farkle's voice. Ever since their first date in December, if it really was a date, Farkle had wanted something more. He had always wanted something more, but then he was a kid. Now he knew more, now he understood more. With Riley's comment though, it was as if the air had been sucked out of his lungs. His back straightened, forcing Riley to pull away.


"Riley it's fine. If you don't want anything to change, then nothing will change. Friends. I'll always be your friend. You know that."

There was a smile that didn't match the rest of Farkle's face. But he kept it there as Riley eyed him.

"Farkle I just meant..."

"You meant you didn't want something more. I thought we were...I don't know, it doesn't matter anymore. It was the wrong hypothesis. It happens."

"That's not what I meant."

Riley made a move toward Farkle but his hands were held up to stop her. He took a move backward then stood up. His hands were still held out in front of him. He took a step back from the bench and the table when Riley stood up as well. He meant it, that he would always be her friend. Ever since the moment he said that, he meant it. But it was so easy to just fall into Riley, he loved her, he would do anything for her. If she was to get too close right now, before they talked, he was worried what he would agree to, or what wouldn't get decided. He needed to limit the number of variables.

"It's actually pretty simply Riley. At least in this situation. We've been friends our entire lives and if things don't change, we'll stay friends for the rest of our lives. But this," he gestured between them, "It hasn't just been friendship since December. It's already changed. If that's not what you want, then we'll change back. But those are only two choices, change back or forward and continue to change."

"Then we change."

"Which way?"

There was a pause, far longer of a pause than Farkle had hoped. It was making him nervous. He wanted to move forward with Riley. He really had thought they already were. Maybe they were being slow about it, but he thought it was because they were being cautious, not that they weren't changing at all. Riley took a small tentative step forward. When Farkle didn't move away from her, she continued to walk toward him.

"Forward, definitely forward."

The overly expressive grin returned to Farkle's face. Riley's slow steps turned into a near run for the last final steps. His arms opened with the intent of simply wrapping her up in them when she reached him, Riley had a different idea. Her lips crashed against his. Their first kiss stared out rushed, the dam that had been holding back every emotion back until this moment had finally burst. As Farkle's arm pulled Riley in closer, the kiss softened. A few moments past before they pulled apart, their arms dropped to their sides, but Farkle reached for Riley's hand, entwining their fingers.

"We should probably tell them."

"Oh they are already know."

Turning quickly Farkle and Riley found the voice. Zay was leaning against the door into Topanga's a to-go coffee in his hand. He was leaning a bit too casually. As if he had been there too long, probably because he had been. Despite being startled, Farkle and Riley hadn't let go of each other's hand.

"What do you mean Zay?"

"What do you think I mean Riley? Maya and Lucas already know, they've known since December."

"How is that even possible?"

"Because you two are so bad at hiding it."

"No I mean, we didn't decide for ourselves what we wanted until just now."

"Just cause you two were the last to know doesn't mean everyone else didn't. Probably want to still tell em officially, but that's just what I'd do."

With a shrug and a smile, Zay turned and walked out the door, leaving the new couple alone. Watching the now empty spot for a moment, they slowly turned their heads to look at each other. Small shy smiles grew on their face. Maybe they were the last to know, officially at least. But that didn't really matter. Farkle tugged slightly on Riley's hand, forcing her to stumble toward him. Finally releasing her hand he wrapped his arm around her shoulder, leaning his head on hers.

"Should we go find them?"

"Not just yet."