Chapter 2

Author's Note: Hello, it's been a while, sorry about that. I had terrible writers block and I've been really busy lately.

"Dudley? What's wrong?" asked Harry, panic edging into his voice too.

"My daughter, Sarah, the younger one," Dudley started.

"Is she hurt? Is she in trouble? Was she kidnapped?" cut off Harry.

"No, she's fine Harry. She just got an acceptance letter to Hogwarts! What do I do? How do I explain magic to my family? The owl just flew into our living room! Scared Daisy and Jess half to death! But Harry? What do I do?"

"Dudley, calm down, it's okay. Someone should be by to explain everything, I think that's what they do with muggleborns,"

There was suddenly a knock on the door. "I think they're here now, someone just knocked on the door,"

"Well go answer it, call me back when they leave."

"Okay bye Harry"

"I'll talk to you soon Dudley,"

Dudley slowly approached the front door. There was another slightly impatient knock and Dudley quickened his pace. When he opened the door he was faced with a man probably around his own age. The man was of average height with short brown hair his outfit was out of fashion by several years but besides that he looked fairly normal.

"Mr. Dursley?" The man asked.

It took Dudley a minute to find his voice, "Yes, that's me," The man smiled politely, "I'm Professor Neville Longbottom, I'm a teacher at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, may I come in?" he asked.

"Ummm, sure make yourself comfortable, he said realising that he may not have to explain magic to the family after all.

"I take it you got the letter" said Neville.

"Yeah" replied Dudley who was trying to imagine how his family would react. Daisy would probably deny it at first and then be proud of her daughter. Jessica would be absolutely shocked, then worried for her sister, not wanting her to go to a boarding school by herself when she was so young. Sarah, well, he honestly had no idea how his youngest would react to being told that she possessed such a power. Would she be afraid of it and deny having such abilities, no that didn't sound like her, she always saw the best in things. But how would she react?

All too soon, they were in the living room, Jessica and Daisy immediately looked in their direction wondering who this strange man in there house was, and why the hell was a bird just in their house, with a letter tied to it's leg of all things. Sarah was gripping the now open letter in her hands, her eyes full of wonder. Dudley cleared his throat and Sarah jumped at the sudden noise.

As it turns out his predictions were pretty accurate. Sarah got over the shock first and started asking a million questions a minute, while Daisy and Jessica took longer to process this new information that they were being given.

Neville looked over at Dudley with a puzzled look on his face, "You don't seem very surprised to find all of this out," he observed.

"Well, I kind of already knew - not that Sarah's a witch - I just knew about the whole, wizards and witches existing in a secret community," he said rather quickly.

"Might I ask how you knew?" asked Neville with a skeptic look on his face.

"Ummm, my cousin's a wizard," Dudley said softly. The phone then rang. "I'll get that, excuse me,"

And with that he left the room. When he reached the phone he quickly answered.


"Dudley thank Merlin, bloody hell I was so worried! When I tell you to call me back, I mean call me back soon, it's been an entire hour! Who'd they send, I hope it was someone good, how'd the family take the news?"

Harry rambled on as Dudley tried to answer his questions, "Sorry it took me so long, the guy they sent is still here."

"Oh really? , who is it?" Harry quickly said.

"I think he said his name was Neville Longbottom," Dudley replied.

"Neville!" Harry said brightly, "Neville's great, we're good friends me and him. He teaches Herbology, he's always been great at it." Harry was talking a lot and hardly breathing so much that Dudley was surprised he hadn't passed out. After listening to him ramble about some toad named Trevor, Dudley headed back to the living room with a talkative cousin still buzzing in his ear.

"Say hi to him from me will you" Harry said in the middle of describing a train ride with a rare cactus which someone had apparently angered into squirting green goo all over.

"My cousin says hi" Dudley told Neville.

"Who's your cousin" asked Neville.

"Harry Potter" he replied.

Neville's face brightened, "Hi Harry!".

"Neville says hi" Dudley told Harry.

"Well I should probably go, let Neville do his job" Harry started, "Let's meet up at Diagon Alley when you buy Sarah school supplies and things! You can tell Neville when you're going and we can meet up! Our families can meet each other! My son James is Sarah's age, and so are my other niece and nephew! They could all meet each other and get supplies, it'll be great!" Harry was getting more and more excited.

"Okay bye now, I'll talk to you later" Harry ended the call. It had been years since they had talked last and it was great to hear his voice again. Dudley had been afraid that Harry would be mad at him for everything that had happened when they were children. But it seemed as if all had been forgiven. They talked to Neville a bit more and made plans to meet him the following week to go to Diagon Alley, Neville promised to pass this news to Harry and soon he was leaving.

The family was alone all off in their own worlds thinking so many things all at once. "Well today was eventful," Sarah broke the silence with a grin on her face that made the whole family laugh. They were soon discussing their thoughts about the day's events.

"I can't believe there's a whole other world out there that I never knew about!" Daisy was saying.

"I can't believe you didn't tell us that we have a magic uncle. That's so cool!" Sarah and Jessica exclaimed.

Dudley was just astonished. His life had changed so much in the past few years. He had done his best to forget about the magic world, he had moved on. Now it was all back.

The next week went by in a blur and soon it was the morning that they were to go to Diagon Alley. Sarah woke up early that day. She was in deep thought, eating a bowl of cereal when her father came down the stairs.

"Hello," he said making her jump.

"Hey," she replied quietly. That was new, Sarah was always loud, making people laugh, getting in trouble at school.

"What's wrong?" Dudley asked softly.

"What If I'm no good?" she answered.


"What if I'm not a good witch? I don't know anything about this world except what Professor Longbottom told us, how am I going to learn magic when I just found out about it a week ago! I'm sure most of the other kids have known about magic their whole lives!" she said in a rush.

"You'll be great Sarah," Dudley replied.

"How do you know, how are you so sure about that? I don't know a thing about this world!" Sarah exclaimed, releasing all the panic that had apparently been building up over the past week.

"Because of your uncle," Dudley started, "Harry didn't know that he was a wizard until he was 11. When he found out he didn't believe it at first. How could he be a part of such a big world, and have never heard of it before? He went to Hogwarts without any idea what he was doing, he became a great wizard. And this is how I know that you will be to."

Sarah had been listening intently, she calmed down a bit and then said in a small voice, "Why don't you ever talk about your cousin? Whenever he comes up in conversation you never talk about him. What happened?"

"His parents died when he was a baby, he came to stay with my parents and I, we weren't very kind to him. My mum wasn't on good terms with her sister, Harry's mum at the time. I was just following their lead but that was no excuse." Dudley replied quietly.

"Oh" was all Sarah said. She was then finishing her cereal Daisy and Jessica came downstairs and they were soon leaving the house, about to enter the world of magic.

Author's Note: Hello again, I hope you enjoyed the chapter. In the next chapter we meet Harry and his family. I'll try my best not to take so long for future chapters but my life's getting really busy again, so I make no promises.