A/N: This is my first fanfiction in English language and I would be most grateful for any suggestions for improvements, both language-wise and content-wise. I have only seen the X-Men movies and I don't know much about their comics, which is why I will probably change the canon plot so that it fits in with my story.

Rating will change in future chapters due to sexy times.

In ancient greek religion, Ananke was the personification of destiny, necessity and fate, depicted as holding a spindle. [...] She was seen as the most powerful dictator of all fate and circumstance which meant that mortals, as well as gods, respected her and paid homage. (wikipedia)


Somewhere in America, 1945

When she was introduced to Hydra by her father at the age of 16, she was thrilled. He had told her marvellous things of this organisation. That they would be fighting for the greater cause, and that they were the only ones that would actually care for mankind. He also said that it would sometimes be necessary to take one's freedom if it was to ensure their lives. Only that with freedom they often meant death and with ensure their lives they rather meant ensuring that no one would be a threat to their plans of world domination. What a pathetic plan, but introduced in the right time it would certainly get its proponents. And that, it did. Founded in Germany with the rise of the national socialists, it has spread to the United States in just a few months' time. As the second World War began, they were already so powerful, that they had not needed any help of their "big brother" (who was Nazi-Germany) anymore and the members weren't applauding Hitler any longer but Johann Schmidt who was later known as Red Skull.

Evie Clarke played with the badge of honour in her hands. Engraved was the lake monster, Hydra, with its many heads coming out of the body that was way too small for the whole creature. Cut off one head, two more shall take its place. Hail Hydra! Evie had thought she knew better. You may not be able to kill the monster from the outside, as various people had tried, but kill it from the inside, and there will be no body for these heads. Her plan hadn't worked out. She contacted agents of the american army, which came out to be more problematic as she thought. Not only did she have to sneak away from Hydra without raising suspicion, but also did she have to gain the agents' trust. Which they didn't give her that easily. Justifiably, since she was one of Hydra's most precious weapons and she had helped Hydra in lots of missions. When they were sure she meant it, they were glad, however, for they had not only a mutant on their side, but had also gotten rid of one major enemy. They provided her with what she needed and sent her a few of their best agents and soldiers, but she was only a soldier of her own, without access to essential resources. They were foolish to think that only Evie working as a spy would be enough to infiltrate Hydra but when their ideas ran out, they tried nevertheless. It didn't work out.

They did manage to weaken Hydra, however, for Captain America, who was one of those soldiers, killed Red Skull who had become the only leader and most important person in Hydra-hierarchy. His death had shattered Hydra, but not destroyed it. Small groups had begun to form and as Captain America disappeared, Evie and the agents were afraid they had actually helped Hydra to grow. Having no leader, Hydra-members became harder to find, bases harder to track down and there was no face behind this whole organisation anymore. In other words, they had gotten rid of their only access to every corner of Hydra.

She had fled then, too afraid to stay because she didn't know if they would find her easier when she stayed or if she would attract even more terror attacks. She didn't want her newly found friends to die because of her. A foolish thought, she knew that, her friends were Hydra's enemies anyway, but she just couldn't stay for she knew they would go after her.

Evie put the badge in her pocket. She knew they had tracked her down, there was no way of escaping now. Well, there was, but she hoped to redeem herself. They wouldn't kill her, that she was sure of. They would imprison her and maybe she would get another chance to bring them down, better thought through this time. She sat on a bed in a motel when she heard them approaching. In great numbers, it seemed, because Evie could hear at least five military trucks. She readied herself and concentrated on her powers.

It took them a few moments to figure out which door would lead to her, but when they did, they wasted no time breaking through her door. The first row of them was greeted with a table throwing them back and Evie managed to hurl chairs and other things from her room at the next row of soldiers. One of them, however, accomplished to shoot her in the arm. She was inattentive for the blink of an eye which left her unprotected long enough for one of them to shoot her in the hip and another one to pack her and force her to the ground.

She closed her eyes when she heard another shot.