A/N. Ok, so here's the first chapter of my revised Project Eve fic. Hope you all enjoy it and thanks for reading!

Note to All It May Concern- Any submitted OCs used in the previous fic will be showing up in this one as well. And I will be accepting new ones for this as well. If you have an account, please PM them to me, and if you need a reference sheet I can make one.

Submitted OCs must be SPECIFIC and DETAILED. Also, please keep in mind that not all submissions will be used…

Summary: An experiment born in a lab, she has only ever known battle and the thrill that comes with it. But after her master commissions the creation of yet another pokémon, the wheels of fate begin to turn, and soon she finds herself in the midst of a soon-to-be war between her newfound friend and the humans…

Amidst it all, a sea of questions born from a series of dreams…

Disclaimer: I own nothing!

Of Human Folly~ Birth of the Ore Pokémon...

Humans were funny things. Iffy little, particularly squishy creatures that while clever in mind, and certainly far more cunning than most other living beings, had a terrible tendency to overreach themselves.

And if that wasn't a novel little thought, she wasn't entirely sure what was.

It wasn't that they purposely set out to do the impossible, and constantly failed. Because they'd certainly had a number of successes.

There was a reason they existed as the predominant race on the planet after all, and it wasn't just because the wild pokémon allowed them to. No, they just spread that quickly, and had a habit of marking their territory in ways that were very difficult to overcome.

But sometimes, one had to wonder, if maybe they were trying to be something they could not, even on the most basic of levels, be.


She didn't know a lot about the world that lay outside the steel and bolted walls of the labs. She knew very little of anything at all, besides a few fundamental things that just came with the slot in life she'd been given. Things one didn't have to be told explicitly, in order to understand their meaning.

But one of those things, something possibly deeply ingrained into her DNA, like the instincts that dictated every little move she made, whether she was in battle, or simply giving the clever little humans that had created her hell because she'd slipped out of her cage again and they still couldn't figure out how, were the gods that reigned over their world with an almost apathetic interest.

And she knew, without ever having left the lab, or being told, that they were largely apathetic. Because they didn't have to care about the world they ruled, or the welfare of its inhabitants. They were pokémon after all, just like she was…

But they were also gods, able to bend space and alter the flow of time; break down the universe and build it all over again from scratch. But for all that raw power, they only seemed to just sit back and twiddle their thumbs.

And maybe this discontented the humans, because their gods were pokémon whoms asses could not be asked so hard that they both literally and figuratively occupied a different dimension entirely.

So they sought to become a god instead.

She couldn't really fault them of course. Just like the humans, every pokémon wanted power. But they needed that power to survive in the wilds, where humans couldn't and wouldn't explicitly go out of their way to take care of them. The stronger you were, the easier it was to just live.

Humans didn't particularly have that problem though, so at the same time, it made little sense for them to strive for more of something that didn't specifically need, and certainly didn't really have.

Humans were intelligent yes, far more than what was probably completely safe considering their curious natures. But they weren't strong. They couldn't take a Flamethrower and not get seriously injured. A newborn pichu's Thundershock could put a human in the hospital for extended periods of time if fired at the right voltage.

They didn't have power, but that's what pokémon were for. Something born with power, so the humans didn't have to worry about surviving in a surprisingly hostile world.

But she had to wonder, faintly, in the back of her mind as the scientists poked and prodded her, put sharp needles in her limbs and drew blood, pulled of baby blue-gray fur and purposely pricked their fingers on her fangs,

"Dr. White, Giovanni will be paying a visit in three days, and he's expecting results…"


"Of course, tell him that the prototype is ready, and that we can begin Project C as soon as he approves it."

"Yes Sir."

"Did she pass all the tests? The last five were ready, and they all destabilized in the end. This one could do the same."

"Field tests… genetics… battling capabilities even, all flying colors. The only thing we couldn't overcome was that damn stat limit pre-built into the genetic codes we used."

"What was it? 525? That's the estimated score, right?"

"Something like that… It's not a lot…"

"It doesn't need to be a lot… It never has. Don't worry, she's ready."

Why, in order to become a god, did they feel the need to create creatures such as herself?

"You're going to do amazing things… I can just tell… Orreon."

A/N. So, what do you guys think? Shorter than I originally wanted it to be, but a prologue is a prologue I guess… Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed the chapter and thanks for reading.