Chapter 3

The wedding was at Troy's living room, everyone was waiting for Gabriella to come.

"You better film the whole thing OR ELSE!" Lucille told Jack, Troy's father.

Suddenly, Chad and Sharpay came out holding the couple's rings. They were the flower boy and flower girl. Behind them were Gabriella and her father, Carlos.

"Ouch Chad! You stepped on my foot!" Sharpay hissed.


"Ugh. Now you're stepping on my designer dress!"

"I don't care."

"Just shut up!"

"I hate you!"

"Don't worry, I hate you too."

Everyone chuckled. Chad and Sharpay must have to argue when they're with each other. Then, Maria, Gabriella's mother came out to speak.

"Troy Alexander Bolton, do you take Gabriella Anne Montez as your wife?"


"You were supposed to say I do."

"I do?"


"I just said it!"

Maria shook her head, he was unbelievable.

"Gabriella Anne Montez, do you take Troy Alexander Bolton as your husband?"

"I do."

"You may now kiss the bride."

"WHAT?! EW! NO WAY!" yelled Troy and Gabriella at the same time!

"Honey, you have to."


"It's tradition."

"I wanna get unmawied!"

"But we've prepared everything for the wedding!"

"Fine! We'll do it if Zeke, Shar, Tay, Chadstwer, Jay, Mar, Ry and Kels do it too."

"WHAT?! NO?! Kissing is disgusting!"

"No, it isn't," said Zac.

Carlos sighed.

"We'll go to the park tomorrow if you do it," said Carlos.

The kids kissed and immediately pulled back.




The kids wiped their mouths.

"May I present, Troy and Gabriella Bolton!"

That's it. End of this cute three shot. Hope you liked it.