And here's part 2.

Timeline: COG, COLS, COHF.


"You won the bet"

The cold night air caressed Raphael's skin as he was sitting on the cold ground at the old mansion of Ragnor Fell in Idris. The moonlight cast over a fast-built tomb last night by Bane. When Raphael found out about his friend's death, he immediately forced the warlock to open a portal. He didn't care that he was breaking the rules then, after all, the downworlders couldn't be in Idris without the Shadowhunters' notice and invitation. But he wanted to say goodbye to his friend, even though it was really hard.

"You were right, you know?" he started, playing with the cold ground, though he didn't felt any cold. A pity, maybe if he felt some physical pain and not only a mental one, he'd cope better with it. He'd never thought that Ragnor Fell will die. No, that he'll die by Valentine's hand. If Raphael ever got the man in his hands, he would kill him immediately. "They worked out. They fight, but are still together."

He was playing with the dirt even more as he continued.

"You wouldn't believe it, but the shadowhunter kissed Bane in the Hall of Accords. In front of every hunter and Downworlder's eyes." He imagined a shocked expression on Fell in his mind. "I'm sure you'd be as shocked as I was, or even like Bane himself. He stood there dumbfounded when the boy kissed him. His parents' faces were priceless. It's a shame that you couldn't see that with me."

He made a small break and took a deep breath, though he didn't have to breathe anymore. He took out ten dollars from his pocket and laid it on the top of the tomb.

"You won, Ragnor," he stood up from the ground, dusting off his pants. He smiled sadly, looking down at the tomb. "I'll see you soon, my friend."

A few months ago, when Raphael was in Idris again, he visited his friend's tomb. Although his body had been moved to his home in London, his spirit remained here, in his home at the suburbs of Idris. He sat down under the Cherry tree, the favorite tree of Ragnor that he and the warlock had often sat under during the vampire's visits. They used to sit and talk and laugh at many adventures in the centuries-long life of the warlock, or at the love life of Magnus Bane. He missed that, and maybe that was the reason of his visits and talks to Ragnor's photo, standing in Santiago's chamber back in hotel Dumort.

"I should take back those ten dollars from you, Ragnor." he said, hiding his face from the bright light of the moon. "Bane broke up with the kid. Apparently the boy was meeting with Camille. Oh, I should mention, that Camille is dead, this time for good. Our new leader killed her...but I didn't want to tell about it. Bane broke up with the hunter and now he's...I don't even know a proper word to describe him. Dios mio, do you remember when he and Etta broke up? He was depressed then, but now it's even worse. The other Downworlders say that he's a wreck. I saw him an hour ago, he doesn't look so bad. He still wears his obscene, colorful clothes."

For a moment, Raphael enjoyed the sounds of the night.

"I have to go for dinner. Every representative of the Downworld was invited. I'll see you soon, Ragnor."

Four months later, when Magnus and Alec were travelling around the world; this time with no interruption from the hunter's family; they went to London. They stayed in the London Institute, courtesy of London's Shadowhunters.

Magnus took Alec to Ragnor Fell's mansion.

"What are we doing here? I thought that your friend's house was sold."

"No," Bane replied. "It belongs to me and Cate, as we're the only living heirs to his assets. At first it was supposed to be Raphael's home, but…"

"I'm sorry, he was your friend." Alec squeezed his hand in compassion. "But what are we doing here?"

"I need to see them and tell them something," Magnus went into the direction of the garden, behind the old white house with a red roof. He moved to the Cherry trees, under which stood two simple tombs with names and dates.

"Ragnor Fell 1243-2008"

"Raphael Santiago 1953-2008"

Alec was shocked by one of those tombs, he didn't think that the vampire would be buried here. He expected his ashes to remain in Hotel Dumort.

Magnus took out a piece of something from his pocket, which turned out to be a ten dollar bill. He put it carefully on the ground before the tombs and smiled sadly.

"You won, fools."

"What is this about, Magnus?" Alec came closer to him, and put his arms around his waist. He placed his chin over Magnus shoulder and looked at the bill on the ground. "Why did you put money here?"

"Those two idiots made a bet on whether will we work out or not." Magnus turned in Alec's arms and looked at him with love in his cat-eyes. "They won it, we are together."

"They made a bet about us?"

"Mhm," Magnus drew Alec closer to himself and kissed him softly on the lips. When they pulled away, he grabbed Alec's hand and walked him out of the garden. "And how they were gossiping about us? I'm telling you, one time they…"

Magnus started to tell a story about how big gossipers Ragnor Fell and Raphael Santiago were, especially when it came to Magnus's love life.

A/N: Did you like it?

I know that this part was a bit sad, but I hope you liked it.

Review if you feel like to,
