"I'm a monster."

Lara's voice is hollow, her tear-stained face stares at the floor.

"We… We stole an Eclipse ship, but we got caught. They chased us. We escaped the system, but by the time we did, the ship was barely holding together. We climbed into an escape pod, and jettisoned. The core went critical a few minutes later. Then we drifted. We activated the pod's distress beacon, but there planet we were orbiting didn't seem colonised. We drifted for nearly a week when…

"Fiona said she loved me. She didn't want to die without … She knew what I was. She knew what would happen. She said… it was the only way she wanted to die." She hiccups. You didn't know Asari could get those.

"A human patrol found us an hour later. I... I panicked! They had me tied down, they mentioned Sasha's sister. Sarah, her name's Sarah. They said she was coming to pick me up and then they… They said I killed Fiona on purpose. The looks they gave me… I killed them. I killed them all. I'm going back to Omega. Sarah will find me there. I'll… She's going to kill me or arrest me. She deserves the chance to do that."

You put down the datapad as the last entry finishes. Somewhere in this rock is an Ardat-Yakshi with the blood of both her lovers on her hands. Somewhere on Omega is the girl who killed your sister. You glance at your closet; at the Citadel Security uniform inside. You pull your gun from a compartment in the bottom before closing the door. You're going to find your sister's killer. Hopefully, you can reach her before the Justicar does and when you find her… You glance at the diary. Well, you'll just have to see what happens.