Note: I have a weird, subtle sense of humor.

This is a mixed pre- and post-super genesis wave AUish. Robotnik didn't happen, just Eggman but at the same time Robotnik had happened. This was caused by the genesis wave and Robotnik had happened in the other reality. Not during the split world crisis. Everyone but Sonic and Eggman have forgotten the genesis wave incident and only they have glimpses of memories. Sonic can remember more if in contact with a chaos emerald.

This story has two main layers that will slowly interlock more and more so expects some bumps in the road.

Read and Review – so I know how the fic's being received.

Enjoy peoples.

Story time:

There was a soft rustling from the pages from the old record book she was reading as a gentle wind blew in. Sally smoothed out the next set of pages once more and shifted back over the datapad of current financial figures and sighed – she has gone so far back now that she'll have to exchange the currencies.

"Hi, Sal!"

She jerked hard, almost throwing a fist on battle-harden instinct. Her body relaxed as the realization settled over her that it was Sonic leaning over the back of her chair and her shoulder, eyeing the books spread out on the table. Shaking her head slightly she shallowly sighed. "Hi, Sonic," a smile escaped her control. She turned in her chair to find Sonic suddenly at the window pulling back the curtains on the board window behind her as far as they would stay without slipping despite them already being essentially pulled back the farthest they could be.

"I was wondering if you wanted to take a break," he said.

"Not now, Sonic. I need to look over these commerce figures."


"I need to be familiar with the Republic's workings. The Acorn may not rule as they once did but I still need to be knowledgeable of past and current events and policies to be effective."

"Current events, huh? Let's see – Eggman was a heartless jerk, his army was crackpot kiss-ups – the ones not forced into it, anyways – and Mr. Dodge has a new secret recipe for his chili on his chilidogs." He smirked. "I bet Tails I could figure the secret recipe out within the week." He walked over and leaned onto the desk's edge. "The kids at the elementary school also want to try making a garden but their teacher is a bit of a hardnose. Oh, and that couple that moved to the outskirts of the city from the border of the Badlands are apparently going to have a baby. It's probably why they left."

A smile spread across Sally's face. "I guess I shouldn't be surprised."

"So, are you going to take a break? Come hang out with us?"

"I still need to finish reviewing this as well as some errands to run – alone and in person. Perhaps later tonight? Come around five. I should be done by then." She smiled.

"You want to try Mr. Dodge's secret flavor?"

"How spicy is it?"

"So-so. There's something like ginger in the aftertaste."

She smiled. "Sure." Sonic smirked and turned to leave just as something pricked Sally's interest. "Hey, Sonic," she called and stopped him in mid-step.

He turned back to her. "Yeah, Sal?"

"You're getting better at being sneakier. I barely noticed the wind when you entered. It doesn't make sense. How are you . . . suppressing it? I wouldn't think it would be possible."

Sonic shrugged. "I dunno. Been experimenting." He flashed a smile and he's suddenly gone, this time accompanied with a strong wind that pulled toward the large double doors that served as the exit to the Castle's library.

Her own smile returned but was quickly hidden by a book as the elderly librarian almost as suddenly appeared into the main corridor yelling at the hedgehog who was already far away.


Shoes skidded to a screeching stop on the worn cobbled path, the sound echoing down the corridor. One side of this particular corridor was opened to the garden, the other half attached to the building with a door once in a while down its length that went into the castle. Decorative arches ran down the garden side and some of the vining plants climbed up their columns and spilled onto the tiled roof in flowery bunches.

Sonic walked the rest of the way into the Acorn Castle pass a stoic, solid built guard who paid him little attention. None of the guards really did anymore at least when on duty, probably from his frequent visits. The living quarters where Sally most likely would be were in the upper stories. Maybe she was still in the Castle's library.

At first it was only vaguely that he noticed more guards but when he passed the two guards standing watch to one of the main service doors into a back room and walked into the midst of a small band of guards lingering halfway at ready he backpedaled. Was something happening tonight? He really hoped he hadn't forgotten anything. He would never hear the end of it. Sal had said to come at five. Was something happening at five tonight? He walked up to the closest guard and swallowed his bubbling embarrassment. "What's going on?"

The guard glanced at his superior who nodded. "The Council is with an audience tonight."

"Kinda late, isn't it? Usually they do that stuff in the mornings."

The guard shrugged.

"Have you seen Sal?"

"The Princess should be within the Castle. Try upstairs."

"Thanks," he started working his way through towards the opposite door.


The hedgehog turned at to the Captain calling his name but continued slipping through the crowd. "Yeah?"

"Don't interrupt the talks." The Captain twisted back to having his glare jumping from guard to guard, keeping them on guard.

Sonic stared a moment longer before grabbing the doorknob and twisting it opened. He got a bad vibe off the atmosphere. Tense. They were waiting for trouble. These talks, most likely. Must be something important. Sally should know.

Aside from the occasional guard positioned in this length of hall everything seemed quiet in this part of the Castle. As he passed a larger archway signaling another hallway crossing this one he paused in mid-step as he noticed a small cluster of guards standing down it a ways. Two other people were sitting on the benches that lined the wall near the large double doors into the Council's chamber, their dress very official looking. Must be part of the talks. Jokingly, he wondered if he should go say "hi" but they seemed on the clock.