So, um...the trailer came out today. I'm um, well, eheh...*sigh* I'll admit I was freaked out a bit. I don't do scary well. I was expecting scary...but this was...*shudder* I know some of you might not think it's all that scary, but me...well...I admit I'm a coward. Anyway, I thought I'd do something in honor of it, so, this is the cast of Soul reacting to the trailer (the first person parts are me talking...third person is the character reacting) First up...


"C'mon, Sam, it'll be interesting," I prodded, setting the spirit down in a chair in front of a computer.

"I don't know why someone would want to make a video game about us," he huffed, crossing his arms, "Much less four of them,"

"Hey, I'm not the guy who did it," I told him, "I just made up you,"

"Really, was it this 'guy' who turned me into…"

"A mouth full of teeth with a bad attitude?" I finished, making him glare at me, "Yeah, it was,"

Sam gave a low growl and sighed, turning towards the computer again.

"Fine, fine, let's get this over with," he grumbled.

And with that, I hit play on the video and walked out of the room. Oh, I fully planned on watching him…but after seeing that trailer…*shudder* ugh. I'm not doin' that again! So I walked to my little surveillance system that Jeremy and I hooked up and I sat back and let the magic happen.

Sam sighed and pushed back in his chair, watching in boredom as the video buffered.

"El! Your internet is horrible!" the spirit shouted.

"I know that…" came the tired reply, making Sam chuckle a bit.

The video flickered and Sam's ears perked up as he heard the tolling of a bell.

"Huh, sounds like the church bells," he thought as eight, bloody scarlet words painted across the screen.

"'What is that you think you see?'" Sam echoed, "Tch, sounds like a line from a cheesy horror film,"

The words faded off and a hallway, unassuming like what you would see in an average house, appeared along with a bright circle of light shining on it.

"Aw, they brought a flashlight, how cute," Sam snorted as a faint clicking sound sounded off…as well as the flashlight turning on and off again, "C'mon, man! What do you expect to be there? A Weeping Angel? Oh wait, a boogeyman!?"

He started laughing as the next screen bled onto the screen with its scarlet message.

"'What game do you think you're playing'?" he sneered, "Look, man, I'm not playing any stupid game! El! This is stupid! Why I am watching this cheesy horror flick?!"

I smiled as Sam turned his crimson gaze on me…even though he couldn't see me.

"Oh, Bunny Boy, you'll see soon enough," I smirked, "And believe me…you won't be saying that for long…"


Sam yawned as the screen flickered again.


"This is boring…" he grumbled…


Suddenly, Sam jumped.

"What was that?!" he demanded as he saw two pale eyes slink back past the corner, "Wait…was that me!? No…nononononononono!"

He reached for the mouse, only to get shocked.

"Ow!" he whined, "C'mon, El! I want to see! Was that me!?"

"Wait and find out," the Authoress' voice stated as Sam gave a soft growl and turned back towards the screen, which had scarlet words emblazoned on it.

"'What have you brought home?'" Sam mumbled, "Yeah, I'm wonderin' the same thing, bud,"

The camera turned into a room with toys in the corner…a bedroom.

"Wait…it's a kid?!" he sputtered, "This stupid game has a kid as the 'guard'!? WHY!?"


The camera turned to the hallway where another set of pale lights slunk back behind the corner.

"MANDY!?" Sam demanded as the door slammed shut and the camera turned to a chair in the middle of a room while a…

Sam laughed in spite of himself.

"What the heck is that? A mini-Springhead? Ha! Oh, that's freaking adorable…"


The camera panned to the closet and the door opened, revealing a demonic looking Fox glaring through the door.

"TH-THA-THAT IS N-NO-NOT!" Sam yelped.


"I don't wanna watch this anymore!" Sam whined right as the camera flashed to a bed where… "Aw! Not the Three Stooges! Great, now they're all twitchy!"

The camera flashed back to the bedroom and zoomed in on a door. Sam was tensed up and leaning towards the screen.

"What are you…" he started…right as his own nightmarish form leaped at the screen, trying to bite at the player.

Sam shrieked and teleported out of his chair, knocking it over as he reappeared far above the ground and landed with a thud.

"WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT!?" the purple spirit howled before teleporting away and sprinting back towards his little room.

I grinned slightly as the final screen played.


"You know…" I mused to myself, "I'm not really big into horror games…heck, this even creeped me out…but, I'm going to have fun with the others…since Sam didn't take it well, I wonder how they'll take it?"

So, who do you all want to see react next? Sam's done...but who gets to brave the horror next? I'll let you decide! I'm thinking maybe just having the ghosts do it...I mean, I don't want to traumatize a little six/seven year old and Jeremy, Ashe, and Kayle aren't going to really be in the story. Also, if you guys are interested, I did some art for the story...just check out my Deviantart account (link's on my profile). Anyway, that's all for now. I'll see you in the next chapter, buh-bye! ;)

I hope you guys liked it, if you did send in the reviews! (Along with ideas because I will need them eventually!) :)

Qui vállë tóquetë, ván tecë (If no review comes from y'all; no story comes from me)

Máriessë ar mára tecië

Farewell and fair writing

Elhini Prime signing off.