Alright sorry for taking longer with the possibly final chapter. I've been struggling to get this chapter right and I've also been having a few problems to deal with. However with that said I'm hoping to finish(?) off strong so thanks for sticking with me.

Reid's POV

I heard the sirens wail through the otherwise quiet night. I saw Hotch and Rossi running towards us with their guns drawn. Morgan went over and explained to Hotch that the Unsub was going to kill JJ and myself, but he had shot the Unsub. Rossi came over to us but we all stood in a circle awkwardly. I looked at JJ and Emily and saw the hurt written all over their faces and I felt my heart break more. It crushed me to see them so hurt and to know that I was the cause of it. I wanted to leave, run away almost as Elle had. Hotch looked at me as I approached them.

"Are you alright?" Hotch asked. I looked behind me as Garcia tried to comfort JJ. I saw Emily fighting back her emotions as she talked to Rossi.

"I think I'll be alright."

"Go home. Try to get some rest." Hotch said before he called Rossi over and started to go home. Morgan walked over to Garcia saying goodbye before he took me to the car. I was silent the entire car ride home. I couldn't stop thinking about the pain in their eyes. The hurt they were feeling. I felt as though I had led them on. Made them believe that I was in love with them.

"Wanna tell me what's wrong Reid?"

"What are you talking about?" I wasn't ready to admit to Morgan what was going on with JJ and Emily.

"Come on kid. I know you better than that. You would never stop talking if I went wrong directions. Now what's up." I sighed as I realized that we weren't driving the road to home.

"2 girls recently admitted their feelings for me and…"

"Save it Reid, I know it's Emily and JJ."

"What? How?"

"Do you not remember what we did for our job?"

"Right… Anyway they admitted feelings for me and I just don't know who I love. I mean I've had a crush on JJ ever since I met her. She's my best friend. She's always cared for me. Always been there for me. And Emily? I just don't have words for how our relationship is. She's been one of my closest friends. She understands me more than any of you. When she died, my whole world fell apart. And now she's back and I don't know if I want to lose her again"

"Look. I can't tell you who to choose. Or who's the better choice. Only you can do that. And not with that brain. For once you're going to have to let your heart talk." His words sank in and I only felt worse. How was I even listen to my heart?

"Thanks…" Morgan knew there was nothing else I was going to say to him. He sighed and started us on the road back to home.

Emily's POV

I watched as Spencer left with Morgan before walking over to my car. JJ and Garcia walked with me but none of us really talked until we finally reached our cars.

"Take some time off JJ. You almost died." I heard her sniffle.

"I'll be ok. I just need to relax tonight."

"Oh! You can stay with me! I'll take really good care of you." Garcia said as she dragged JJ to my car. "Do you mind taking us to my home?" It was the farthest thing I wanted to do. JJ took Spencer from me, but I felt my compassion return as I looked at my long time friend.

"Of course not. Get in." I said as I unlocked my car and we all piled in. We rode in silence before Garcia's phone scared us half to death. I regained control of my car as Garcia answered.

"Hey chocolate thunder what's going on? How's Reid?" Morgan replied something inaudible to my ears. There was a long silence. I felt my heart constrict. Had something happened to Reid? I was going to turn this car around when Garcia spoke again. "Alright. We're ok. Get home safe."

"What did he want?" I asked as I felt my heart loosen, but not fully let go as I still had worry in me.

"He just wanted to check up on us. See how we were doing."

"Oh." I breathed out a sigh of relief as we pulled up to Garcia's apartment. Garcia and JJ got out of the car. Garcia handed JJ a key and told her to go inside, that she'd be there in a sec. Then she knocked on the window. I rolled it down.

"You and I? We need to talk. Call me when you get home."

"What's going on PG?"

"Nothing. Just want to talk that's all." I didn't fully believe her.

"Ok… Now what's really up?" I eyed her suspiciously. She sighed.

"Ughhhhhh I want to talk to you about Reid." My defenses shot up almost instantly.

"There's nothing to talk about." I started to roll up the window when Garcia shot her hand in and unlocked the door before the window closed. She entered my car and I groaned.

"Come on out with it."

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"What's got you so upset?"

"I don't know what you mean."

"God you guys are so frustrating sometimes! I may not be a profiler but I could definitely see that there's something wrong with you right now. And the only time I've seen you so upset it's about a buy. So what's got your a riled up."

"You need to be a profiler. Nothing's wrong PG. It's obvious that Reid chose JJ and I just need time to get over it."

"So that's it? You're just letting him go?"

"PG I was only fooling myself. Reid doesn't love me. He never would. I'm much older than him and I never had the relationship that he and JJ had. JJ was and always will be a better match for him."

"I never knew Emily Prentiss to be a quitter. Especially over a man he loves."

"What?! Where did you hear that?"

"Oh please. It was so obvious to tell. The way you always acted with him. JJ had a close relationship with Reid yes but you were the only one who always understood him. You guys are both nerds and both love the same things. JJ and Reid will always be close, but YOU were the one meant for Reid." I felt the heat rise up in my cheeks.

"You really think so?"

"Oh honey. I know so."

"Thanks Garcia."

"No problem. You need anything else you call me. Understand? I have to go in and take care of JJ now, drive home safely."

"Always." I could barely concentrate on the road home. Was Garcia right? Was I really meant for him? I arrived at my house still deep in thought. Should I go talk to him? I looked at the clock and realized that it was late. He probably didn't even want to talk about his feelings right now. He did just almost die. I decided I would go talk to him tomorrow and started my nightly routine. I crawled into bed and laid there, thinking of Reid, as I slowly drifted to sleep.

Reid's POV

Morgan and I finally arrived at my house and we both silently got ready for bed. My thoughts ran between Emily and JJ. Emily... Her smile, all the cases we worked together in, our time-stopping kiss... There was everything to love about her. Plus she was the only one who was almost as big of a nerd as I was and after losing her once, I couldn't bear the thought of losing her again.. Then my thoughts raced with JJ. I'd liked her from the moment I'd met her. Her dazzling blue eyes that shined as brightly as any star, her contagious laugh, her caring soul. Our date and our magical kiss. But tonight it had felt different. Almost as if that magic had disappeared. I finished getting ready as I crawled into bed, my thoughts racing back and forth between Emily Prentiss and Jennifer Jareau.

Reid's Dream

I was walking along a trail talking to JJ about a man she had met in New Orleans and I couldn't feel any happier for her. She was happy and in love. Then the scenery changed and I was walking along a different path with Emily. She too had met a man, but instead of happiness, I felt jealousy. Why had Emily not chosen me. I felt sadness building up inside me as I knew I had lost her. As soon as I was going to say something back she was gone and I was in a new place with two roads. One led to Emily and another to JJ. Before any other thought occurred I was off and running towards Emily. I couldn't lose her. Not again.

Reid's POV

I bolted from bed and grabbed my wallet and car keys. I started to run towards the door when I heard Morgan ruffle awake.

"Reid? Reid where are you going?!"

"Emily's!" I yelled back not caring who I woke as my feet thundered across the floor as I ran.

Emily's POV

I slowly woke to pounding on my door. Who was here this late? I thought. I grabbed my gun as I slowly inched towards my door. The pounding continued.

"Who is it?"

"It's Reid!" What was he doing here right now? I put my gone down and opened my door.

"Reid? Wha…" I didn't have a chance to complete my question. I felt him pick me up and felt his soft lips on mine. I slowly melted into his arms as he broke the kiss and set me down.

"I choose you. My God Emily I can't lose you again. I need you to be in my life. You're the most beautiful person I've ever met and I don't think I could live without you. Emily Prentiss. I love you." I felt my cheeks heat up and my heart burst with joy with his confession.

"Spencer Reid… I. Love. You. Too." I felt him pick me up again as we started another kiss. At that moment, I couldn't have been any luckier.

6 years later (Third Person)

Reid stood there in his suit watching as his soon-to-be wife walked down the aisle. The ceremony commenced and there wasn't a more perfect couple at that moment.

"Do you, Spencer Reid, take Emily Prentiss to be your wife, to cherish in friendship and love today, tomorrow, and for as long as the two of you live, to trust and honor her, to love her faithfully, through the best and the worst, whatever may come, and if you should ever doubt, to remember your love for each other and the reason why you came together with her this day?"

"I do"

"Do you, Emily Prentiss, take Spencer Reid to be your husband, to cherish in friendship and love today, tomorrow and for as long as the two of you live, to trust and honor him, to love him faithfully, through the best and the worst, whatever may come, and if you should ever doubt, to remember your love for each other and the reason why you came together with him this day?"

"I do"

"Then with the power power invested in me I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride." Reid leaned in and captured Emily's lips as the friends and family cheered.


Reid stood at the corner watching Emily talk with the girls as the boys came over. Hotch was the first to speak.

"Congratulations Reid. I'm happy for you. You know now that you and Prentiss are married we'd be happy to have you back in the BAU any way we can. I'm sure I can talk the section chief to giving you a spot. "

"Thank you for the congratulations. But no thank you to the job offer. I like teaching to new cadets."

"I respect your decision. Just don't hesitate to call. I can pull the right strings." Then it was Morgan.

"That's my boy. Congrats man. I'm proud." Reid blushed. Before Rossi could speak Garcia and JJ came running over. JJ beat Garcia to it.

"I'm so happy for you Spence! I can't believe that two of my best friends got together!" JJ was called over by her husband. She had met a guy named Will a year after Emily and Reid had started to date. They had gotten married two years later. Garcia spoke next.

"I knew you guys would end up together! You guys were just too perfect for each other not to." She squealed as she gave Reid a bear hug. She then ran back to Emily. Everybody had started to return to their tables except Reid and Rossi. Reid continued to watch Emily when Rossi started to talk.

"I'm glad you guys are finally married. It took you long enough to drop the question."

"Yeah me too. It was one hell of a roller coaster but I'm glad it's finally over." Rossi laughed as Reid looked over to him questioningly. "What?"

"Oh Reid, the roller coaster has just begun." Rossi replied as he patted Reid on the shoulder before returning to his table.

3 months later.

"Emily? Are you coming down for lunch?"Reid called out.

"Yeah I'll be there in a second." She called back. She looked down at the pregnancy test she had taken. She walked down the stairs and into the kitchen.


"Hmmm?" He asked as he looked over.

"I'm pregnant…" Reid's face turned from shock to joy as he ran over and picked her up spinning her around while laughing.

"This is great!" She joined him in his laughter as he set her down. After years of trying and failing, they were finally going to be a family.

Alright! Finally completed. I hope you guys are satisfied with how the ending was! Leave a review and let me know. I'm getting some ideas for a new story so look for that soon. Thanks for sticking with it guys!