Kuroko blinked at Aomine, slowly. Then again. And again. Until the taller male couldn't take it any longer. "Dammit, Tetsu, say something!"

Kuroko sighed. "I'm happy for you, Aomine."

"Then why do you look like I've destroyed everything you love?"

"I'm sorry, I don't mean to. It's just... Do I really have to go?"

Aomine grimaced, fury rising within him. "Oi, of course you have to come! It's a party for everyone to get to know each other better. How would it look if my best friend didn't show up?" Kuroko sighed again. "And besides," the tan man continued, "you haven't even met Ryouta yet."

"Yes, and I would love to meet him, but I have already met Akashi!"

Aomine rolled his eyes. "Look, I don't know the guy, but from what Ryouta's told me, he's not that bad."

"Not that bad?" Kuroko laughed, "He's awful! How your new boyfriend can stand him, I'll never know."

Aomine ran a hand over his face. "Please, Tetsu," he mumbled, "this would mean so much to me."

Kuroko wanted to tell his friend to fuck off, but he couldn't. He cared for him too much. "Fine," he pouted, "I'll be there."

He'd put up with "The Terrible Akashi Seijuro" for one day. But only for Aomine.


"Eeeee, Akashi-cchi~ It's gonna be so great~"

Akashi turned a blank gaze to Kise as the blond jumped around the room, making sure everything was in place for the party tonight. "If you say so," he muttered before turning back to a muted basketball game playing on the television.

"Ne, Akashi-cchi, Daiki-cchi said you and one of his friends have already met."

"Oh? Who would that be?"

"Hm, Kuroko Tetsuya, I think?"

Akashi's breath dispersed from his lips, and he suddenly felt very lightheaded. He quickly managed to compose himself and shrugged. "Doesn't ring a bell."

Kise blinked and frowned softly. "Oh... Well either way, I'm sure he'll be here tonight~"

Akashi grit his teeth, but otherwise showed no emotion. Standing to his feet, he made his way to the door. "I'll go get some desserts for tonight."

"Oh, Akashi-cchi, that's not necessary! Murasakibara-cchi is bringing plenty~"

"Yeah, for himself," he said as he swiftly ducked out of the apartment. He let out a deep sigh, rubbing the back of his neck as he walked to the nearest store. "Kuroko, hm?"


Everyone had arrived at Kise and Aomine's party by 9:30. Everyone, but Kuroko. Kise frowned as he combed through the crowd, searching for the boy he'd only seen in pictures. "Daiki-cchi, is he not coming?"

Aomine wrapped an arm around the blond. "He'll be here. He gave me his word."

Kise nodded, but the worry never left his eyes. Aomine frowned as he glared at the door, waiting for Kuroko to step through as he'd promised. If he didn't, Aomine would have his head.

On the other side of the room, Akashi sat with Murasakibara, "guarding" the snacks. "Ne, Aka-chin," the giant said, "do you think Ao-chin's friend will show?"

Akashi shrugged. "How should I know."

Murasakibara's brows furrowed slightly. "I thought you were absolute, Aka-chin."

"Yes, but I don't know this guy."

Murasakibara opened his mouth to further the conversation, but Akashi held a rice cake to his mouth, silencing the ever-hungry walking sweet tooth. A small sigh escaped the redhead's lips before he noticed the door opening. He felt as though his lungs had abandoned him as he stared at an older version of the Kuroko he'd once known.

Kise squealed in delight at the sight of the boy. "Daiki-cchi, introduce me!"

Aomine smiled, relief washing over him, as he nodded and lead the way over to the smaller bluenette. "Tetsu, this is Kise Ryouta. Ryouta, this is Kuroko Tetsuya."

Before Kuroko could respond, Kise had wrapped him in a tight hug. "Ah, Kuroko-cchi! I've heard so much about you!"

Kuroko smiled and nodded. "And I, you," he said softly.

Kise stared admirably at the young man for a long moment before he remembered something. "Oh! Akashi-cchi, come here!" he called.

Kise's smile grew wider, whilst Kuroko's faded somewhat. Akashi approached calmly, though his heart was beating frantically within his chest.

"Oh, you must be Kuroko Tetsuya," he said, brilliantly masking his unease. "I'm Akashi Seijuro."

Kuroko blinked.


"Eh, I know. We've met."

Akashi tilted his head in mock confusion. "Have we? I do apologize then."

Rage was suddenly boiling within Kuroko's veins, though he couldn't quite place why. 'This is a joke right?'

Aomine, sensing the tension from Kuroko, quickly stepped between the two, clapping a hand on his friend's back. "ALright, well let's get this party started!"

Akashi offered a small, insincere smile and turned to follow Kise to mingle with other guests. Aomine turned to face Kuroko, a serious look now on his face. "Are you okay?"

Kuroko scoffed. "Why wouldn't I be okay? So he doesn't remember me, big whoop."

Aomine could tell he was lying, but he didn't push him. "Come on, Satsuki wants to see you."


Kuroko awoke the next morning with a cotton-dry mouth and a pounding headache. After blinking away the sleep, it still took a moment for him to realize he was still at Kise's. Groaning, he pushed himself off the futon he didn't remember lying on and stumbled toward the kitchen, where he heard Kise's energetic hums and the sound of boiling tea.

The blond instantly noticed him come in and laughed to himself. "Ah, your bedhead looks just like Akashi-cchi's~" he sang, motioning to the bar on the other side of the room. Kuroko turned his sleepy gaze to an obviously exhausted Akashi. The redhead rested his head upon one arm as the otehr dangled toward the floor. His eyes were rimmed with dark circles, and Kise was right. His hair was as ridiculous as Kuroko's.

Kuroko was too tired to care about the redhead, though, and he made his way over to find a seat beside him. "you seem cheery, Kise," hemumbled.

Kise grinned. "I am~ Last night went so well! And it was also the first time Daiki-cchi stayed the whole night~"

Kuroko smiled weakly. "I'm happy for you two."

Kise's eyes suddenly widened as he stared at Kuroko in silence for a long moment. "Oh, Kuroko-cchi, you have no idea how happy it makes me to hear you say that!"

Akashi took that moment to pipe up, though he never lifted his head. "Did you even sleep last night, Ryouta?"

"Why would you ask that? Kise asked as he poured four cups of tea.

"Well, knowing you, and Daiki, I figured you'd be pounding into one another all night."

Kise fumbled and spilt tea all over the counter. "Akashi-cchi!" he whined, running to find a towel and clean the mess before it became a river of wasted tea. Akashi's lips turned upward ever so slightly as the trio heard footsteps padding down the hall.

Aomine stepped in to see a doll-like Akashi, zombie Kuroko, and a flustered Kise, who still had a rather prominent blush covering his cheeks. Aomine blinked. "Oi, what'd I miss?"

Kuroko bowed his thanks to Kise as the blond gave him his tea. "Akashi asked Kise if the two of you were fornicating last night."

Kise jumped and dropped Akashi's tea to the floor, his blush deepening. "Kuroko-cchi!"

Aomine blinked and sat beside the smaller bluenette. "Well duh," he said simply, pulling a squeak out of the blond.


Aomine looked at him with wide, innocent eyes. "What? Was it a secret?"

"Well, n-no, I-"

"Then it's fine babe. You don't have to be so uptight."

Kise sighed and put on a smile, trying to force his blush away. "Right," he said as he made another cup of tea for Akashi, "We're all friends here."

Kuroko was too tired to notice, but at that moment, Akashi stole a glance toward him.