Hi guys! This is my first instalment for this set of drabbles. I have had some rather bad news this morning so this probably isn't up to my usual quality, but it made me smile, and I hope it makes you smile too! :)

disclaimer: none of these characters are mine, they all belong to the amazing J.K Rowling.

It had been several months now since the end of the Great Wizarding War. Voldemort had been killed by a group of highly skilled wizards from the Order of the Phoenix, and thus the world (Wizarding and Muggle) had been released from his clutches. At first the reaction had been slow, people not quite ready to believe he was gone. There were parties on the night Voldemort died for sure, but people still held onto that element of fear. Therefore, though they were celebrating and dancing, drinking away at their firewhisky and butterbeer, the very next day many refused to leave their house. James and Lily had decided to stay inside for a few more days, hugging Harry tightly. Their friends had come to visit during the celebration, Sirius lugging a brand new present for baby Harry, with Remus and Peter trailing behind.

That was several months back though. Now was quite different. James and Lily often left the house now, with baby Harry toddling around with them. They'd go to visit Sirius and Remus at their flat or to Peter at his mother's. Everything appeared back to normal, James would still sneak off in the dead of night to be with Remus during his transformations, and Sirius would still come over to the Potters at the oddest times in the day.

Today, the Potters found themselves inside a muggle fast food restaurant with Remus, Sirius and Peter. Lily laughed hysterically as James struggled to find the appropriate muggle money, cackling as he pulled out a twenty pound note rather than a fiver.

'I don't understand… why can't they just use coins?' James asked, looking down at the papers darkly as they settled down with their food.

'They have the numbers on the notes James!' Lily responded, laughing fondly.

Lily leant over the table slightly to wipe away at the ketchup smearing Harry's face as James changed the topic of conversation by asking about Peter's new job at a muggle organisation.

'All I'm saying is that why do you want to work in the animal protection, Pete? There are plenty of cooler jobs to do. What about quidditch huh? I hear that's a good job to do!'

At this the other members sitting at the table groaned in unison, Lily shaking her head as she muttered to Harry about daddy's bragging again. Peter gave a mock glare at James before he stuffed a chip into his mouth and explained to James how he'd make far more of a change to the world in the muggle's animal protection office than any job in the wizarding world.

They had been sitting there a while, Lily having given Harry over to Sirius who was bouncing the two year old on his knee, when the thing happened. James had been talking animatedly about the toy broomstick Sirius had given Harry for his first birthday which had nearly knocked the cat out of the window! He was so proud of his little baby, talking excitedly about how he'll be a great quidditch player when he's older.

Rolling her eyes, Lily gave a mock stern look at Sirius, 'next time you wish to get Harry a broom, could you possibly wait until we get a garden large enough?'

As Sirius opened his mouth to respond a rather small little girl appeared at the edge of the table. She looked to be around 6 years old, with choppy blonde hair that was pulled back into two pigtails. She looked up at them hopefully and giving them a wide toothy grin she opened her mouth to speak.

'Are you in the Order of the Phoenix?' she asked, speaking with a slight lisp, 'my mum said that the people in her photo were in the Order and you look like you were in the photo. So…. Are you?'

'We were, yes,' Lily responded giving the girl a warm smile.

'Who's your mother?' Remus asked curiously, having met most of the children of members from the order.

'My mum's name is Dorcas, are you Misser Lupin?' She asked, turning round to face him excitedly.

Remus responded awkwardly that yes, he was in fact 'misser Lupin'. He tilted his head at Sirius as if to question why he was the one being singled out. Surely if someone was excited to meet someone for the order they'd want to meet the man who drove the magical motorbike and was present at the killing of Lord Voldemort himself?

The little girl grinned widely, 'thank you for showing people werewolves can be good too!' she said.

At that she rushed in to give Remus a tight hug before grinning at the rest of the group and skipping back to her mother.

As Remus sat there in shock with James and Sirius snorting in the background trying to contain their laughter, and Lily looking at Remus with a knowing smile Peter noted the several bags Dorcas was holding from the chocolate shop, and the rather unusually pale skin of the little girl.

Thank you for reading! :) Please comment, criticism is welcome.