So, I've decided to make this into a mini-series thing. I'm not sure how many chapters there will be or if there will be any kind of story arc, but I guess we'll just have to see where it goes

I apologize in advance if this randomly just cuts off and stops getting updated

Dipper shifted his feet as he stood in the elevator next to his Great Uncle Ford, who was being quiet and serious. Dipper didn't blame him, after the incident with Bill he was pretty uneasy too. The difference was that Dipper wasn't hiding his nervousness while Ford was doing it like a pro. Dipper figured it must come with practice. The door opened and the two of them stepped into the lab, Dipper tensing a little.

Ford walked over towards a case on the desk. Dipper followed behind him, standing by the wooden chair he was sure he'd be sitting in within a few moments. Ford opened the case and pulled out what was inside, holding it carefully in his six fingered hands. Dipper's left hand gripped the back of the chair painfully tight when he saw the tool in Ford's hands, the one was was going to etch a permanent symbol on his back to keep Bill from possessing him again or taking control of his mind in any way.

"A-Are you sure this is r-really necessary?" Dipper asked nervously, mentally cursing himself as he stuttered. Ford paused a moment and turned to look at Dipper, his expression one of sympathy. He set the tool down and crouched in front of the child, placing a large hand on his shoulder.

"Yes, Dipper, I'm afraid it is," he said gently. Dipper nodded and looked away, biting his lip. "It'll be over before you know it, ok? I promise." Dipper gave a weak, trusting smile and Ford stood. "I'm almost done getting it ready, take your shirt off." Dipper hesitated but did as he was told, hanging his shirt over the back of the wooden chair. "Sit on it backwards so I can get at your shoulder." Dipper swallowed and didn't move at first, though Ford seemed to not notice. That or he was giving Dipper his time. Either way he was grateful. Dipper took in a deep breath and sat down, his arms slung over the back of the chair

"My parents will not like this," he mumbled into the back of the seat. Ford laughed a little and Dipper smiled. It certainly was going to be interesting going home and trying to hide a tattoo. At least it was on his shoulder, all he had to do was avoid wearing sleeveless tops and find some excuse not to go swimming. Ok, so it wasn't going to be easy. He'd figure it out later.

"Put this in your mouth." Dipper glanced over as Ford held out a small strip of leather. Confused he took it from him and looked it over. "It's to help you not hurt your teeth." Dipper swallowed. Oh. He placed the strip between his teeth. It tasted funny but he figured that was probably normal. He felt a large hand place itself in the middle of his back and Dipper took in a sharp breath. "You ready?" Dipper hesitated but nodded. He was as ready as he was ever going to be.

Ford muttered something, Dipper thought it might have been an apology, but whatever it had been was lost on him as a searing paint shout through his shoulder. He squealed in pain and surprise, his body shuddering as he forced himself to sit still, he didn't want to mess Ford up. Dipper squeezed his eyes shut tight and started to recite certain parts from the journal he had memorized, his teeth digging into the leather strip. Dipper felt his eyes sting with tears and though he tried to stop them they just kept coming, streaming down his cheeks from the pain in his back.

The needle was moving painfully slow and even though Dipper knew it was because this symbol had to be exact he still hated it, this was going to take way longer than he would have liked. Was it over yet? Dipper must have said this out loud because Ford responded with a saddened 'no'. Dipper whimpered and bit harder into the leather between his teeth, as though that would somehow take the pain away. It didn't of course, but it was worth a try.

After what felt like forever the needle finally moved away and Dipper felt like he could breathe properly. He removed the leather from his mouth, shivering when he felt Ford blow on the new tattoo. Ford placed a hand on the plain shoulder and gave a soft pat before going to put the tool away. Dipper suck in a breath through his nose and let it out through his mouth.

"You did good," Ford praised, clasping the case shut. Dipper managed a weak smile, reaching up and wiping away tears in what he hoped was a subtle way. Dipper got to his feet and tossed the strip onto the desk. "Wait to put your shirt on for a bit, it'll hurt. And whatever you do, don't itch it, you can pick the ink out." Dipper nodded and twisted to try and get a good look at it, but it didn't really work. "Come 'ere."

Dipper squealed in surprise as Ford picked him up and set him on the desk, back towards the window. He rummaged through a drawer and pulled out a small mirror, holding it up so the Dipper could see the reflection in the window behind him. The skin around the tattoo was an angry red, making Dipper wince a little at the sight, but the tattoo itself was oddly familiar.

"Well, you match Stan, now," Ford said with a chuckle, though it was a little pained as he set the mirror down. Dipper blinked and stared at Ford. "Sort of." Dipper watched as Ford put the case away and helped Dipper off the desk. "Here's your shirt, go upstairs and I'll see you at dinner tonight." Dipper wanted to ask questions but he had the strangest feeling he would be overstepping some serious bounds if he did. So, he took his shirt with a smile and buried the questions down

"Ok, thanks Great Uncle Ford," Dipper said gratefully. "See you tonight." Reluctantly, Dipper headed for the elevator and hit the three button, watching as the door closed before he was taken upstairs. He matched Stan? Was this the same tattoo Stan had on his shoulder? And why had Ford sounded so sad? The elevator opened and Dipper sighed as he headed up the stairs. He may never know...

And that's a wrap!

Thanks for reading, please review and have a bow chicka bow wow day~

Petchricor, QotG, signing off ;)