A Dreadful Year

Chapter Four: Encounters

Hermione entered the Great Hall with Neville through the door behind the staff table just as the students were beginning to fill in. Remembering she was the youngest professor at the table (after all Neville still had one year left of his apprenticeship), she tried her best to look mature and at ease. The colour charm in her outer robes had worn off around noon – thankfully or I would have killed George – and Neville had tamed her short curls with a handy charm she had learnt in Auror training to keep it from falling over her eyes. Taking a seat next to Minerva, she noticed that the seat between the Headmistress and Neville was empty and wondered where the Potions Master was. Maybe he is bringing in the first years… but that doesn't makes sense, isn't Filius the Deputy? She stared at the Charm's professor who was chatting amicably with George without a care in the world.

Almost as if she had read her thoughts, Minerva whispered "after the two times that Filius did bring the first year students, Severus offered to take his place in this particular task and has been doing so for the last five years".

"In exchange for what? Hogsmeade trips supervision?" Hermione asked remembering how contemptuous her former professor had seemed when the topic was covered in the staff meeting.

"No, he didn't ask anything in exchange" Minerva answered naturally before chuckling at Hermione's surprised look. "He isn't a selfish person Hermione and he cares about Filius a lot".

As in queue, the double doors to the Great Hall banged open and Snape strode in with a terrified and amazed row of eleven year olds. The Great Hall fell silent and, once he had reached the stairs that went up the dais where the staff table was located, Snape stopped and turned to look at Minerva. Clearing her throat, the Headmistress' demeanour changed to what Hermione remembered as her no-nonsense attitude and she stood up casting a quick spell to amplify her voice.

"Welcome to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. As Professor Snape has told you, once you are sorted you will be expected to bring pride to your House and participate in the competition for points against the other Houses. However, while House unity is important, never forget that this competition is friendly and that you will be able – and certainly encouraged - to make inter-House relationships as well. Before we proceed with the sorting, I want you all to remember, especially the youngest ones and those who are about to be sorted, the price we paid during the war against Voldemort for our lack of unity as a society. Bear in mind that, above everything else, your fellow classmates are your equals, regardless of their family or their House."

The Headmistress's words were received in a respectful silence and, with a gesture of her hand, she sat again as Snape stepped on the dais and started reading a list of names. Hermione clapped respectfully as each and every student was sorted, noticing that up to the 'L' there had been no student sorted into Slytherin yet. So much for Minerva taking the place of the Sorting Hat's speech.

"Leanus, Deborah". A little blond girl stepped forward and accepted the hat Professor Snape was handing to her with an indifferent look to his face.

"Slytherin!" cheers from the far end table met the hat's declaration for the first time in the night and the little girl went their way with head held high if shoulders somewhat hunched. The first Slytherin. Looking at the quickly diminishing row of first years, Hermione hoped for her sake that she wasn't the only one.

After a few minutes, the Sorting ended and, as soon as Snape took his seat at the staff table, dinner appeared in every plate and merry conversations erupted along the noises of silverware throughout the Great Hall. Instead on participating in the conversations at the table, Hermione took the time to look at the House tables while she chewed quietly her food. Neville was right, demographic levels are at the lowest. 3 Gryffindors, 2 Ravenclaws, 4 Hufflepuffs and only 1 Slytherin… just 10 students for this year. During her own time at Hogwarts, each house had had at least 8 members per year. Noticing that the older generations were a bit closer to that range, she started counting down as she realised the diminishing pattern. It gets worse with younger generations; the second years are barely three students more than this year.

Once again, Minerva's voice interrupted her musings answering the question she hadn't asked. "As we get closer to the younger generations who fought Voldemort the fewer students we get" looking suddenly tired she asked a question Hermione herself have been pondering. "Hermione, how many of your fellow classmates have offspring already?" Belatedly, Hermione realized those sitting nearer were staring expectantly at her and she counted quickly on her head.

Harry and Ginny; Padma; Malfoy and Parkinson; Hannah and Zabini; Ernie … "Just eight of them and there are three couples among them so…" Hermione answered with a dismay reflected on most of the faces looking back at her.

"And if I'm correct even the eldest, Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy son, still has another 5 years left to attend Hogwarts… if Hogwarts still exist that is. If we don't find a way to make the school attractive for wizarding families abroad, I am afraid we will have to close in a few years" Minerva stated gravely. The rest of the staff carried on with their own conversations as this conclusion was no foreign for them with, perhaps, the exception of George.

Hermione filed this worrying information for later and turned her attention back to her dinner, not wanting to engage in conversation with the person to her right, the overzealous Muggle Studies professor that was looking too frequently at her for her own comfort. Almost an hour later, dinner was finally over and Hermione waited dutifully on her seat for Madam Hooch, who had requested a word with her earlier.

"Miss Gr- my apologies, Professor Granger. How are you this evening? Would you walk with me?" Rolanda Hooch finally approached her when the prefects had gathered the students in groups and were taking them to their respective dormitories. "After all, our quarters are in the same floor" Hermione stood up nodding her agreement with a smile and both exited the Great Hall through the staff door.

Walking down the passageway that would lead them to the stairs in the second floor, Rolanda finally revealed her intentions. "As Minerva must have told you, I was appointed Head of Gryffindor when she became Headmistress. While I like children, the truth is I just agreed because I thought that soon a more willing professor would join the staff. Yet, 6 years have gone by and I find myself still in the position" assessing Hermione's reaction, Rolanda stopped in the third floor corridor knowing they would have to part ways. "Professor Granger… Hermione, would you like to step into this role next year? Please think about it as there are several preparations that must be made and you will need to become better acquainted with the students from sixth year and under." Not waiting for her answer, Rolanda Hooch bid her a good night and disappeared at the closest turn.

Hermione entered her quarters pondering Rolanda's request. She had thought it odd when Madam Hooch had asked to speak with her. While she had always had a deep respect for all her former professors – even Sybill Trelawney to some extent – she wasn't close to Madam Hooch. Having dropped her flying lessons before her first year was over and not being a Quidditch fan herself, their relationship had been cordial at best. Head of Gryffindor huh? It would certainly be interesting. What do Heads do anyway? Yawning, Hermione remembered she had her first class with the seventh years the day after and decided to call it a day.

The next day, Hermione headed to her classroom as soon as lunch was over even though she wouldn't meet her students until the last period. Now, where's that list Minerva gave me? Sitting down behind the teacher's desk, she found the list in the binder her ever-organized-self had created during the staff meeting. Seventh and sixth years are the only ones that still have enough students to take classes divided which means I will have… Slytherin and Gryffindor together. Great. Hermione started memorizing their names and faces with a sense of dread. If this generation was anything like hers, she was going to need serious shield charms even before the duel part of the class started. Unless…

Acting on an idea she had often thought would have been helpful during her schooldays, Hermione started arranging her classroom in a semicircle facing her. When she was done, after testing her magic carefully, she charmed the chairs' ears with House colours in a way that would prevent the students taking a seat only with those of their House. Smiling at her work, Hermione retreated to her desk where she opened the class book to bide her time while the students arrived.

She had just felt her tempus charm telling her the fifth period had just ended when a silvery mist caught her eye. Closing her book, she turned to the doe Patronus and heard the voice of the feared Potions Master.

"Professor Granger, I'm afraid you will have to reschedule your class with the Gryffindor seventh years as they have all managed to land themselves in detention by accidentally destroying my classroom. What a shame. Have a good time with my Slytherins".

Hermione's expression turned from shocked to fuming when the doe disappeared. How dare he ruin my presentation! He will not get away with this! However, just as she was gathering her things to head for the dungeons, approaching steps stopped her in her tracks and she realized the seventh year Slytherins were coming to the classroom. I will deal with him later.

Surprisingly, her first class went smoothly enough. Even though she was met with some sceptic remarks by the boldest Slytherins, by the end of the class all of them seemed to respect her and a few of them even bid her a quick goodbye before going out of the door. Now, Hermione was taking the stairs that led down to the dungeons to have a talk with the Potions Master and even though her somewhat successful class had abated her anger, she was still furious with the Head of Slytherin.

"I still don't know what happened. If I didn't know better, I'd say Snape ruined my potion to keep us from going to DADA." A female voice around the corner stopped Hermione on her tracks and she quickly hid on an alcove to her left. First day back and I'm already hiding from students and listening to conversations… I blame this on that dreadful man.

"I don't know Mich, what would be his purpose for doing so?" What would be indeed? "Do you think the new professor will duck us many points for missing her class?"

"Or worse! Maybe she already spoke to the Slytherins about her role in the War and she won't repeat it to us." A third voice added so woefully that Hermione had to smile in spite of her annoyance at the thought. In fact, she hadn't answered any questions on the matter and wouldn't be doing so unless she saw any practical use for it.

"Whatever it was" the voice Hermione had identified as 'Mich' – must be Michelle White – continued "we missed her first class. Come one, let's get to the Great Hall before we miss dinner as well". As the three girls got hurriedly past her, Hermione continued her way thinking how she would be doing her presentation to the Gryffindor seventh years before next class, which was scheduled for Wednesday morning. Reaching the door to the Potions Master office, Hermione knocked hard on and opened it letting herself inside before he would say his typical 'enter'.

"Professor Granger, to what do I owe this pleasure?" Snape was staring at her nonchalantly behind his empty desk. He had been clearly expecting her as he wasn't even pretending to be busy and regarded her curiously with his arms crossed.

"You are perfectly aware why I am here Professor Snape!" Hermione spat walking towards him getting angrier by the minute. When she reached the other end of his desk, he stood up and raised his eyebrow in response, not even acknowledging the way she had mirrored his intonation.

"Indeed I am not. Perhaps you got lost on your way to dinner? Though one may think it difficult seeing as how you just left yesterday" Snape returned mockingly while going around the desk to stand in front of her.

"You ruined a student's potion on purpose to thwart my presentation!"

"I did not do such thing. Gryffindor's, as you may recall, are quite able to destroy potions by themselves."

"Yes you did! I even know that it was Miss. White's potion!" Hermione shot back with triumph seeing his mocking posture stiffen.

"Do not presume to know what happens in my classroom Granger!"

"So it's not even professor is it?"

"You are still an annoying child to me Granger" Snape shot back disdainfully. "Look at you, you can't even come in here without proper control of your emotions. When you learn to behave like an adult I may reconsider the address." Curling his upper lip smugly, Snape turned around to leave her there when he heard her mutter bitterly.

"As opposed to you then? Going all theatrical on me again to run away as a coward child!" Hermione eyed wide open how quickly Snape turned to her and closed the distance between themselves grabbing both her wrists to hold them at her shoulders.

"Remember your place Miss Gr-!"

"I am not your student anymore Snape!" Hermione shouted at last refusing to be intimidated by the man.

Both stood silently breathing hard without either of them daring to look down. Snape still held her wrists and Hermione seemed to notice for the first time how close their bodies were. Somehow, during the shouting row they had just had, he had cornered her against his desk, and now she began to feel overwhelmed by his height and muscled frame. A heavy – but not entirely unpleasant – mixture of herbs invaded her nostrils and a weird feeling below her navel began to stir. Suddenly, a dark shadow Hermione couldn't name crossed Snape's face and he released her wrists quickly. Backing away a few steps and nodding stiffly at her, he turned to go before adding over his shoulder.

"My apologies, Professor Granger". With that, the black clad back disappeared through the door leaving a breathless and utterly confused Hermione.

Neville was doing his night rounds through the castle when he spotted George Weasley sitting perilously on the edge of the Astronomy Tower. Careful to let his presence known as to not disturb the equilibrium of the other man, Neville cleared his throat a couple of times before walking to his side.

"Hey there George." The other man acknowledged his presence with a quick nod in his direction without his usual exuberance and Neville, more than a little worried, took a seat at his side carefully avoiding looking down before he asked him quietly "you okay?"

After a long silence in which Neville was almost convinced he wasn't going to receive an answer, George sighed. "I… I miss him… so much."

There was no need to ask who 'him'was. Everyone knew that Fred's death was harder for George than for any other member in the family, even kind and sympathetic Molly Weasley, so Neville waited silently for him to continue. Eventually, George added "he was fond of coming here to plan our pranks. He would jump up here and pace from one side to another until he got-" seeing the terrified look Neville was sending his way as he imagined Fred pacing on the border George quickly reassured him. "Relax Neville, the castle would never have allowed Fred to fall down, he likes… liked him". At Neville's frown of confusion, George suddenly stood up on the edge and let himself fall forward.

"George!" Neville shrieked falling backwards and scrambling to his feet almost too terrified to look down.

"Back here." George's voice at his back made him turn his neck so fast he was sure he had heard something snap.

"You are an idiot!" Neville's face was regaining some colour as he saw George alive and well sitting on a nook a little above him. Then, magically, the sombre look on George's face lifted and he rolled to the floor laughing his head off. Though he was still shaken from the stunt George had just pulled, Neville smiled seeing his friend return to his old self. At least this time he's laughing authentically. Waiting for George to regain his composure as he got closer, Neville didn't hear the sound of swishing robes to their right nor did he remember this was the place he usually waited for Severus to do their Monday rounds together (the very same reason he had come here in the first place).

As a well-concealed shadow regarded their exchange, Neville gave George his right hand to get him up the floor. With a wicked grin Neville saw too late, George grabbed the offered hand and pulled him down next to him. Neville turned beet red immediately, cursing silently for the bright light the full moon poured upon them. Thankfully, George was too busy laughing his head off again to notice and, getting up to his feet, he helped up Neville this time. With a shy 'thanks', Neville suggested they went back inside as he had rounds to finish and they departed.

Behind them, a deep voice declared dramatically to the night. "So, he fancies the redhead. Let's see how he likes a bit of interfering 'for his sake'."