AN: Warning: Graphic description of gore.


On with the tale!


He was running like hell.

He didn't know why, but he knew he had to get somewhere, and fast. So much hung in the balance, but he didn't know quite what. All he knew was that he had to get to it.

He rounded the corner, and saw something he had hoped he would never see.

His baby girl, Frigga, dead on the floor.

And beside her was the corpse of her mother.

Loki Stark laid dead on the floor. His legs were bent at unnatural angles. His stomach had been cut open, all his organs spilled out on the floor. His heart was all the way across the room. But his face was the worst.

His pale face had been skinned clean off. His eyes had been gouged out. His nose had been cut off. And his lips?

They were sewn shut.

There was a shadow looming over Loki's corpse. It was about ten feet tall. It turned towards him-

Tony Stark woke with a start.

"It's just a dream, it's just a dream, It's just a dream…"

"What's just a dream?"

Tony jumped and turned around. Standing in the doorway was his husband, Loki. It took everything Tony had not to imagine him without a face, eyes, or nose. even then it wasn't enough.

"Nothing, gorgeous. It was just a nightmare. Where's Frigga?"

"Thor is watching her. As much as I hate to admit it, our daughter is in good hands. Now don't think I don't recognise a subject change. What was it about?"

Tony sighed. He could never get away with anything. Then again, this was the unofficial god of lies, after all.

Yes, unofficial. Early in their relationship, Tony discovered that the Aesir aren't given their godships at birth. They're given to them when they reach a certain age, depending on their forte's. Loki is the god of Mischief, Chaos, and Fire, as well as a patron of Magic. The part about Lies was added into the myths because of his skill at making and detecting them, but was never actually made one of his official titles.

"You and Frigga were dead. It… It wasn't pretty."

Loki gave him a sympathetic look. They were both used to the nightmares. Loki's were from his time in the void, Tony's were from his time in Afghanistan. But things were far different than they were back then. Now, they had something to lose.

Loki walked up to him, pulled him up, and kissed him full on the lips. When they pulled away, they were both gasping for air.

"Darling, it's late. You haven't slept properly in a week. Just come to bed."

Tony nodded. He was in the middle of a project that he really needed to finish, but he could never deny Loki anything. As cheesy as it was, the trickster was his kryptonite. So, he allowed his raven haired husband to drag him to their bedroom on the top floor. They passed Thor, who had just put Friggs to bed for the night. Loki nodded his thanks, and Thor smiled. It was good to see that their relationship had been repaired in the last decade.

Asgard (and everyone who did not live in Avengers Tower or have a clearance level ten in SHIELD) was under the impression that Loki had been executed. Thor was the only one who knew any differently. Even Heimdall, who was supposed to be able to see all, was unaware of Loki's continued existence. They would have told Frigga, (The queen of Asgard, not her granddaughter and namesake) but she was unfortunately killed by Malekith before they got the chance. Odin, of course, remained clueless.

Pepper, the other woman Friggs was named after, had been killed in a plane crash. She was flying to China for a business transaction for Stark Industries. Not long after that, Loki washed up on his beach, looking like the living dead.

Loki dragged Tony into the bedroom and practically pushed him onto the bed. Tony was out the second his head hit the pillow.

After what seemed like a minute, he was awoken by crying. It had been several hours, because it was darker outside, and his husband was laying next to him, groggily sitting up to get out of bed.

"Go back to sleep, baby. I'll get her."

Loki was too tired to argue, but he wouldn't let Tony get away with calling him 'baby'.

"My god, You, getting up in the middle of the night to feed her? It's going to snow tomorrow."

Tony rolled his eyes and got out of bed, muting the baby monitor as he left. He went to the kitchen to get a bottle, then realized that he had forgotten to make any bottles before he turned in for the night. Sighing, he ran down to the Playground. There were always some ready made down there, just in case.

Bruce was sitting at the table drinking coffee, talking to Thor about Asgardian technology. Steve was leaning on the counter with bags under his eyes, drinking hot chocolate. Must've had a nightmare. The elevator dinged, and Clint and Natasha walked in looking exhausted. Apparently, they had just gotten back from their latest mission. Tony walked over to the fridge, about to get a bottle, when suddenly a bright light engulfed them all.

'Loki's gonna kill me...'

And then Tony Stark knew no more.


The Other World

Thor had once again beaten his opponent. He hadn't lost against one in centuries. His friends, Lady Sif and the Warriors Three were cheering him on, celebrating another victory. Loki would be right along with them…

Were he not in Valhalla.

Loki had died saving Thor's life. The Frost Giant's had invaded, and one of them was about to stab him in the back when Loki jumped in the way. Had the Frost Giant's blade hit its mark, it would have been Thor dead on the ground.

When Thor was king, he would slay every last Frost Giant. He would avenge his beloved little brother. Loki deserved nothing less.

Suddenly, a light consumed the training field. When it died down, six individuals were laying unconscious. One was female, the rest were male. The female was dressed in a skintight black suit with weapons at her hips. The man beside her was dressed in black pants and a sleeveless black and purple shirt with a bow on his back. One man was dressed in loose pants and a red T-shirt, his hair looking like he had just rolled out of bed. There was another man dressed similarly, but with a white T-shirt instead of red, Another was dressed in slacks, a purple button up shirt, and a long white coat (It's a lab coat, but Thor wouldn't know that. He only knows the rest from brief visits to Midgard). Next to the man in the purple shirt… wait, was that himself!

He didn't know it at the time, but thor was about to get a very rude awakening.


AN: I know it's been a while. Sorry about that. Anyway, Loki himself isn't going to be in this again for a while. There will be videos, memories, dreams and even visions with him in it, but the real Loki isn't going to be showing up for a bit. Until further notice, the story will be taking place in the other world. Time moves differently there, so five days for the Avengers will be like five minuets for Loki.