This is a prompt I got on tumblr (which is also arcadia-gay, if you're interested, you can send me prompts and ideas there), and considering my favourite song rn is Girls Like Girls by Hayley Kiyoko, I couldn't help but write this. I love writing younger Chloe and Max so much. I highly recommend you listen to the song whilst reading this, enjoy!

The two thirteen year olds quickly rushed into the Price's home and threw their bags onto the ground. They began to make their way up to Chloe's room before Joyce stopped them.

'Slow down girls!' She laughed. 'Hi max, how're you doing?' She smiled at her daughters close friend.

'I'm good thanks, how are you?' She smiled back sweetly.

'Im fine sweetie.' She answered. 'Are you two just gunna rush on upstairs for the rest of the night, like usual?' Joyce laughed as she threw her daughter a questioning look.

'Thats the plan!' Chloe smiled and looked towards Max smiling as a way of confirming it with her partner in crime. 'Catch ya later mom!' The blonde smiled and grabbed the freckled girls arm and pulling her up the stairs with her.

'Don't make too much trouble!' She smiled, watching the two girls quickly head upstairs, into Chloe's room. When the two girls reached their destination, Chloe quickly threw herself onto her bed.

'Home sweet home.' She commented, as Max followed her steps and sat on the edge of her bed. 'Sorry about mom, she just gets excited when you're here, you're like a second daughter or something.' She laughed. 'Pfft, who would want to be your sister!' The freckled girl laughed, before getting hit in the face by a pillow. 'Hey! No fair, Che!' She said grabbing her own weapon.

'So now the fight is fair and square,' Chloe smirked 'try me, Caulfield.' She challenged.

'Oh it's on, Price!' Max chuckled, standing up on the bed and hitting Chloe on the arm.

'Try again!' The blonde laughed devilishly, going to hit Max back, but tripping on the bed covers. 'Shit!' She managed to yell, grabbing Max's wrist and pulling the smaller girl down with her. The two toppled over onto Chloe's bed next to eachother, both in a fit of giggles.

'Its a draw!' Chloe laughed.

'I totally won! You cheated.' Max teased.

'If I was going down, you were coming with me, dork.'

'Says you, loser.' Max smiled. The two laid for a few more moments laughing, until Chloe got up and moved over to her iPod and speakers, before putting a track by Paramore on.

'God, I love this band so much, Hayley Williams is so fucking cool.' Chloe commented.

'Me too, she's so beautiful as well.'

'Sounds like you're a little gay for her.' Chloe joked.

'Who isn't.' Max said without even thinking.

'What was that?!' Chloe smirked, slightly shocked. By the time Max realised what she had said, Chloe had already starting making a deal out of it, she was now sat in front of Max on her bed.

'Hey Maxi-pad! You got a secret you need to tell me?' Chloe teased and Max blushed. 'C'mon, I'm your best friend you don't need to be embarrassed!' She smiled sincerely.

'I don't know,' Max sighed.

'Chill,' Chloe smiled and placed a hand on Max's shoulder supportively. 'If it makes you feel better, you're right, everyone's a little gay, atleast, I am.' Chloe smiled. 'And there's nothing wrong with that!' Chloe laughed. 'Plus, guys kinda suck.' She said nudging her best friend playfully.

'You do hate them, remember that time Tate kissed you and you freaked and taught him a lesson?'

'Oh shit, that was so badass of me.' Chloe laughed.

'Totally,' Max nodded in agreement 'I swear, you kicked him so hard, I'll be surprised if he can still have kids!' The two laughed.

'He shouldn't have kissed me without my permission.' The blonde pointed out, shrugging her shoulders and looking somewhat proud.

'Maybe we should just be girlfriends' Max said jokingly.

'Are you trying to woo me? I'm impressed.' Chloe joked back.

'In your dreams.' Max scoffed and rolled her eyes.

'Ooh, sassy!' Chloe said playfully, making both the girls laugh. Little did each of them know about their developing crushes. Chloe had liked Max for a while now but chose to brush those feelings away, thinking that it was 'creepy' or 'weird' to crush on your best friend, though denying those feelings had become a challenge. Max's realisation of her crush on Chloe only happened recently, when the two girls had been practising kissing again, but this time it was different. This time she felt butterflies build up in her stomach, and left the kiss awestruck, and left her questioning whether she wanted Chloe and her to be more than they were now. An air of silence laid between the girls.

'Now,' Chloe spoke up 'let's get to business.' She said moving off the bed with her smirk which usually meant trouble.

'No, we're not toilet papering your neighbours house again. We got in so much trouble last time' Max giggled.

'Eh,' The young trouble maker shrugged 'the cow deserved it.'

'Why do you even hate her so much?' Max questioned.

'I don't even know what her problem is, she just has some weird issue with me!' The blonde almost yelled.

'I can't imagine why.' Max laughed sarcastically.

'Whatever.' Chloe rolled her eyes. 'We're going to make the biggest and most badass pillow fort known to man!' She instructed, sounding more enthusiastic.

'Chloe? You said that about the last one we made?'

'Yeah I know, but we're gunna do even better!' Chloe said pointing at her brunette friend as if she were plotting to conquer the world.

'Okay captain Chloe, let's do this.' Max stopped up, joining her best friend on collecting all the pillows and bed sheets they could find. After the two girls gathered as many pillows and bed covers as possible, they spent almost an hour filling Chloe's room with them, hanging them and folding them in any way which could create the entire place to be a pillow fort.

'This is seriously huge.' Max commented, crushed close to her best friend, the large amounts of covers blocking any fresh air from coming in and the lack of space meaning they were laid huddled together, like they were in a small cocoon.

'I'm impressed with our skills, mad Max!' The blonde agreed.

'Being in here with you is kinda nice, just us, hanging out.' Max laid staring into her best friends ocean blue eyes, which looked back into her own, the two just inches away from each other. Moments of silence and an unbroken glance lasted before the blonde leaned over and gave a light peck on the younger girls lips. Max quickly flushed a red colour and smiled slightly.

'What was that?' Max questioned, seeing her best friend smiling delicately, her smile lighting up her features in the dark space and making her look even prettier than usual.

'I don't know, really? You were just being cute I guess, and you looked all pretty, so I kissed you.' Chloe said honestly, not making a big deal, even though she secretly felt nerves and her own fluster of hidden emotions rising, but she'd never tell Max, her best friend, that she had it bad for her.

'You're such a weirdo.' Max smiled and giggled.

'I am, but you totally love it!' Chloe said moving closer towards her friend and putting her arms around her and hugging her.

'You're right, I do.' Max said before moving closer into her friend and tucking her head into the crook of her neck. The two laid like that in silence until they fell asleep.