Summary: After Maddie and Jack are offered to examine the old abandoned house on 917 Maple Street, the ghost hunting couple jumps at the chance, even dragging their kids along to soak up the family business. Of course, the two kids should be used to this by now, but when the camera catches our favorite halfa talking to an invisible ghost unintentionally, the spotlight turns to him. Now Danny can't get through the day without someone asking him if there's a ghost nearby. How's he going to get the public off his back this time?

Disclaimer: No, for the umpteenth time, I don't own Danny Phantom!

The Gift

"Gah! These problems are too hard! Algebra sucks."

The black haired teen slammed his head into the old dining table in frustration; causing a creaking moan to respond. There haven't been any ghost attacks lately and he wanted to catch up on his school work and has finished all his other class assignments, but math? That was out of the question.

He originally planned on just working on his homework upstairs in his room like he always used to, but his parents have been all weird the past few days and it was driving him even more nuts than it did Jazz. And he meant weirder than normal. The worst part was that they wouldn't tell them why.

So Danny retreated to the old abandoned Townson place after school today where he spent his freshman Halloween at and started working in the dining room.

An old woman who was nearly see through and was faintly glowing washed white looked over Danny from her seat next to him. She took a glance at the paper before taking another sip from her tea.

"I wish I could help Little Casper, but I don't remember problems like that back from my high school years."

"I wouldn't expect you too." He replied politely. "I don't think parent functions were taught in your time. But thanks for trying."

The woman only smiled before going back to her paper, choosing not to comment on that. Yes, she was a ghost. But not like the ghosts he always fought day to day. No, this was a woman who had lived in the retirement home about a month ago in July. The heat had been rolling through the town in waves and eventually became too much for the poor woman to take. But she didn't want to leave just yet as her granddaughter was almost done finishing college. She wanted to make sure the girl had her life settled with a job and forming a family before she moved on and joined her husband.

And from what Danny understood when he first met her, rather embarrassingly on his part, she'd never been into the Ghost Zone. That meant she was attached to no ectoplasm what so ever and was completely invisible to everyone. Everyone but Danny that is.

He met her after he caught the Box Ghost one day here and they got along rather fine. She found Danny to be a sweetheart and Danny found her about as interesting and fun as Sam's grandma. He would sometimes come and hang out to keep her company during her rather long boring wait of her granddaughter finishing her term, usually by bringing the day's paper or buying her tea from the coffee shop across the street.

And as for the name, that was a little something she had come up with to tease him about his ghost powers. You know, Casper the friendly ghost? Danny didn't really mind it. Certainly an upgrade from Little Badger. And while thinking about it, if his school's name was Casper High, then why were they the Ravens?

"Oooo... look at that." She took a better glance at the paper, her voice bringing the ghost child back to earth. "Danny Phantom saves preschool hostages from ghost attack. Looks like you've made front page news again Little Casper."

Danny blushed. Why did this town make such a big deal out of every little thing he does? "It was nothing. I just wish they didn't make such a big deal out of it."

"I know this town better than I know my own son and granddaughter. They'll make a big deal out of any little thing."

Danny laughed and began putting his stuff away in his backpack. "I guess you're right. But I'm not really one for the spotlight."

"Could've fooled me." Was the witty comeback he received. She then saw what he was doing. "Leaving so soon?"

"Yeah, it's getting late and I'm sure my parents are wondering where I am. Plus I've got all weekend to finish the last of my homework. I can come by tomorrow, though." He said walking toward the door and opening it, the ghost lady floating behind.

"And bring some more of that delicious tea. They never let us have anything like that in the retirement home."

"Is that place really as much as a nightmare as everyone makes it out to be?"

"Only if you survive all these ghosts attacks up to eighty-five."

Danny laughed. "Goodbye, Mrs. Guarder."

"See you tomorrow Little Casper."

Danny stepped outside and summoned the blue-white rings as they split in two, transforming him into Danny Phantom before flying off toward his home.

Once seeing the large neon 'Fenton Works' sign, Danny flew turned invisible and flew beside the house to revert back. Once back to being Fenton, he walked to the front door and entered inside.

There on the couch sat his sister reader another one of her books. She looked up to see him when she heard him come in.

"Oh, Danny, you're home." She said. "Ghost fight?"

"Actually no. Amity's been rather quiet today. I went over to see Mrs. Guarder and worked on some homework I was behind in."

Jazz widened her eyes. "You're falling behind already!? It's still in the beginning of the school year!"

"Don't blame me! Blame the ghosts!" Danny shot back defensively.

Suddenly a green blast ran passed Danny's head and blasted a small scorch on the wall above Jazz's head. Both kids recoiled from shock, screaming immediately. Jazz taking cover behind her book while Danny made a dive for the floor. Another beat later, the screaming cut short. They both got up, deciding the worst was over and looked toward where the blast had come from by the stairs.

There in their classic teal and orange hazmat get up stood Maddie and Jack Fenton with guns positioned. Seeing no threat, the parents put their guns away and took their hoods off.

"Danny, are you alright?" Maddie asked. "We heard you scream ghost so we came rushing up here."

"W-What no! There's no ghost. Right Jazz?" Danny looked to his sister nervously for support.

"Yeah! Yeah Mom, Danny only said that because of all the attacks that've been happening lately. There's been so many that it's been interrupting Danny's study time." Jazz said backing up her brother. That was close enough to the truth.

"What? You're falling behind?" And the female ghost hunter fell into her mother role. "I thought you've been buckling down and studying."

"I am Mom. But with all the ghost drills and evacuations at school, it's really hard."

"So, there wasn't a ghost?" Jack asked becoming a little sad.

Jazz crossed her arms at that. "Dad, not everything can be about ghosts."

"Of course not sweetie." Their mother swiftly agreed. Though her tone didn't seem to match her words. "By the way, where were you? Did you, Sam and Tucker hang out after school?"

"Oh, yeah," Danny answered playing along. "We worked on some homework so we could knock it out early."

Maddie smiled. "Well, despite everything, I'm glad to see you taking school more seriously this year."

"Uhhh... yeah. I'm gonna to go to my room." And with that, the half-ghost kid climbed up the stairs and into his room. Dropping his bag onto the floor, he then kicked off his red shoes and plopped on his bed and curled into the sheets. After doing nothing but studying and the small heart attack he just had, it was needless to say that Danny was immediately drained.

He didn't even realize how tired he was until his eyes slowly slipped closed. His mind blanking into blissful blackness.

HalfafanD: And ta-da! This one didn't need a whole lot of editing but I switched around some dialogue 'cause it didn't sound all that great. Don't worry, more chapters are on the way though.

So please review and tell me what you think of the new improvements. No flames no please.

And see you next chapter!