I just read the book and I shipped these two so hard and there's so much emotions and feels between them! I hope you guys enjoy my story and leave some feedback.

Welcome Back

Its been about almost three week since I've checked into the hospital. It was starting to become a usual thing to the point both the doctors and nurses knew my name, but the reason behind my injuries go left unknown by them. All they knew was that this was the longest I've stayed inside and they questioned what caused my injuries this time. I was too ashamed to mention the truth behind them so I told them I got jumped in the midst of walking out at night.

"Ready to go?" The sound of Darry's voice snapped me out of my daydream as I stood by the medical-bed, placing the hospital gown on top of the folded-up blanket. Once I've done so I gave a weak nod and followed Darry, Soda, and Ponyboy out the room. It was also starting to become pretty common that I go with Darry and them back to their house to stay over once I'm released from the hospital.

"I'm pretty sure Ol'Dallas will swing by later" My heart jumped to my throat as soon as I heard Soda utter such name. `Dally ... ´ I thought quietly to myself as we hopped inside the car. Ponyboy and everyone was special to me because they go out of their way to care for me, but the way Dally, the dangerous, fearful, threatening guy everyone knew, cared for me far more than anyone ever could. "I'm kinda surprised he ain't been in the cooler for `this´ long. He always staying out of trouble when Johnny is hurt." He then pointed out.

Darry and Ponyboy stayed quiet as Two-bit said, "Well wadda'ya think? They're obviously queers-" My eyes widened once he said such thing but Darry eyed him dangerously, causing him to shut up. "Easy there, Superman. You know I be kidding everyone. S'not like I called Johnny a Socs. I'd care way less if he was anything but a Socs." Two-bit gave one of his well-known Chester grin as he turned to look at Darry from the passenger seat.

Darry gave Two-bit the look that he was one more word away from getting hit, and I'm pretty sure he got the message too, but gosh did Two-bit scare me. Every time someone mentions the word `queer´ or `fag´ I tense up because nobody knows ... that I am a queer.

Well, I'm only queer for Dally. At first I admired everything about him although everyone is downright scared of him, but nobody knew him like how I did. Big, strong, rough, tuff, and he's the real-deal. But ever since he began protecting me and allowed me to hang around him I began to do more than just admire him. ... But love him.

I knew Dally wasn't that way for me and I was okay just having to be close to him and love him from afar. Though the thought of having Dallas love me was a dream I wish to have more than leaving my home.

The car made a slow stop outside of the Curtis home and everyone got out. I quietly walked behind everyone till I heard a deep yet familiar, "Y'all took long enough to get here" My eyes lit up to see Dallas leaning against the wall of the house with his hands shoved in the pockets of his leather jacket. A weed was hanging between his lips as cold eyes peered down at me, making me feel warmer than the weather. "My, oh my. Don't you look like sleeping beauty? They fixed you up pretty good" His lips tugged into a slight smirk. "But once I find the person who hurt you, the doctors won't be able to fix 'em up; not even God." His cold eyes had then grew icy.

"Lets get inside. Johnny, you should rest on the couch." Darry noted.

"I-I'm fine. Really." I gave a weak smile to both him and the three that paused behind him.

He gave a half-nod and continued walking inside. "Soda, go get the chocolate cake and make sure to save a piece for Johnny." I heard him order Soda till everyone was out of site. All except for Dally.

His blue eyes continued to stare down at me as if he was able to see what I was hiding, and half the time it scared me. Having people not know something really can make a person like me paranoid. ... I was paranoid enough as it is.

"So. Who did it?" He went straight to the point. This had caused me to frown a tad bit from the memory to the point I averted my eyes away from his and towards the floor. "... Dammit, Johnny" He swore beneath his breath as he tried to soften his voice. It wasn't something you get from him everyday considering how most of the time he yells, cuss, and raise his voice even more. Except for when he's with me. "I don't want you goin back home anytime soon so stay with Darry- I swear I'm going to rumble with that bastard if it's the last thing I do"

"D-Dally" I gasped lightly.

"Look, I'm tired of it. Your bastard father hurts you more than those damn Socs and that ain't right" I sensed the concern hidden within his strong voice. "There is never a day you deserve any of the shit they give you, remember that Johnnycake." He then brought a hand over and laid it on top of my head, slowly running his fingers through my darkened hair. I felt like melting into both his touch and his words but I held my ground as I felt the heat rush to my face. "How `bout going for a ride and gettin a coke?"

I took in a deep breath trying to take-in the offer he just made. Dally and I would always walk around and what not, but he never asked me to go on a spin with him and get a coke? I-It sounded too much like a date. Maybe for me it could be like a date; it doesn't hurt to imagine that with Dallas.

"S-Sure." I shyly stammered.

"Well alrighty then. Let's get to it, Johnnycakes." He gave a quick grin before he began walking to his car. The only thing about it was that he always had a different car every other week or month. It sometimes made me worry that he was taking other people's car again, but that's Dally for you. Even though it worried me, I wouldn't change him in the slightest. He was the tuffest guy I knew and the only guy I love.

Sometimes I wonder why he bothers giving me his time.