Chapter 4

Holy shit Jay Gatsby is kissing me!

The kiss deepened with every passing second and it feels like we are the only two people in the world. Letting my lips part ever so slightly he took the chance to wrap his tongue around mine, fighting for dominance. After biting my bottom lip he abruptly stopped and pulled away.

"I'm s-sorry Nick...I don't know what came over me..." Clearly embarrassed I lifted his chin so that our eyes were level.

"Don't be embarrassed, I liked every second of it."

Leaning in closer I gave him a small kiss, a reassuring one. It was enough for him because he was soon enveloping his lips in mine, intensifying it greatly. Our lips were perfect for each other, like they were made to be together. Running my hand through his hair he let out a soft moan and pushed me onto the bed, stopping the kiss.

Blushing and flustered he spoke with a husky voice, apparent that he wanted it just as much as I did. "Are you sure your up for this?"

"I have been since the first smile you gave me." That was followed by a trail of kisses going from the corner of my mouth, down my neck, and over to my ear where he bit it in a way that I couldn't help but let out a moan. Trailing his tongue over my chest he sucked on both of my nipples and bit them, sending waves of pleasure down my entire body.

"J-Jay, please..."

"Shhh..." He whispered, kissing me again, pressing his body on mine, our crotches grinding together. Slipping my shirt off and my underwear, he just stared at me, making me embarrassed because personally I don't think I have the best body, not compared to his.

"You're beautiful Nick..." Giving me a reassuring smile he kissed me once more and we both got lost in the ecstacy...

It seemed like hours where we were just laying there in his bed, my head on his chest, listening to his steady heart beat. We didn't bother to clean up the mess we made as it was no longer the top priority at the moment. I am still in shock with the fact that I just had sex with Jay Gatsby! Who would have thought that he would be the same as me, and that he would actually want me? He could have anybody with the looks and charm that he has and yet he chose me over everyone else and I have no clue why. But I knew one thing, and it is that at this moment there is no one else I would rather be with and want more.

"Jay what does this mean for our friendship?"

Pulling me up so that we are face to face he took me in for a passionate kiss, our tongues gracefully dancing in our mouths, eventually pulling away for air.

"I was kind of hoping we could be more then friends." By the look of a sudden pink blush I could tell he was embarrassed and nervous of what I would say. Perhaps this is as surreal for him as it is for me.

"I was hoping for the exact same thing." Jay's face suddenly brightened up and he embraced me in a hug, kissing my hair. After a minute or so I felt my head dampen and after a slight sob I realized that Jay was crying. Nervously I pulled from his embrace and looked into his eyes, waiting for him to talk first. He searched every inch of my face, brushing his hand against my cheek in awe.

"I just...After losing Daisy I never thought I would ever be the same again...and all of this, its a lot..."

It felt like a bullet had just gone through my heart upon hearing the emptiness and pain in in his voice. I never realized just how much Daisy had effected him and it made me feel guilty that I wasn't there for him enough.

Jay tried to look away, ashamed that he was crying in front of me, but I held his face and wiped away his tears with my thumbs. I kissed his forehead and put ours together, steadily breathing and feeling the heat from it.

"I know Jay, and i'm always going to be here for you. I'm not Daisy and I promise I never will be. She toyed with your feelings and left you shattered and picking up the pieces. I would love you whether you have this house or you lived in a house like mine, you don't need to have money in order for me to want you. Hell, you love me and i'm most likely the poorest individual on West Egg. Bottom line is, Jay Gatsby, I Love You."

By the time I had finished talking we were both in tears and kissing desperately to forget all of our past troubles of the summer. From the trouble with Daisy,Tom, and Wilson to the trouble with our own feelings conflicting, we were pouring and letting go of it all.

"I love you too Nick."

After Gatsby and I got out of bed and cleaned up, we went downstairs to the overly extravagant breakfast set out by Jay's servants. Then, gaining probably five pounds just from that meal, I headed home to get changed and head to work which Jay was very much against.

"You don't have to go to work today Nick. Come on, spend the day with me." A very tempting offer it was, as I didn't want to go to my horrible job any more then he did but I do have to make a living.

"I'll come over as soon as I get home, I promise." Kissing him one last time I started towards my pitiful home compared to the one I was just in for the past day. I really need to spruce it up a little, the grass is getting out of hand!

A cold shower and a fresh change of clothes is exactly what I needed to get started on my new day. I can't believe that just a few weeks ago I was trying to get Jay out of my mind for good and now we just had sex and he's all I can think about. We are all each other have and I know more than anything that this new start is going to work.

A few steps from leaving to the outside world and to my horror of a job and the phone rings. Ring-Ring-Ring. Tripping over a pile of books I pick up the phone and my blood freezes at the sound of my name on her lips.

"Oh Nickie I've been trying to call all morning! Where have you been?" Daisy!