A/N: It's finally done, and I think most of you will be happier with this ending simply because I left it to you how Hermione dealt with our lovely arse Draco… Thank you to everyone who supported me throughout this fic, you all really did help me along and after some very long, guilt-ridden months I finally found it in me to update and finish. Finally some peace of mind, and on to my other story! Thank you all again, and hey…well eat pudding

If there's one thing I've learned it's that you can never forget, that's really how people die. That's why they die isn't it? When they can't fight any longer they find peace in the idea that they've affected someone else. So yes, I've been affected, I've been changed, and seen my fair share of death, I've laid down on the battlefield and wished death would take me. It did not, and I am still here, hoping to impact someone else, someone who will remember me in the end. I've missed the bright moments I shouldn't, the little things about the dead I should always remember have started to fade, but the stories will always be with me. The late nights staring at the moon, the laughter during dinner, the dreams we all shared.

We were all so innocent, we're all innocent before we experience the soul-shattering pain, lost love, death, failure. Then before you know it we're adults, we've got so much to carry with us that we feel there is no escape, that we can't share our pain with anyone. We're either killed or cured, we're barely heard, and yet we try to make ourselves better for everyone else. Honestly, I still stay in bed in the morning and think that I hear George walking through the door, jumping on the bed and kissing me passionately into consciousness. It hasn't been long since he left, a year, but I can still hear his voice, feel the comfort I felt in his presence, wake up with his scent on my skin. Even in the days after his death he's still with me, my husband.

We did get our happily ever after, and I know that I'll be remembered, if not by our children then by the walls of Hogwarts, a place which does not forget.

They had gotten their happily ever after, a wedding on a beach, and two children. A peaceful life, simple, and perfect. Although we all know happily ever after isn't all it's cracked up to be…and forever would George and Hermione remember the lives that had affected them most. Although it was perfectly safe to say that in their old age the person she had learned the most from had been George.