(2/15/16) PLEASE READ: Sorry about that. I made a mistake of updating this story instead of another one, which was the right one. So, no updates for this one. False alarm.

Tails was walking around Ponyville. The fox ended up in this world just a few days back and he has discovered many things that never existed back in his own world. He felt like a tourist, getting fascinated by these discoveries, as well as gaining more knowledge.

As he was walking, he saw a certain farmer pony setting up a stall to sell apples. "Hey Applejack! Need some help?" He asked.

Applejack was still arranging the apples. "It's alright sugarcube! Ah got it!" When she looked at the fox, she noticed he looked a little different.

Tails saw her staring at him. "Hey Applejack? You okay?" he asked.

Applejack snapped out of her trance. "Sorry about that. Hey, since yer the first one to come to mah stall, how about Ah give you an apple for free?" She got one of her apples and handed it to Tails. When her hoof came in contact with his hand, she felt so happy inside, and the feeling of having butterflies in her stomach.

Tails thanked Applejack and started walking, hoping to explore more of the town.

Applejack just sat there by her stall, a blush forming on her cheeks as she sighed dreamily at the fox.

In the distance, Tails saw a certain little dragon running towards him. The dragon stopped for awhile to catch his breath.

"Tails!... Listen, have you noticed anything strange about Twilight lately?" Spike asked. It was obvious in his voice how exhausted he was.

"What do you mean Spike?" Tails replied. He noticed the forming frown on the dragon's face.

"I don't know, for these past few days, she's been acting weird, and it's making me sad." Spike continued. "It's like she's trying to avoid me. Whenever I do my chores, she asks me to go outside and do something to pass the time. Whenever I try to look at her, she quickly looks away. But I swear, I didn't do anything wrong!" The dragon felt really depressed.

Tails was saddened by what he heard. But he had an idea. "Maybe I can go talk to her." he smiled.

The dragon smiled. "Thanks Tails. But I can't go with you."

"Why?" Tails asked.

"I still have some things to settle." He scowled.

The fox nodded and ran to the library.

"I'm gonna win this time Cream. The Staring Contest Champion title will be mine!" He laughed evilly.

Tails arrived outside the library and he opened the door. The library was messed up. Books were all over the place, pieces of papers were scattered, and the furniture were all disorganized. It's as if a tornado went through.

"Twilight? What happened here?!" Tails said. Twilight was facing back.

She recognized his voice. "Tails! Don't look at me." She didn't turn around, focusing on the book she was reading.

"I just came here because ummm Spike told me that you've been ignoring him lately." Tails said.

"I'm only doing that because I must not have any eye to eye contact with anyone who is of the opposite gender." Twilight said. In her mind, she wanted Tails to go so bad. She didn't want to cause him any trouble.

"But why?" Tails asked.

Twilight carried the opened book using her horn so to not see Tails and gave it to him.

Tails read the book title. "Ponyville's Records of Diseases, Viruses, and Abnormalities. By Dr. Sour Medicine."

He chuckled. "Hehe, 'Sour' Medicine."

He went back to the page where the book was left on. He read the contents in his mind.

The Evol Fever.

Evol? Is that supposed to Evil? Or just a shorter way of saying Evolve? He thought. He continued reading.

This particular sickness is caused by unknown reasons. The earliest record of this sickness was during the Maneaissance Period. From the observations, only females are affected by this disease.

Tails paused for awhile. He chuckled. Maneaissance? He continued reading.

Physically, there is no difference when a pony has the fever versus when they don't have it. However, there are noticeable changes in behavior, such as: a sudden liking on a pony or creature of the opposite gender for no reason, with the exception of small animals, such as those taken care by a pink-maned pegasus who is rather shy. These first signs usually happen when they make eye to eye contact on the first male pony or creature they see for at least one second.

Tails narrowed his eyes. Well those were oddly specific.

These are the first signs that a mare may possibly have caught the sickness. When a mare with the Evol fever starts getting a headache, this is when the second stage of the fever starts. Take note that there's a fifty percent chance that the sick mare may not have a headache; it just suddenly evolves to the second stage.

Tails was getting rather weirded out. This is the weirdest fever ever. He saw a note at the bottom of the page.

Another thing, one of the first signs that they have this fever is when they will prevent their "crush" from knowing the cure.

He saw another note.

By the way, the cure is-

Tails was interrupted when Twilight levitated the book and brought it back to her. She giggled. "You must be a slow reader if you aren't done reading by now." She said, still focusing on the book. The fever was starting to take an effect on her, but she was still able to control herself.

With her unusual action, the fox confirmed that she indeed had the fever. "Ummm Twilight, I think I should just go. Get well soon okay?" Tails walked towards the door. He thought the situation felt similar to what happened earlier.

A fight was occurring within Twilight. She was relieved that Tails was leaving, but the fever wanted him to stay. It wanted her to look at him. No! I can't! I'm not going to do it! I… The fever's effects won over her. She turned around, her magic dissipating, making the book fall to the ground. "Tails! Wait!"

Out of impulse, Tails turned around. "What is it Twilight?"

Twilight made with eye contact with the fox as she went closer to him, an innocent grin forming on her face. He's so cute! She was squealing inside.

Tails' eyes widened. M-more than one second?!

Twilight's grin disappeared as she shook her head. She returned to her normal self for awhile and quickly realized what was happening. "Oh no…" She backed away from Tails.

"E-exactly…" Tails said, concerned for himself and for Twilight. But it was too late.

Twilight's head started to hurt. She put her hoof on it.

Only one thought came into Tails' mind. Uh oh…

The fever has now developed to the second stage. It was now in full control. She opened her eyes and saw the fox. There was this weird sparkle in her eyes; no pun intended. Her face lit up. Oh my… She sighed dreamily. "Why h-hello there…Tails…" Just saying his name made her heart beat faster. Her cheeks blushed.

Tails was startled. "H-hi?" He was afraid of what he thought was gonna happen next.

Twilight gulped. She was rather nervous around her new-found "crush". But she thought it was time to tell him what she feels. She nervously said, "T-Tails, I know you're from a different world… but w-would it be okay if I will be… y-your uhhh… special somepony?" she smiled sheepishly.

Tails just stood there in shock. "I uhhh…" He didn't know what to say. He didn't want to hurt Twilight by saying no, but saying yes will only cause him more trouble.

Twilight just listened there, smiling in anticipation of his answer. "Well?" She went closer to him, hoping he would say yes.

"Sorry Twilight but I can't accept that." Tails said.

Twilight's ears drooped, saddened by his answer. She held his hand with her hoof. "Please Tails! I promise to be the best marefriend ever! Please give me a chance!" she begged.

Tails was saddened, but he didn't give in. "Sorry Twilight but this isn't you. That's the virus talking."

Twilight laughed. "What are you talking about Tails? I just find you really nice and… cute…" The last word came out as an embarrassed whisper.

Tails didn't expect that kind of response. He knew it was because of the fever, but he still found her sudden emotional shifts kind of creepy and strange. "T-Twilight?"

"Yes my little fox?" Twilight was already giving him nicknames.

"Close your eyes. I have a surprise for you!" he smiled nervously.

Twilight squealed. "Oh this is gonna be the best day ever!" She was expecting Tails to kiss him.

Tails thought it was easier than expected. He tiptoed on his way to the door. His eyes never left Twilight to make sure. The door made a slight creak when he opened it. This made Twilight open her eyes. This made Tails stop. His eyes widened. He quickly went outside, to the other side of the door. It was so quick that he looked like some blur.

Twilight ran to the door and tried opening it, but Tails was holding it from the outside. "Oh Tailsy! Can you open the door for me please?" she asked.

"Sorry Twilight. I'd open the door, if you weren't sick!" he replied.

Twilight tried opening the door using magic, but she couldn't. Something was wrong with her horn; another symptom of the fever.

After awhile, Twilight heard silence. Tails already left. She was saddened by this, but she's not stopping now. I'll find you yet my adorable little fox! She giggled.

This will only be one chapter. I'm just showing you how the story originally went.

Unless, you liked this one more? Please let me know. I might continue it. :)