As Tails signaled the others to get closer, Twilight became suspicious. She noticed how Rainbow was looking at Tails's bag like it was her prey. Her eyes widened at the realization. She knows! She went closer to Fluttershy and whispered, "Fluttershy, take the book out."

"What do you mean Twilight?"

"Just take it out and hide it behind the bag away from Rainbow's sight. She's aiming for it. It's a symptom of the fever." She stopped in front of Fluttershy, hiding most of the yellow Pegasus from Dashie's sight. "Oh don't mind me, just looking for something." She smiled.

Fluttershy was a little confused. "I-I'm not trying to sound mean or anything, but can't we just stay away from her?"

Twilight whispered, "She's the only lead we got for now, so the best thing to do right now is take the risk."

"B-but isn't it okay if only Tails goes to her?"

"Hey you two, are you coming here or what?" Rainbow Dash was getting impatient.

Twilight looked towards where she was. "Just a sec!" She looked back at Fluttershy and whispered, "That's exactly why. She's gonna get suspicious of us."

Fluttershy nodded. She opened the zipper of the bag using her mouth and took out the book. She placed it on the side of the bag Rainbow currently can't see. They continued walking towards her, hoping that she didn't notice anything. Everything would be lost now if the book gets destroyed or stolen.

Twilight felt confused. Wait a minute, if they don't want to be cured, then why does it look like Rainbow wants the book too? The cure is only in the ripped part of the page, unless…

Rainbow smirked and just as Twilight expected, she pounced on Fluttershy, trying to pull the book away from her.

This sudden action scared Fluttershy, and she swung the book hard and hit Rainbow on the head, knocking her out. Fluttershy gasped. "Oh no! I-I didn't mean it…"

Sonic felt a chill up his spine. He heard just how powerful when the book hit Rainbow's face. He whispered to Tails, "Uhh are you sure she wields the element of kindness?"

Tails just shrugged off the question. He checked Rainbow's hooves and mane to see if she was hiding the missing piece, but he found nothing. He sighed. "She doesn't have it."

"We'll just have to ask her once she wakes up if she knows anything, but we have to make sure she doesn't escape from us," Twilight said.

The cyan Pegasus groaned. She opened her eyes and saw nothing but darkness. She was wondering where she was, but she couldn't go anywhere because of the ropes that tied her hooves together. "W-where am I? Hello? Anybody there?" All of a sudden, a light appeared above her, focusing only on her and the chair she was tied on. She noticed the flooring and the surroundings, and instantly realized where she was. Since when did Twilight have spotlights in her house?

She heard a chuckle from the darkness. "Hello, Rainbow Dash." Confusion loomed upon her. Why was Twilight talking like some villain about to introduce herself?

"Uhh Twilight, what's going on? What's up with the creepy atmosphere?" The lavender pony suddenly creeped up in front of her like some horror movie cliché, their faces merely inches apart. This was getting tense indeed.

"Where is it?" Twilight said sternly while slowly backing her face away from the Pegasus.

Rainbow Dash furrowed her brow. "What are you talking about?"

"The missing piece of the page!"

"I don't know what you're talking about!"

Suddenly, another stepped into the light and made itself present. "Dashie, just tell us where is it and we'll untie you. Please." It was the adorable little fox himself.

"Tails? You're in this too? What's going on?!" She struggled against the ropes, which moved the chair.

"Don't try to fool us Dash, we know you're sick and you'll do whatever it takes to destroy the book."

All these accusations against her was making her annoyed. "Book? What book?! I'm not even sick!"

"Maybe she's right Twilight." Tails said. He was getting slightly worried with how those ropes looked so tight.

Twilight sighed. "Well, there's only one way to find out…"

Yet another stepped in the spotlight. "H-hey Rainbow…" It was the hedgehog himself.

Rainbow gasped. "Sonic?" She chuckled. "Okay, you guys can stop now. This must be some sort of prank right?"

Tails said, "Hey Dashie, if you tell us where it is maybe you can get something from Sonic."


Twilight smirked. "Maybe a kiss from him?"

Rainbow's eyes widened in shock. "Whoa are you suggesting that I like Sonic that way? Because I don't think so."

Sonic sighed in relief. Rainbow saw this and while she did just mention those things, it kind of made her feel… sad? She shook those thoughts out of her mind.

"Wait what?" Twilight was confused.

"Look Twilight, he's a hedgehog and I'm… not. Besides, I'm not really into those mushy romancey stuff."

Tails suddenly remembered his conversation with Rainbow back then. It was those exact words that she said that made him smile now. "She's back to normal! Twilight, we can untie her now." Before Twilight could even react, he quickly went towards and untied the Pegasus from those infernal ropes.

"Thanks Tails. So, do you guys mind telling what's going on here? And what's with the spotlight Twilight?"

Twilight smiled sheepishly and turned all the other lights in the house on, revealing all the other members of the group which Dashie noticed instantly.

"Fluttershy? Rarity? Applejack? You're here too?"

The three just grinned nervously with a squee.

"That's the weirdest fever I've ever heard," Rainbow said.

Tails nodded. "Yeah, and we still have to find the c-" That's when the realization hit him. "Wait a minute…"

He had to gather more clues. "Twilight, you said you were cured when you woke up days ago right?"

"Yes. But when I woke up I felt a little bump on my head. I must've hit it or something."

Tails gasped. It all finally connected now. It was all in front of him all along. He felt so dumb for not realizing it sooner, but he was still happy otherwise because finally… finally! "That's it! We don't need to find that missing piece because the cure is…"

All the others leaned in closer in anticipation of the revelation that could end this apocalypse. "We just have to hit them on the head and knock them out!" He grinned. "It's kind of like requiring a headshot to kill a zombie."

The others did not expect that at all and they were left with a blank expression on their faces. All they could say was, "What?"

"Are you saying that after everything we've been through, trying to defend the book, searching for that dreaded missing piece, were all for nothing?" Twilight said rather tense.

"Darling, surely this fever has been causing you enough stress already," Rarity said. "And I believe this has proven that."

"No guys, it all connects together, see? We just have to try it out on whoever's still sick. But it wasn't for nothing. Maybe that's what was in that missing part. That the cure is just a quick hit on the head."

"Alright then. Let's eliminate this fever once and for all!"

Applejack interrupted. "Hold on, who else is sick?"

Tails remembered his and Rarity's little encounter with Applejack when she was still sick. He just happened to recall a certain pink pony. "Pinkie Pie?" He mentioned.

"Sweetie Belle is also sick," Rarity frowned.

As if on coincidence, the mentioned filly entered the house.

"S-Sweetie Belle?" Tails said.

"Hey Tails!"

He gulped. The cuteness overload will be too much for him. "W-what are you and Applebloom doing here?"

"Oh, Applebloom just told me to come with her."

Applebloom said, "She doesn't look sick at all."

Tails agreed. She didn't seem to run towards him and attack him with her cuteness. Things were looking good. "Okay, so the only one left is Pinkie Pie." I hope….

Rarity held Tails's shoulder. "Looks like it's finally coming to an end, isn't it darling?"

Tails sighed. "Yeah…"

And so, they started their journey towards the last victim of this surprise sickness and finally put it to rest.