Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto nor its characters.

Chapter One:

It was a dark night in Konoha as we see a small blonde headed boy running for his life. "Damn, I got to lose them quick!" the boy thought, as he turned to see a mob of villagers chasing him. One of the villagers yelled, "This is the day you die you demon brat!" Naruto smirked "Not the first time I heard that" He kept running, making sure he led them in the right direction. "For the love of Kami, don't you people have anything better to do?" He said with a smirk as he dodged a rock. He made a quick right turn, getting away from the main roads he thought, "Good, almost there".

Naruto turned his head and yelled "ALRIGHT YOU MORONS FIRST AND LAST WARNING! STOP CHASING ME AND ASSULTING ME OR I'LL BE FORCED TO RETALIATE!" "Shut up you worthless peace of trash!" Naruto sighed "Very well…" At a distance he could see the small marker he left on the side of the hill, he ran at full speed and punched it. When he did that, he stopped running, turned around and smiled at the mob. They were shocked wondering why he stopped. Before anyone could say or do anything, a small explosion went off over them, as multiple rocks fell on the villagers, knocking out a few of them while injuring the others. Not enough to be life threatening mind you, but enough for him to make his escape.

Naruto just stood there as he saw his handy work as he turned around thinking to himself "fools". He was about to take off when he felt a sharp pain on his left shoulder followed by a warm sensation. Surprisingly he did not yell or scream, instead, he clutched in his shoulder and grabbed the kunai thinking to himself "Damn, I let my guard down".

Naruto quickly turned around and saw that the few villagers that were still conscious had an evil looking smile on their face. All of a sudden, from the center of the mob, two figures jumped to the front. They looked to be in their mid-twenties and they had this punk ass looking grin on their faces. Naruto just glared at them thinking "Damn, these two have to be at least Chunin level this is not good. I need to figure out a way out of this…but how?"


The Third Hokage was at his desk looking through some papers when he looked up to see two of his Anbu standing there with a pissed off Naruto tied and gagged. The Third Hokage let out a sigh. As he reached out to grab his pipe, he spoke "Ok boar dag, untie the boy and leave us…" "Hai" the Anbu replied as they did as they were told. After they were done and left, Naruto stood there in silence, looking at the Third Hokage preparing himself for what was sure to be another lecture.

After what seemed to be an eternity of waiting, the Third Hokage let out a puff of smoke and asked "Did they hurt you Naruto?" Naruto in his most calm voice said "No Hokage". The Hokage had a sign of relief on his face but was quickly replaced with a more serious one. "Naruto, it has come to my attention that your pranks are becoming more dangerous, to the point that a few of the villagers were sent to the hospital. The council will not tolerate this for much longer." Naruto at this point locked his eyes with the Third but said nothing. As the Third stared into Naruto's ocean blue eyes, he saw they were filled with anger and rage, but, he also saw sadness. He knew the report was only saying the villager's side of the story but he wanted to hear his, and give him a chance to explain.

Naruto let out a sigh, "Look gramps, I was just defending myself. On top of that, I even warned all of them. Although, I know they would never admit it. The Hokage raised an eyebrow thinking to himself, "He warned them, it's remarkable. Even though this boy has been through so much in his short life, he still holds some kindness in his heart."

The Hokage spoke, "Well Naruto thank you for telling me this, I'll bring it up at our next meeting and if they try to deny it, I'll have Inoichi check their minds. But I promise you, I will get to the truth." Naruto nodded. "Now I am concerned if they chase you again…" At this, Naruto looked down and said "Yeah, especially with my birthday coming up…" On normal days it was bad but on his birthday it was even worse the way he was treated. Before the Hokage could speak, Naruto looked up with his classic foxy grin "Don't worry gramps. If there's one thing I know to be true, is that…THERE IS ALWAYS A WAY!"


Naruto pulled the kunai out of his shoulder never taking is eyes off the Chunin in front of him as he slowly reached into his back pocket pulling out a small paper. The two Chunin, not noticing the paper, were laughing their asses off at Naruto standing there with the kunai in hand. "Dumb brat" One of them said in between breaths of laughter "What do you think you're gonna do with that?" Naruto just smiled "You underestimate your opponent". Before either one of them could say anything, Naruto quickly wrapped the paper around the handle guard of the kunai and threw it as hard as he could. It landed a foot away from the Chunin which caused them and the villagers who were still conscious to break out into a loud hysterical laughter. They did not notice Naruto take off as soon as the kunai hit the ground, they stopped laughing when they noticed Naruto a little further away, but before they could do anything about it, a large flash followed by an explosion sound went off.

Naruto did not bother to turn around to see his handy work this time, as he heard all the screams of the people that were temporarily blinded, thanks to the flash bomb, he just kept running until he felt exhausted. He went into an alleyway to catch his breath. After having a few minutes to calm down, he looked at his shoulder and thought "Damn it, I need to get home and treat the wound". He looked around the corner and thought "Ok, I'm good…" he started walking quickly not to draw attention to himself as he heard a voice call out to him.

"You damn demon brat!" the voice yelled. Naruto slowly turned around and saw the two Chunin from before standing in front of him. Before Naruto could move at all, one of the Chunin ran towards him and gave him a solid punch to his solar plexus, with enough force to send Naruto flaying a few feet away. As he tried to stand up, he found himself brought to his knees from the pain of the punch. "Damn, what am I supposed to do now?" The two Chunin smiled at the state that he was in as they pulled out a few kunai and threw them at Naruto.

"No, no, no!" he yelled to himself as fear, anger, sadness and hate swirled inside of him. He was not ready to die as his emotions ran wild inside of him, everything started to slow down. And all of a sudden, things got black and white, the exception being the two Chunin that were glowing blue. As the kunai grew closer, they were slowing down and as if out of pure instinct to live, Naruto grabbed the closest kunai and deflected all of the rest. The two Chunin were in shock at what he just did. They took their eyes off him to look at each other, and as they did, Naruto took the chance to get out of their sight. He ran as fast as he could to one of the hiding spots he made for himself through the village. He sat inside an empty crate and thought to himself, "damn (cough) how did I..." He did not get to finish his sentence as he was exhausted and lost a good amount of blood. His eyes rolled to the back of his head and he slipped into unconsciousness.

Naruto started to stir as he slowly opened his eyes and sat up to look around. Everything was still blurry, as he slowly made his way to his feet, he looked around with his vision slowly adjusting itself. He noticed he was in some type of sewer. The walls were high and the floor was covered in water and the hallway that he was in, was lid up by torches. "I wonder where I am. The last thing I remember was…" He quickly checked his shoulder to find that the wound was gone. After a few moments of trying to figure stuff out, he sighed as he stared down the hallway and decided to start walking with his hands in his pocket. After a few minutes of walking down the hall, Naruto got a chill down his spine that told him that he was not alone. After what seem to be an eternity of walking, he yelled "Am I ever gonna find a way out of here!?" He said as he walked into a large room.

"End of the line…" he thought to himself. As he looked around, he noticed that on the other side of the room, was a giant caged door. "I wonder what the hell goes in there" he thought to himself as he got close to the door. As he stood in front of it, he noticed that there was a small piece of paper in the center of the door that read "Seal". "What the hell is going on!? Where am I? What's with the cage? How do I get out of here?" he thought while racking his brain for answers.

"Giving up already? I expected more." Naruto quickly turned around to hear where the sound came from and saw a man that was roughly 6 feet tall, with blond hair similar to his own. The difference being, that the man's hair was longer with two bangs that framed his face. He had the same blue eyes as him, wore a leaf headband on his forehead and was wearing a Jonin flat jacket with a white robe over it with the words 4th Hokage written on it. "So Naruto, would you mind telling me how old you are?"

Naruto took a second to calm down before he spoke, "How do you know my name? And why are you dressed like the 4th?" The man was a little shocked at the tone the boy used on him, as well as impressed that instead of freaking out, like most kids his age, he kept calm. "Ok, well first answer me this. What do you know about the 4th?" "Only what everybody else knows, and that he was a great man who died fighting and killed the Kyuubi. That's why I ask you, why are you impersonating the 4th?"

The man chuckled a little before he spoke, "Well Naruto, first of, you are half right on that story." Naruto looked at the man confused, "Ok, well the part you got right was that the 4th did die fighting the nine tails but he did not kill him. You cannot kill a Bijuu, you can only seal them. In this case the nine tails was sealed into a new born baby…" Naruto's eyes widened, as he had a sick feeling in his stomach that told him he was not going to like the rest of this story. "Naruto…" the man spoke to snap him out of his thoughts. Naruto looked at the man with his eyes watering. "THAT BABY WAS YOU!"

Finally everything started to click into his head. The answer to why he was hated, chased and beaten, and why he was kicked out of the orphanage the year before. Why he had to look through the garbage for food, when the stores would kick him out or overcharge him so he could not even afford anything. The reason why he had to become so cold and calculative, just to survive from day to day when in reality he just wanted what any other kid wanted.

The man just stood there letting Naruto digest what was revealed to him, but before he could say anything, Naruto clenched his fist and locked his eyes on to the man's, with tears rolling down his face as he asked "Why? Why the hell would he do this to me? The man just stood there. With sadness in his voice, he spoke "You see Naruto, I knew that if anyone could truly harness the power of the Kyuubi and keep our village safe, it would have to be my own son." Naruto just stood there, eyes wide as dinner plates as he found himself at a loss for words.

The 4th knew that his time was starting to run out, so he could not afford to waste any. "Ok son, now I need you to pay close attention, understand?" Naruto snapped out of his train of thought and just nodded. "Before you begin…" he spoke, "Can I ask you a question?" The man nodded him to continue. "What his your name...?" Naruto asked while rubbing the back of his head. This caused the 4th to sweat drop as he spoke, "I thought you were a little too young to be in the academy, which makes sense that you would ask me that. Ok, well son, my name is Minato Namikaze." Naruto just smiled. "Ok, well before we can begin, I need to introduce you to someone." Minato said.

Naruto looked around for anyone else before turning back to Minato with a WTF look on his face, wondering where the person was. This caused Minato to chuckle. "Naruto you won't find the person out here. The person I'm talking about is behind this cage." Naruto stared at Minato, then back to the cage as he looked around wondering "Where the hell is this person, which I'm supposed to be looking for." He was about to ask Minato if this was some type of game. When all of a sudden, a giant red eye with a vertical slit for a pupil open and started directly at the boy. After what seem to be the world's longest staring contest, the figure's other eye came open and it slowly started to come into light. It was gigantic. Naruto never felt so small before him in its bright orange fur with red piercing eyes and nine giant tails in the back of it. The strongest of all the Bijuu's: The Nine Tail Demon Fox.

But what Naruto did next shocked Minato, as well as the Demon Fox. In his most calm voice, Naruto looked at the Demon Fox and said "So you're the Nine Tails huh? Well, it's an honor to meet the king of all the Bijuu's". Now in no way was Naruto an ass kisser, but he did show respect for those who had power, and it didn't get more powerful than the entity in front of him. The Kyuubi said nothing just nodded his head. "Now Naruto, I need you to focus." Minato said. Naruto nodded for Minato to continue, "OK, well first, it begins on the night you were born. The village came under attack…" "Yeah by him." Naruto said while pointing at the Demon Fox.

Minato shook his head and said "Yes he did attack the village but it was not his fault. You see, he was being controlled." "WHAT!" Naruto yelled as he turned to the Nine Tails. "That's not possible! Who the hell could control you!?" The Nine Tails said nothing, as he was not particularly proud of that night. Minato spoke up "It was a masked man that claimed to be Madara Uchiha. But that's not possible, he died a long time ago, fighting the 1st. At least that's what the 3rd Hokage told me once. Minato had a huge smile that threatened to split his face. "Ok son, let me ask you something. Do you notice anything different?" "What do you mean?" Naruto asked. After a few seconds, it clicked. "Do you mean everything looks clearer, even though it's black and white, and you are glowing blue, while the big guy is glowing red?"

The Kyuubi growled a little, not liking the way Naruto referred to him. Minato chuckled a little. "Good, now do me a favor and look at your reflection." Naruto did as he was told and looked down at the water. What he saw looking back at him, shocked him. For his once blue ocean eyes, were now crimson red with an additional black figure next to his pupil in each eye. "Sh…Sha…Sharingan!?" Naruto yelled in disbelieve. But Minato interrupted him, "Yes son, the reason you have the Sharingan and the reason I know why that man was not Madara, was because Madara was my father and your grandfather." "What the hell! Is this dream ever gonna end? This can't be real!". "No son, this is not a dream. We are in your mindscape. It's a place where you can come when you need to talk with the Kyuubi. Right?" He said while looking at the Kyuubi, who nodded in agreement. "And you, right?" asked Naruto. Even though his exterior portrayed a person who was cold and uncaring. Inside, he still was a child who wanted a family.

"No…" said Minato in a saddened voice. "The reason I'm here, is because I put some of my Chakra into the seal, and it would activate when you awaken the Sharingan. Although, I never would have imagined you would do it at a very young age." Naruto remained silent. "Ok then, now listen and don't interrupt. Ok?" Naruto nodded. "Ok, first, like I said, you can trust the Kyuubi, that's why I'm doing this…" Minato walked over to the cage, placed his hand on the seal, and ripped it off. The whole room started to shake like if it was an earthquake. The sounds of locks, undoing themselves, echoed through the room as the gates opened slowly. After a few seconds, the cage was opened and the Kyuubi stood up with his tails waving around in all its glory. Minato turned around and was shocked to see his son just standing there with his hands in his pocket, as if nothing was wrong in the world.

"Now Naruto, I know with what I told you about your heritage, you'd want to go to the Uchihas and have a family. But you can't." Naruto raised an eyebrow. "You're probably wondering why." Minato said as Naruto nodded. "For as long as I've known them, the Uchihas were nothing but arrogant, self-righteous bastards, thinking that all should bow down to them for their precious Sharingan. Neither your grandfather nor I thought that it was true power. We saw it as a tool, but it alone is was not enough. Understand son?"

After a few moments of silence, Naruto recalled his encounter with a few Uchihas and he knew Minato was saying the truth. "I understand" he said. "Also, don't tell anybody else what you learned today, unless you can trust that person with your life. Also, don't reveal that you're my son, until you're strong enough to protect yourself and those closest to you. I have many enemies and so did your grandfather, ok?" Naruto just nodded. "Lastly, in my compound before I died, I placed a blood seal on it so only one with my blood can open it. All you have to do is put some of your blood on the seal, channel Chakra through it and it will open."

"What's inside?" asked Naruto with curiosity. "Inside the compound, are scrolls of history and Jutsu that your mother and I found and made." "I only ask you that if you do go, make sure you're not followed. Ok?" Naruto just manage to nod dumbly, as he was fantasizing of all the information that will soon be his. Minato smiled as he saw himself in Naruto, as he knew what his son was thinking of. "Ok son, just promise me when it comes to the stronger Jutsu, you'll wait until you can handle it. Ok?" Minato asked. "Yeah." Naruto replied.

Minato's Chakra had reached its limit. He slowly started to fade. "Naruto, I know the people from the village have not been good to you, but one day, they'll understand that you are not their extermination but their salvation. And when that day comes, hold nothing against them and rise above hatred. I know that one day, the man with the mask will be back, and when that day comes you will need to be ready to fight. So train hard my son. "Minato said with a smile. "I will" Naruto replied. "Know that your mother and I love you, and make us proud." With those last words Minato's body was surrounded by light and with a smile he gave a thumbs up and he was gone.

As the Kyuubi watched in silence, he stared at the boy who kept looking at the spot where his father once stood. After a few moments he turned around and looked at the Kyuubi. "So I guess this makes us partners huh?" "Yes boy I will teach you all that I know, as well as guide you down the path of power." Replied the Nine Tails. "Good to know." said Naruto with a smirk. "Now, how about you tell me how to get out of here." "Very well kit, you will be awake in a few minutes."

Naruto woke up in darkness. As he looked around thinking, "Wow, I'm back." He quickly checked his wound and noticed there was nothing there. "What the…?" "I've healed it completely kit, now that the cage is opened, I can heal you faster now. You don't have to speak out loud or people will think you are nuts. All you have to do is speak to me in your mind, understand?"The Nine Tails explained. "Yeah, I understand." Naruto thought to himself as he deactivated the Sharingan. Naruto opened the crate he was in and saw the sun was beginning to rise. "Damn, I must have been out for a few hours. Oh well, if the sun is coming up, gramps should be at the tower." With that, he jumped out of the crate and started to run towards the Hokage Tower.