The Differance
"THANKS." Hermione ran to her closet to see her top hanging on a hanger.
"I need to be more responsible. I'm Head Girl now." she said to her self as she pulled the small shirt over her head. Hermione had grown and matured in all the right ways. She had her curves where they belonged and had wonderful straigh hair that had gone dark brown over the summer. Her eyes went from green to angelic blue and she had to admit she was very pretty. Her cousin gave her a complete makeover on her style and did a nice job too. The shirt she wore was short enough to show only her stomache which she's very skinny as to she has grown taller. She wore low rise shorts that were so short they just barely covered her butt.
"Mum we gotta go so I can get on Hogwarts Express."Hermione hadn't realized her father and mother were arguing they did that alot lately.
"Hermione it's only 9:00 it leaves at 11:00 it only takes 5 minutes to get there wait till 10:45."Hermione nodded and raced upstairs. she loked in the mirror of her vantity than applied her makeup. Even though she was beautiful, she had a dark secret that she never wanted to tell. Not even to Harry Potter, her best friend and her crush since their first year at Hogwarts. They had saved her life so she became their friend imediately. At 10:45 her and her mother left.
"Mom what were you and daddy arguing about?"
"Oh nothing much just...oh we're here." Hermione got a trolley than got on the train.
"HARRY! RON!"Hermione ran towards them after she dropped her stuff off at the compartment door.
"Mione, you look....."for once Ron was at a loss for words. Harry helped Hermione into the compartment and they lugged her stuff up.
"Sorry guys I'll be back got Head Boy Girl and Prefects meeting now." She walked out the door to the front of the train. After about 10 minutes she walked back pale as a ghost.
"Mione?"Harry and Ron asked as she sat down wide eyed.
"Guys, my room mate is...