Chapter 30: Year End

News of Sirius Black's escape from the castle spread immediately. Everyone agreed that he must have an accomplice inside the castle that enabled him to escape without a trace. The common accused were Lupin and Harry – as Snape kept insisting – but no one had any hard evidence to prove their claims so they walked free. And so it would seem, Sirius Black too.

Matthias did as promised and told no one of the events that led to Black's escape. He did however, tell Theodore the truth of what happened before it all went to flames. He told him how he accidentally got himself involved, Sirius Black's innocence and how Pettigrew faked his own death to escape prison, and that Harry owns an Invisibility Cloak.

Theodore went into some sort of panic attack while he tried to swallow all of the information Matthias just dropped on him. When Matthias told him about the huge gash he got on his arm during his attempt to save Ron, Theodore smacked his head upright and scolded him for putting his life on the line for an ungrateful blood-traitor. Theodore most especially did not appreciate Matthias temporary state of paralysis.

Much like Snape, Theodore advised Matthias to not involve himself with the Gryffindors any further if he wants finish schooling in Hogwarts. While Matthias found Harry's adventures exciting, he did not want his life expectancy to go down either, so he agreed. Agreed to be careful at least. He's certain that Harry and the others will find a way to get more of them involved in the future anyway.

Speaking of the potions master, Matthias knew that his decision to side with Snape prompted the latter to keep the truth of his involvement that night from the other Slytherins. Their agreement didn't involve coming up with an alibi for his absence that night however. It is most unusual, almost unheard of, for Snape to do something like that. But it saved Matthias the time of coming up with a lie of his own and went out of his way to thank Snape personally. He also apologized for stealing ingredients in his potions cabinet.

Snape didn't lift his detention next year, as Matthias hoped but it didn't hurt to try either.

Malfoy on the other hand was more furious about hearing of Buckbeak's escape than Sirius' own. He can't accept the reality that he, his father, and the Ministry were outsmarted by a "stupid, whalish, oaf". He's convinced himself that Hagrid found a way to smuggle the hippogriff to safety without being caught. He even tried to bribe Matthias to make him figure out what really happened.

Matthias refused him just because he can and the look of dejection on Malfoy's face was priceless.

Exam results came out the following day. They all passed their subject without any problems, save for Crabbe and Goyle who had to deal with a few complications but it's assured that both of them will be stepping up with them to fourth year.

Matthias received a perfect mark for Muggle Studies, as expected, and received satisfactory remarks for all the others. They were fruits of his hard work and labor, there's no one else to blame but himself. Even History of Magic had good results, when he's certain he'd mixed up all the names and delineated fact from fiction.

He thanked Theodore for all his help and guidance in History of Magic, while Malfoy and Zabini finally gave him the gratitude he deserves for helping them in Divination. Those thank you's were long overdue.

Everyone was certain they'll all get high-remarks in Potions, call it benefits of being in Slytherin, but knowing that is simply no fun. The Slytherins then introduced Matthias to a game they've come up with back in their first years to make it so. It's basically just revealing their grades at the same time and the one with the highest score gets to wish for one thing from the group, and the one with the lowest gets to do one dare. It helps motivate them to do better or something.

On Zabini's count, they all flipped their grades around. There was an onslaught of moans and cheers. Malfoy unmistakably got the highest remarks, followed by Zabini, then Davis, which Matthias was surprised by, followed by Theodore, then Daphne and Matthias at a tie. Goyle got the lowest remark, something he saw coming. His Confusing Potion, for some reason, did turn completely solid.

As the Hogwarts Express pulled out of the station, Matthias gave the others surprising news.

"Alright boys listen up," he said while rubbing his hands together. Theodore and Zabini looked over as they climbed up the Express. "I've decided to drop Muggle Studies."

Zabini moaned pleasingly, "About damn time."

"You got three hundred and forty percent in your exam," Theodore reminded him. "Why drop it?"

"I know, I know," Matthias slurred, "but two terms of that is enough. Plus – Zabini you record this down because I'm not saying it again," Zabini mouthed the word 'record' like it was some ancient, foreign language. "Muggles are boring."

Zabini laughed. "I want printed on a t-shirt."

They filed in on an empty compartment and began chatting about their vacation plans. Most of which involved sleeping for long periods of the time in their own beds.

Matthias pressed his face on the mirror overlooking Hogwarts just as the Express began to move, a hint of sadness filling his chest. He'll miss living in under the lake, he'll miss the magical lessons and their intriguing set of Professors, but most of all he'll miss the feasts. Oh, who was he kidding? He'll miss everyone he's met in this school. Even those he's gotten in a few fights with like Montague and that fifth-year Gryffindor with an oddly solid punch.

"So," drawled Zabini, "How are things with Greengrass?"

"Fine, I guess," Matthias answered dubiously. "She doesn't hate me as much as she did before, but it doesn't feel any different. She still doesn't talk me."

"Pretty sure that's your fault," Zabini spat and Matthias nodded in agreement.

"It's not that I don't want to talk to her," the brunette argued, "I just don't know what to talk to her about."

"Dude, Theodore Nott is your best friend," Zabini reminded him. "He's like the only other male student I know that has a completely platonic relationship with her. And he isn't the least bit interested in her. He's your guy, your inside man, why aren't you using him to his fullest potential?!"

Theodore blinked, suspicious of that statement. "Are you suggesting that I be his wing man?"

Zabini rolled his eyes. "Yes. Are you that daft? Your brother is desperate here."

"I'm not daft, Zabini," Theodore frowned. "I'm far more observant than you and that is a fact."

"Being observant doesn't get you the ladies."

"Are we really talking about girls right now?" Matthias interrupted them.

"Definitely," Zabini said.

"It would seem so," Theodore mumbled.

"We are growing men, Matthias," Zabini wrapped an arm around Matthias and poked him repeatedly. "We need ladies in our lives, mostly you in particular."

"I appreciate the love and support here, I really do," Matthias said, pushing Zabini off, "but you're forgetting that Daphne is taken. T.A.K.E.N. She's got a boyfriend."

"It's not like you're planning on taking her from Turner, you know?"

"Turner?" Matthias echoed. He isn't familiar with that name. "Isn't she dating William from Ravenclaw?"

Zabini hooted. "You're lagging behind news, Braun. They broke up right after New Year. Got me some Galleons off it too." He laughed. "And Davis says they'd make through the year, what a joke. Turner and Greengrass got together a week later."

"Who the fuck is Turner?"

"Slytherin, fifth-year. They're apparently childhood friends or something," Theodore clarified.

"Okay, sure," Matthias breathed. "But how? I know a lot of people like her, but a week? Seriously? That's how much leeway she needs?"

"I heard from Davis that she sort of got in a fight with William over the break and Turner was sort of there for her?" Theodore said. "I think he's been pinning after her ever since school started, so it's not really a surprise."

"For those who know, yeah!" Matthias cried and pointed to himself. "This is news to me!"

"That's one more person that's less observant than you, huh Nott?"

"I mean, I wouldn't have known either if Daphne didn't tell me about it," Theodore revealed.

Matthias covered his ears and shook his head, "I don't want to hear any more about someone else's love life that isn't remotely related to me."

"Remotely?" Zabini laughed. "If you had the same guts as these men pining after her you'd be directly related to her love life."

"That's just it isn't it? I'm not as direct as those people, so I'm not. I get flustered every time I'm alone with her I probably look like an idiot," Matthias said bashfully and buried his face on his parka.

"Oh yeah," Zabini recalled. "You totally missed your chance to redeem yourself with her last Charms. You're worthless, man."

"I'm worthless…" the brunette repeated in solemn agreement.

Zabini, surprised that Matthias somehow agreed and repeated a self-derogatory statement addressed to him, found new heart to try again. Matthias repeated it again, and Zabini said another adjective after the next.

This went on for quite a long time and all Theodore can do was watch his two idiots in silent amusement.

Matthias slowly blinked at sudden introduction of light as he woke up. He didn't even realize he had fallen asleep during their chatter. He looked around their compartment to regard his friends and saw how Theodore and Zabini had also fallen asleep across him.

Theodores head bobbed up and down in his slumber, a forgotten book lay open on his lap, while Zabini curled up near the door with Matthias' parka covering his face. They looked so peaceful that Matthias chose not to wake them up. He instead let himself enjoy the view outside the Express, thinking about the things he's experienced this year.

There was so much to mention, so much to think about, and so much to be thankful for.

Matthias never expected to enjoy himself in Slytherin as much as he did. He had the foresight that Slytherin will be similar to Durmstrang, and to some extent it was; the bigotry, the arrogance, the constant need to be above others, it all reminded him of his old school. But at the same time, Slytherin was different. How much that difference allowed himself to open himself up more to others surprised him too, now that he thought about it.

It was obvious during his first few weeks in Hogwarts that he had his guard up. He wanted to make a place for himself, yes, but Matthias also trusted very few people. He kept them all at arm's length and was very selective of his friends. But as they days flew by, Matthias eventually found himself lowering his guard and genuinely enjoy himself around their company and Hogwarts as a whole.

Hogwarts made him feel something that was snatched away from him in Durmstrang. He felt that childlike wonder and glee of being in a school for magic with his friends; not the fear and constantly struggling with the terrifying waves in it. It was a breathtaking experience to say the least and Matthias is glad to have made new memories of with his friends. It didn't matter if those memories were bad, irritating, good, or amusing, nor did it matter if those memories were shared with the Slytherins, the Hufflepuffs, or the painfully adventurous Gryffindors; they all gained something from it and each other.

It made them special to one another, and that's all that matters.

Smiling at the thoughts of the friends he's made over the year, Matthias picked up clean rolls of parchments from his satchel and began folding paper cranes. He thought of giving the cranes to the friends he's come to cherish and appreciate this year. It's a temporary memorabilia but he's got nothing better to do and he has papers to spare, it was the least he can to do productively pass the time.

He was quick to finish two cranes in less than ten minutes and placed one of them on top of Theodore's book. He placed another crane on the table across Zabini for its own safety. Matthias finished seven more cranes before leaving the compartment to give them away.

Slipping away from their compartment, Matthias first looked for Malfoy and Parkinson, who apparently just stayed on the neighboring wagon.

After leaving them alone, Matthias soon found his way at the back end of the Express, where he caught Ron and Hermoine fumbling inside their compartment, where a small owl fluttered excitably.

Once Hermoine hit the poor thing with a full body-bind curse, the excitable owl dropped to Ron's hand and began chirping helplessly. Ron handed the letter to Harry then asked Hermoine to release the poor owl from its misery. The owl shook its wings before settling itself on Ron's lap affectionately. Its small black bead for eyes, seemed to glare heavily at Hermoine.

Matthias gave one of the cranes to Hermoine, who accepted it delightfully, and left them alone to discuss the letter Harry just received. He just assumed it was from Sirius and decided not to ask. It's much safer that only a select few know about his current whereabouts after all.

After visiting Ernie's compartment and giving the Hufflepuff's their respective paper cranes, Matthias trekked back their compartment. And just as he slid the wagon door behind him closed, Matthias saw Daphne simultaneously step out off one of the compartments in the carriage he just walked into.

Their eyes met for a moment and Daphne smiled at his general direction.

Matthias looked behind him, just in case there was someone else there and Daphne didn't really intend to smile at him. Realizing that a door was the only thing behind him, Matthias bit his tongue nervously and approached her. "Hey," he said with a soft smile.

"Hello," Daphne greeted him back. "Going for a walk?"

"Ah… I was… Uhm…Yeah, I am," Matthias mumbled. He slapped himself internally for being such a nervous wreck. Get yourself together, Matthias Braun!

"Mind if I join you?" Daphne asked and Matthias blinked, dumbfounded.

"You want to join me? In walking?"

Daphne shrugged. "Sitting around for too long is going to give me leg cramps."

"Uhm… Is Davis alright with that?" Matthias inquired. "Is Turner going to be okay with that?"

"Davis won't mind. I was the one who asked to join you anyway. If it was the other way around however," she laughed and Matthias chuckled nervously, "it will be a different matter altogether. But hey, congratulations on finding about Turner? Zabini told me you have no idea William and I broke up months ago. Quite late for someone who I thought likes me enough to stalk me."

Matthias turned red around the ears. "I–It's not like I keep tabs on who you decide to date. It's your life, I don't get to tell you what to do. And for the record, I only stalked you once and that was Parkinson's idea not mine!"

"Right," she rolled her tongue and crossed her arms, unconvinced. "You still went through with it though. Not as innocent as you make yourself to be."

Matthias bit his lip and fidgeted at the strap of his shoulder bag.

Daphne watched him for a moment and scoffed, amusingly. "Are we going to walk or are we just going to stand and talk?"

"Right," Matthias snapped. "Walk, uhm…" he stepped to the side and gestured a hand ahead of them, "ladies first."

Daphne nodded at him once and Matthias followed close behind, cursing himself on the sides for acting such a love-sick fool in front of her. Fortunately or unfortunately, for Matthias, they didn't do much talking as they walked together.

Matthias isn't sure if the silence was awkward or peaceful, and tried multiple times to start a conversation to fill the air with something else. He just can't bring himself to go through with it though. His lips merely trembled, meaning to say something, and then he meets Daphne's eyes and he'd retreat back to his anxious state.

"What do you plan to do this summer?" Daphne suddenly asked.

Matthias jumped and immediately tried to think of answer. Should he lie or should he be honest? Should he try to impress her or should he be true to himself? Oh this is so frustrating. Theodore would know what to do if he was here. "Uhm… I don't have anything specific in mind. Probably just help around the house. Moving can take time to getting used to."

"Oh, you moved houses?" Daphne mused. "I thought you just transferred schools because of how Durmstrang was like for you."

"Yeah, the whole family moved to London," Matthias mumbled. "Common misconception that I transferred just because of Durmstrang. I transferred because father wants us to live near the Ministry. Durmstrang was simply too far from England, and suddenly Hogwarts became a more sound option."

"I see…" Daphne trailed. The silence returning between them.

Matthias eyes glanced at her again and inhaled deeply. She's made the first step, all he had to do was meet her halfway. "W-What about you? What are you doing this summer?"

Daphne's eyes lit up at his sudden interest to keep their talk. "I'm going to try my luck on making clothes."

Matthias tilted his head, surprised. "You sew?"

"Hardly," Daphne scoffed dismissively. "I don't know the first thing about sewing. We hardly even stitch our own clothes. The house-elves are kind of there for that. Fixing up garments and what-not."

"I… uh… wouldn't know," Matthias mumbled, oddly remembering their first talk to have something to do with elves too.

"I know," Daphne laughed. "Anyway, it's a fairly new interest so I don't really know if I'll go through with it."

"But why would you want to make clothes?" Matthias asked. "I mean, you're a pure-blood. You have the money and the reputation to ask dozens of tailors to make them for you."

"I've tried that before, didn't really work out," Daphne shrugged. "Mother and father doesn't want us making anything resembling what Muggles wear, or buy us clothes from a Muggle store. Everything must come from the wizarding world or something like that."

Matthias frowned, "It's… Its clothes? We all wear clothes. It doesn't matter who or where it came from."

"I know, weird right?" Daphne shrugged, "Anyway they refuse to have our designs made, so now I'm going to learn how to sew so I can make them myself. They can't stop me from doing what I want."

"I... I see," Matthias smiled, bashfully.

"I don't even know where to begin," Daphne sighed. "Do I buy fabric first or do I buy thread and needle first? I haven't seen a book that gives you a step by step process on how to design clothes. And believe me, I've looked."

Matthias laughed, surprising Daphne and stopping her passionate talk about fashion design.

"What? You think it's funny a pure-blood like me has interest in making clothes?" Daphne fumed. "I'll have you know it's a very honorable but rare profession. I mean, if I get to have my own apparel someday, I aim to run Madame Wilkes out of business"

Matthias laughed again. Daphne glared said, "Okay, you are seriously being rude right now. I haven't told anyone about this. And I actually want to make clothes. Quality ones, I might add."

Matthias slowed to a chuckled and pulled out a paper crane from his bag. "Here, this should help."

Daphne took the crane into her hands and handled it with caution. She studied it intriguingly, "Is it a bird?"

"A crane, actually."

"It's cute…" Daphne said. "I just fail to see how this should help me."

"Well, it won't help you learn, but it should help you get there," Matthias grinned.

"I still don't understand," Daphne trailed.

"It's said that if you fold a thousand paper cranes, you get to have a wish fulfilled by the Gods. It's pretty ridiculous," he said truthfully. "I like to believe giving them away to people that matter gives them something to be hopeful about. Which in your case is… learning how to sew. I don't know anything about fashion or making clothes either but this is me wishing you the best."

Daphne stared at the crane on her hands and smiled, "It's not real magic, but wishful thinking does have a magic of its own. Thank you, Matthias. I'll keep it safe."

Matthias blushed and looked away bashfully, "No – No problem."

Matthias stumbled back into their compartment, eyes staring off in the distance. Theodore and Zabini, who were busy dealing each other random pieces of Bertie Bott's Flavored Beans before looking at him confusedly.

Theodore asked him where he ran off too and inquired about the paper cranes they woke up for company instead. Zabini flapped the wings of his crane experimentally and mentioned something about wanting more of the cute things. Matthias stared at the crane's and laughed dryly. His legs gave out beneath and him and thankfully enough, Zabini was quick to catch him.

Zabini jests that he might have seen Daphne earlier because the only other time Matthias losses all function of his body is after he survives a normal conversation with her.

Matthias' ears must've blown steam in chagrin because Zabini laughed; either to mock him or just plain amusement. He pushed the older Slytherin off him and buried his face in his parka to hide his embarrassment.

Zabini continued to press him about his encounter in a painful, teasing manner so Matthias pettily refused to tell him anything.

Theodore however, caught on quick with Matthias' distress and let the latter calm down first before asking about it. Slowly but surely, Matthias' love-sick high began to drop and he recalled what has happened during his absence. It wasn't the talk that made Matthias incredibly giddy in the end, but what he got out from it. Her mailing address. She gave him her mailing address, again. But this time it's the address to her family's official residence. To make things better, she said he'd mail her about her progress with the new hobby and probably ask Matthias for advice - just because Muggle's have a better way of searching for information.

It didn't take long for Express to stop in Platform 9 ¾ after that. Matthias slapped some sense back to himself and wished his friends a memorable break. And just before their group separated into their own separate ways, Malfoy reminded him about his father's insistence to meet with his family again. Matthias assured him that he'll send a letter to invite them in their new home soon, and guided his trolley to the wall leading back to King Cross Station.

Once he phased through the wall, Matthias pushed through the crowd of commuters in search for his brother.

He saw Johann talking animatedly to a plump, mustached man. The man regarded Johann with reserved skepticism but keep glancing on the choices being offered to him in interest. Two red heads stood not that far ahead of them and waved at Matthias' general direction. The plump man looked at them suspiciously, and upon seeing Harry and his friend's familiar faces his morphed in absolute disgust.

"Welcome back, dearies," the female red head greeted her children, kissing them on the forehead one by one. When she got to Harry and Hermoine, she hugged them both tightly and expressed her delight of seeing them both again. As the Weasley family left, Ron yelled, "I'll call about the World Cup!"

Hermoine then excused herself not long after and was soon lost to sea of commuters heading out of the station. Harry wheeled his trolley towards the plump man and huffed angrily at Matthias. "We are not taking another one of your kind home!" yelled the man under his mustache.

Harry turned to Matthias, surprised that he was still around. "Do you need a ride?"

Matthias shook his head. "No, thanks, my brother's picking me up."

Vernon Dursley, glared at him. "Then s – scram, you… you… wizard," he said with pure disgust as thought it was supposed to be offensive.

"I'm sorry about this," Harry apologized.

"No it's fine," Matthias shrugged it off. "It's not every day you get called out for being a wizard. I have to say it's kind of refreshing." He pushed his trolley forward and called for his brother to follow, "Come Johann, you heard the man. Scram."

"Alright, alright…Hold your horses, little brother," Johann sighed while he analyzed the bill over his head. "I'm checking if it's fake. You're never sure these days."

Mr. Dursley's eyes grew wide. He frantically removed the new golden watch strapped around his wrist and threw it on the ground. "You – you…" he shakes a threatening finger at Johann. "I DEMAND MY MONEY BACK!"

"Sorry, sir." Johann apologized smugly as he pocketed the bill. "I told you no refunds. Should've been careful with that. It wasn't magically jinxed or anything by the way. A perfectly good watch and you just lost £30 for it." He raised his hand and Matthias clapped it with his own.

"Have a nice one, Harry," Matthias bid the Golden Boy adieu and left alongside Johann, who was cackling. Harry looked at the siblings, baffled. Johann, upon noticing Harry's eyes, winked at him mischievously before walking away.

"Weißt du, das war Harry Potters Onkel, richtig?" Matthias asked as he pushed his trolley towards a dark blue car parked by the drop off.

Johann shook his head. "Ist egal. Er sah aus wie ein einfacher Betrug, also habe ich mein Glück versucht," the older man grinned. Matthias rolled his eyes at the hopelessness of his older half-brother.

"Also, der Harry Potter jetzt schuldet mir einen Gefallen." With a sly wave of his wand, which was hidden under his coat jacket, Johann hauled Matthias' heavy trunk at the back of the cars boot with little to no effort. "Denken Sie daran, mir zu sagen, dass ich irgendwann danach fragen soll" Johann slammed the door shut and walked over to the driver's seat.

Matthias followed suit and took shotgun.

As they left the station, Matthias saw Harry leaving with a grin on his face while his Uncle held a piece of paper like his dear life depended on it. Laughing, Matthias raised his legs on the dashboard and closed his eyes. He's has a lot in store this break. He's finally going to see their new house, he had a mystery under the name of Gareth Braun – a sharp pain shot past his head – to solve, a Wyvern to raise, and maybe, just maybe, become friends with Daphne.

This summer is going to be great.

A/N: AND TADAH. WE ARE FINISHED! Thank you so much for being so patient with me and my erratic posting schedules for the remaining chapters. I want to thank all of you for reading this until the end (if you did) and for leaving reviews (if you did). This was really just a fun project for me but I liked the way how it ended and I'm glad to share it with all of you. I know it doesn't have the best grammar but I really hope all of you found some enjoyment in reading it and that I did justice on all the characters. I know that a number of you are rooting for TheodoreMatt with me. I actually have a plan in mind for them but we'll see how it goes as I write along if they really will end up being together *nudge nudge*

Behind the Lines Book 2: Heir of Darkness is in the works of being re-written, so please be patient with me yet again. Feel free to drop reviews and follow/favorite to get your updates on the next installment hot, hot, hot. Thanks again for you support for this fanfiction and see you again!

German translations are from google yet again. Feel free to correct me if they are grammatically incorrect or whatever. I try my best to make them sound as accurate as possible but I can only do so much with translations. Why do I do this to myself you ask? I love the German language. I want to learn it sometime, and bilinguals tend to shift from language to language depending on who they talk to. (I would know)

Weißt du, das war Harry Potters Onkel, richtig / You know that was Harry Potter's uncle, right?

Ist egal. Er sah aus wie ein einfacher Betrug, also habe ich mein Glück versucht/ Doesn't matter. He looked like a simple scam, so I tried my luck

Also, der Harry Potter jetzt schuldet mir einen Gefallen / Well, the Harry Potter now owes me a favor

Denken Sie daran, mir zu sagen, dass ich irgendwann danach fragen soll / Remember to tell me to ask at some point