So I forgot to do this in the last two chapters but I do not own Twilight or its characters. Heck I don't even own this plot bunny. A dear friend of mine gave it to me and I like it and she gave me all rights.

"Man is not man, but a wolf to those he does not know."



You Look Like Him

Sam knew only stories of his father and not the good kind.

He could remember how for the last seventeen years all his mother had done was curse Joshua Uley to hell and back for leaving her to soil the Earth with his wild oats. That was mostly all she talked about when she wasn't drinking away her sorrows or being green with envy at the other mothers on the reservation who still had their husbands. Or when she wasn't questioning them about if they had spread their legs for Joshua.

Sam never talked about his father to anyone. Not even to Leah when they were still together. He winched. Leah was still bitter with him for breaking up with her and going with Emily. He couldn't help it. He was just so drawn to her. He loved her and wanted to protect her. Even from himself.

As one of the only few who had shifted into their wolf skins, Sam was technically their Alpha at the present time. He felt nothing like an alpha though. He couldn't really give good commands. Being an alpha meant a lot of responsibility. More than just looking after your alcoholic mother and tending to your fiancee (who had long since healed of her scars). Sam gave a sigh.

Maybe he would go to the beach with some of the boys.

They always wanted to clear their heads. And a bit of cliff jumping always distracted him from his mother's episodes. Allison Uley (why she didn't change her last name back to her maiden name he didn't know) was just too much some days.

Sam felt horrible for the day he would move off the Rez.


"Are you sure you're alright?"

Mike looked up from his textbook over to Bella, who was sitting with her legs hanging out the van. They were the only two sitting in the van as Angela and the others were out on the beach. He could hear Jessica's loud screams of telling Tyler and Eric to stop throwing snd at her. Lauren had only come because she was trying to show off her "bikini body" to Tyler-who had chewed Mike's ear off the day before about how lucky he was to have Bella Swan all over him.

And by "all over him", he obviously confused concern for flirtation. Like now, since Bella had set down her copy of a Bronte sister's novel and was looking him in the face. He gazed into her eyes and felt like he could drown in them.

"I'm okay," said Mike.

"What's the color of the sky?"


"What's the color of my shirt?"


"What's my eye color?"

"Chocolate brown, but in certain lights they look like they could be mocha or espresso."

Bella snorted. "Is brown your favorite color or something?"

"No," he said though he wanted to say yes. He liked brown because it reminded him of Bella. Her brown hair and her pretty brown eyes.

"Um, thank you." Bella said her cheeks turning bright red as she turned away to hide her face in her book. Had he said that out loud? He groaned.

Great going Newton, he thought. Make things super awkward towards a girl you want to be good friends with. He wasn't sure what drew him to Bella. But he loved being around her. Ever since the incident in the hallway two days ago, he liked being close to her. She smelt nice. She was a break of fresh air compared to the other girls (except Angie, he didn't think he could get tired of her).

"Sorry," he blushed. "I didn't mean to embarrass you."

"Aww," a new voice came. Spice assaulted his nose as Mike turned to see a fifteen year old boy with long ink black hair. His brown eyes reminded Mike of a puppy but it made the blonde feel some sort of way. "I didn't think you'd replace me with a new best friend Bella."

Bella looked up at the boy, narrowing her eyes as she tried to place the face. The boy gave a grin and she gasped. "Jake?" she asked as she got up, her novel falling off her lap and into the sand. "Jacob Black?"

The boy, Jake, nodded his head. "Long time no see," he said with a wave. He waved at Mike. "Hi there. I'm Jake."

"Nike Mewton," Mike said and then felt his cheeks heat up again. "I mean Michael Newton-I mean Mike."

Jake laughed and it made Mike's heart flutter for a second. Oh god no.

Bella giggled and that only added onto the weirdness. The two of them together made Mike feel alive. He ducked his head and went back to his studying.

"Aww, I didn't mean to embarrass you," Jacob said. Mike wasn't sure if he had been mocking him or if he was serious. "I was just trying to tease Bella. I haven't seen her in a while so I thought I'd come say hi."

Bella shook her head. "It's not use Jake," she said to her friend. "I've known Mike for about two and a half days and I know he's not gonna give in when he's been embarrassed."

She was talking about yesterday when Mike's mom sat her and Charlie down while his dad worked late. Karen Newton meant well, especially when her son was involved and he knew for a fact that she was happy as a calm when he invited a girl that wasn't Angela over to their home. The stories she heard about Mike weren't so embarrassing but he seemed to be turning at least four shades of pink.

"Gosh, I'm still sorry about embarrassing you," Jacob said as he rubbed the back of his neck."Um, what are you guys doing tonight?"

"Nothing," Bella said and then raised an eyebrow. "Why what's up?"

"Well, we're having a bonfire tonight and my dad said I could invite some people. How about you, Charlie and Mike come down tonight? I know our dads will just love it." Jake said.

"That sounds like fun," Bella smiled and turned to Mike. "What do you say? You wanna come along?"

Mike glanced up at her. He was pretty much a goner when he started into her eyes and agreed.

"Cool, it starts at sunset. See you guys there."


His mom had been rather quiet since the bonfire started. As usual, Billy Black started up with telling the story of how their ancestors took to walking in a wolf's skin. It wasn't a lie. Sam was one of the few wolves who protected their lands. He could see Paul smirking out the corner of his eye and Jared was looking around, feeling rather nervous. He was the most recent phase into a wolf.

So far though, Sam was the only one to also imprint. He had a feeling that soon someone else as going to phase. He just didn't know who yet.

Paul kept his eye on Jacob Black most of the time. He swore up and down that the kid was next. Sam hoped not, Jacob was only fifteen.

Sam turned his gaze on Jacob. He was chatting with Chief Swan's daughter Isabella. The girl had grown since Sam last saw her. No longer a lanky little girl of twelve, she was growing into a woman. He smiled warmly. He always liked Bella. She was a curious thing, that was for sure, but other than that, she kept to herself quite a bit.

As the night went on, Sam kept his time focused on Emily and occasional conversations with Billy. Everything was going great, until he heard it. A slap, it was so loud it caused many of them to stop their conversations to find the source. Sam groaned when he saw it as his mother who caused it.

"Allison what the hell!?" cried Charlie. "What's the kid done to you?"

Sam frowned and saw Charlie was standing in front of a boy and an older blonde woman. He hadn't seen them come. Who invited them?

"What's your problem Charlie!?" his mother shot back. "How dare you bring that hussy and her bastard to this bonfire!? They have got no right!?"

The blonde woman frowned and stepped forward. She reminded him of a wolf, ready to pounce on whoever hurt her young. "Don't you dare call my son a bastard!"

"That's what he is! A bastard and worse he's his bastard!" Allison screamed. "You brought Joshua Uley's bastard to this land and he ain't welcome! Get him out!"

Billy wheeled over to them. "Allison calm down, you're making a scene."

Sam heard Paul snort. "Ain't whiff of booze on her either."

"I'm serious Billy, I want him gone!"

"Allison, he didn't one of Joshua's." Billy said.

Sam frowned and looked at the boy. He couldn't be one of his dad's other kids. Well considering he knew his dad liked to spread his wild oats, he wouldn't be surprised if this kid was his blood. He took a whiff.

He smelt like a wolf, one who was pretty close to phasing. Sam decided to get a better look at him. He walked over towards his mother and as he got closer, he got a better look at the boy. Blonde hair, blue eyes, fair skin. Kid couldn't be older than seventeen. The boy locked eyes with him and Sam stilled.

Family, blood, brother.

Those words echoed in his mind over and over and judging by the frightened look in the boy's eyes, it was in his as well. The boy backed away like a scared elk and took off for the woods.

"Mike!" cried his mother. Sam took off after him.

The kid was going to phase. Sam could feel it behind his skin; it was like a sixth sense. He hasn't been able to feel it with Jared or Paul, not this strongly. This kid - Mike, his brother - his wolf reminded him, wasn't aware of their customs. And he was going to need it. Sam stripped out of his clothes as he ran and he caught sight of Mike as he shifted.

Gone was the lanky teenager and in his place was a wolf, just as big as Sam. He was leaner than Sam with a coat of honey colored fur, it's eyes a amber color. The wolf looked around, confuse and Sam could hear it once he shifted as well.

What the hell is this!? I'm a wolf? How?

Calm down, Sam told him as he moved towards him with caution. He didn't want to scare him even more. Can you shift back?

I...I don't know...

Okay. Come with me.

Mike stared at him. Why should I trust you?

You just need to. Sam said to him and started towards Emily's house. He knew she was going to be there. Mike was going to need some clothes too. He only hoped Billy could handle the rest.