Apologies for being a whomp whomp writer – I had a major surgery (2 months ago) and I finally feel like my normal self …. The writing isn't coming as it used to because I feel like CM didn't give me anything to work with this season besides me pinning for Garcia & Morgan moments.

To refresh my synapses and to remind myself why I love these two – I am re-writing and remixing my very first story (kind of what my girl Evgrrl09 did last year). I hope you enjoy it. Don't despair I have been working on Dark Side and 21 days. The new chapters are in molding stages and I will post when they are complete.

Disclaimer: I own nothing.

Derek walks into Pete's Bar, which is half full – a rarity for Thursday night. He just finished his paperwork and needed a diversion… and he could normally find one here … a blond, a brunette, or a ginger. See, Pete's is normally filled to the gills with several beautiful diversions... tonight just half way. Derek raises the cold bottle to his lips and acknowledges that the last case hit him hard—it's always tough when the team can't save all the victims. His therapist would be glad that he could acknowledge said feelings and move on. He wouldn't want him diving into the first warm woman he could find but tomatoe – tomato.


He smiled and put down his beer. Now what was her name… Rachel?

"Hey," he said smiling.

"How are you?" Before she could realize he didn't know her name he kissed her on her cheek and pulled her in for a hug. He took in her scent as he hugged her hopping it would ring a bell. One more inhale and Leah… damn he was off… but.. Who was that…?

A blond woman in killer heels just walked in … she is wearing a form fitting dress… black panels on the side and digital flowers creeping up from her hem to her waist. Her hair is wind blown with streaks of pink. She's licking her lips as she scans the room... seems like a subconscious thing he thought... a sexy subconscious thing. She runs her fingers though her messy blond ringlets and heads to the bar. He watches her walk away and her hips, damn he murmurs … her walk makes his blood rush south.

Leah feels something firming up in the southern region too, "Someone missed me," as she captures his ear between her teeth.

The biter, Derek said to himself as flashes of their night flips through his head – she read 50 shades of grey and now wants to bite, scratch, and be spanked. She also liked to beg for anal … as if that was hot. Derek shivered and took a step back.

"Leah, how's the hospital?"

She smiled that he remembered and sat at his table.

Derek wondered if she forgot his rules…. Just one night and he never spends the night.

Today was supposed to be the day, Penelope thought as she sat on the stool by the beer tap.

White dress, family, colleague, and close friends.

10 years and all she has to show for it is a new apartment filled with boxes begging her to start new. She didn't know how to be without him.

Her phone rang.

It was him.

All day he's been calling ...what is there to say?

She's here and he's there.

"Can I have a beer?" She said to the bartender.

"Which one?"

She shrugged.

When he put the beer in front of her she said thanks and ordered a Jameson neat with a ginger back. She saw someone order this in a movie when they were all weepy at the bar and she felt like if her phone rang one more time she would answer… so she need a distraction.

Maybe, she would answer and just to ask him not to call anymore. She had all other correspondence from him diverted. Every pigeon he sent was redirected to The Wall …no North of the Wall, she said to herself with a smile loving this Game of Thrones analogy. The pigeons were sent to the Wildlings and eaten for dinner. She had to purge him because how could she do two years here pinning for him and wondering why he walked away.

Why did he walk away… was it that important to be right?

He was her happily ever after… and he just wanted to be right… well, point proven… message received… please stop - Before she could finish that thought her phone rang again.

Ugh she said as she picked up her phone and dropped it in her beer. Off to The Wall you go, she thought.

"That bad huh?" a semi-nerdy guy says.

"Yup," she said drinking 2 fingers of Jameson in one sip.

"If you want you can come over to my place and I can fix that phone for you?"

She looked at him and thought if this was all DC had to offer maybe she should answer that phone, "Thanks, but no thanks."

"Seriously I," he squeaked.

"Really, no thanks."

She ordered another Jameson and Ginger. That is a strong drink for a lady, Derek thought. She looks like she just came from a job in fashion, or NYC, or maybe she just moved to the area. The life of a profiler… always profiling. He continued to scan the room, when he heard her ask the bartender his name and thank him. This time she sips the drink instead of slamming it like before. She twiddles the straw of her ginger ale as she looks into her drink for answers.

"Hey beautiful can I buy you a drink" offers an older gentle man with salt and pepper hair.

"Thanks but I'm good." She replied.

"But we can be great" he replied.

She sips her drink and says, "I'm good" as she looks into the distance in front of her.

He walks away with his tale between his legs - Derek smiled to himself—I've always liked a challenge.

Penelope orders another round for herself as Derek comes over.

"You should slow down.. Where you rushing to get to?"

She turns towards him and says "no where near y—"

She stops mid sentence—there is a handsome beautiful specimen of a man before her. She could see his muscles through his maroon V-neck shirt and his pecks… my god. I wonder what the rest of him looks like - a true work of art.

When she is done looking him over she smiles and says, "Have a seat, handsome"

He grins and thinks hook line and sinker, "My name is D—"

"Shh," she says as she puts her finger on his mouth. She picks up her straw and puts it between her teeth and says "No names, let's keep it interesting."

"Well what should I call you?" he asked.

"Sunday," she said with a smile, "… the day of rest."

"When I look at you that is the last thing I want to do," he said giving her that panty dropper smile.

She rolled her eyes; "… maybe we should stop talking all together if lines like that keep on falling out of your mouth…. I mean your abs can only do so much."

"Touché, baby girl," he said trying to figure out a new strategy.

"Pete, My friend here would like …"

"A rum and coke."

They toasted glasses and she looked him over again.

"I'm new in town," she offered

"I guessed as much," he said.

"Shitty day," she said finally looking into his eyes… warm brown eyes.

"I can see," he said gesturing towards her phone

"It's for the best," she said turning towards him, "The past is the past the future is tomorrow and the present is today… which I would like to unwrap… then maybe re-wrap to just unwrap again."

He laughed, "Now who has cheesy lines, baby girl."

She smiled trying to embody Samantha from Sex and The City… the Jameson had given her courage, his body had given her momentum, and if he said no… she would always know that she tried to bed a true Mocha Thor… she leaned closer and said "I'm sure you can think of a couple of other ways to keep our mouths occupied."

She threw 3 twenties on the bar and proceeded to exit. Hoping that he would follow—I mean she practically threw herself at him so… either she would Fuck The Pain Away just like Peaches suggested or she would try and figure out how to inflate the air mattress. Either way she was getting laid… she laughed at the poorly constructed joke in her head as she heard "baby girl," being called in the distance…. Winner, Winner,… Chicken Dinner.

She turned to see her Mocha Thor jogging towards her.

He wrapped his arms around her waist and leaned in. She waited for his lips to meet hers but instead he licked her bottom lip which caused her to gasp slightly and in that quick moment her pressed her hips into his as his tongue slipped into her mouth.

He raised his hand out of her hair and into the air to hail a cab. She was so lost in him and the kissed that when he pulled away she immediately felt a chill.

He opened the taxi door

"After you."

The next morning, she rises to the sound of birds chirping and a dog licking her face… she misses Venice Beach already! She slides out from his arms and legs trying not to disturb him. She is almost out of the bed… if she could just get her leg free.

Come on, two more inches!


Panties…Panties where are you?

His dog start barking as if he is the walk of shame police.

Please stop barking she whispered... If I ever see you again I will give you my bacon.

Who knew she spoke dog? He stopped barking immediately and left the room.

She walked over to Derek and looked at him... He's still a sleep and Thank god... she should have moved but she stood their watching him.

Damn he is gorgeous, she thought -His skin is like chocolate meets toffee and his smile lights up a room. I think I could watch him … fuck, panties. Where are my panties? He probably is the biggest player in DC… new chick every night.

Damn Operation sneak the fuck out isn't going according to plan. Next time, I will put my clothes in a pile – a neat pile.

She saw a flash of hot pink under his thigh... Yes! Panties, check.

Dress, where's my fucking dress.

Shoes, check.

Purse, check.


Fuck where is my bra?

The dog trots back in the room and follows her. "Where is the bra doggy?" She whispers. "I have to start a new court appointed job and I need to make it home with the ladies secured. I need my bra."

He barked in agreement.

"Shhh, don't wake him up." She looked again around the room and said, "Shhh."

She finds the bra behind the nightstand and the dog barks again. "Yes this is the bra! The ladies will be secure—but you have to be quiet."

Handsome is waking up—shit!

As she secures the last clip of her bra, he wakes up—"Morning" he says half awake

As she scans the room for her dress, she sees it on the other side of the bed. Yes, she whispers.

"Morning!" she replies.

Just as he is about to speak, she puts her finger on his lips and says, "Let's not ruin this – you were amazing last night. " She kisses him deeply, "this morning… I mean I'm amazed we slept at all. But I don't do relationships – so I don't want your number, email, and I vow to forget your address and this cute little dog."

She kissed him again.

"I gotta go."