THIS IS BOOK 2 OF THE FOREVER SERIES! That being said I wouldn't read this if you haven't read the first one yet. I mean, you still can, I'm not gonna stop you but if you don't read the first one then you will be extremely confused.

Anyway...hi. I know this is immensely overdue and I'm so sorry for taking so long but its here now! If you've forgotten what happened last book (I would have if I were you) then you can read the quick summary below but if you remember then you can skip it.

Alright, so pretty much Gale and Katniss were together before the 74th games but she went along with the act anyway, Peeta and Katniss won, Gale and her broke up after she got back, then they got back together and the story picked up the morning of the Victory Tour. Katniss left, shit went down, she came back, blah blah blah, (I hope your memory is coming back now) Katniss found out she was pregnant, her and Haymitch made a plan to help her while she was in the games, Katniss and Gale were reaped for the Quarter Quell. More shit went down but towards the end of the games Johanna, Beetee, Finnick, Katniss, and Gale teamed up. They were told about the rebellion, Katniss confessed the whole truth to Panem, they blew a hole in the arena, and she blacked out before they could escape. Next thing you know she wakes up, Gale's there, they're in District 13.

In the epilogue we find out that Katniss is pregnant with a girl.

Some more vital info to remember:

- Sense not all Victors were reaped and it was just one and then one of their family members the rest of the Victors who were not in the Quarter Quell are still in their Districts.

- The girl from District 9 "won" the Quarter Quell.

- They want to keep Katniss safe so they've been laying low with things concerning the rebellion until she has her baby.

- Katniss isn't too happy with being in District 13.

- Cashmere is in District 13 with them and currently hates Katniss' guts for killing her husband Tate.

If you have any questions or need more depth information just P.M. me. If you don't have an account you can ask in the reviews and I'll answer in the A/N next chapter. Again, I'm so sorry this way overdue!


(Note: The image used for the cover is not mine)

Chapter 1: Complications.

I watch in a daze as the silver ring whirls out of control, its chain winding around the object like a snake would coil around its prey.

Gale's family ring.

It's one of the last things I have from District 12. Everything else about my home seems like a distant memory. That it's entire existence has simply vanished within these past four months. No one ever talks about the other Districts much, unless it's for battle strategies or updates on what's going on but, even then, it's never exactly what I want to hear and now the ability to confirm our family's safety has been snatched away.

I slap my hand down on the spinning ring, laying it flat against the cool surface of the table before hurriedly slipping it around my neck once more with a heavy sigh.

"You shouldn't dwell so much," a voice slices through the silence. I glance up at Beetee who surrounds himself with weapons, working on his latest invention.

It's become a bit of a routine for us. Every day I skip my classes to come down to his floor where he works alone (weather on weapons or some secret project) and we…well we hang out to say the least. I've gotten to know Beetee better now and consider him a good friend. He's one of the few people who is honest, not intent on feeding me some bullshit lies. We have a mutual understanding not to talk about our personal problems while not being awkward about the elephant in the room which is something I can't say for the rest of them...

When the Victor catches my gaze his eyes soften as does his voice. "I'm sure they're alright, Katniss."

"Who would know?" I snap. "District 13's cameras were taken out in 12!" His stare falls downwards at the harsh truth. I let out a breath, sitting back and closing my eyes, reaching for any sort of comfort that I can grab at the moment. I find none.

We've been tracking our families for months, making sure President Snow doesn't make any advances towards them after the Quarter Quell ended. I was authorized access to these cameras whenever I wanted but two weeks ago they're communication was cut for some unidentified reason. After, all I had to rely on were the reports Haymitch would send, updating District 13 on the progress back home and any other details concerning the rebellion including news about Peeta and our families.

Unfortunately, those reports stopped coming. We haven't been in contact with anyone in 12 since. Other than the cameras my former mentor was the only source of communication between here and there but now even that's gone.

He was set to come to District 13 along with the other Victors after the Quarter Quell but all they told me was that something went wrong, forcing him to stay in 12 as a messenger, making no comment on my confession in the games, and act like he has no knowledge on what really happened.

I can't imagine he took to that kindly.

As for Peeta…I have no idea. He's with Haymitch but…

What if the cameras were cut off because Snow found out about them? What if he's planning to bomb 13? What if he has my family and is waiting for the right moment to strike?

As all the negative possibilities consume every corner of my mind a pound of anxiety hits me square in the chest and a sickening feeling in the pit of my stomach spreads. Running two hands through my hair, effectively undoing the braid, I allow my head to smack against the table in front of me with a groan.

"Maybe you should go out and relax for a bit. I heard stress is bad for the baby."

I glare down at the table, knowing full well Beetee can't see me but not caring. "Aren't you supposed to be working on your weapons? Or better yet seeing if you can fix the damn cameras so I don't stress!"

He sighs. "Katniss, I know you're frustrated but there's nothing I can do. From what I've gathered the cameras were destroyed. Even if I was able to reconnect with its signal there would be nothing to see."

The realization of this punches me in the face…as it does every time. With the shake of my head I sit up, looking towards him. "I'm sorry. It's just…"

"You worry. I understand. Try to keep your mind off it though. Focus on something else."

Resisting the urge to roll my eyes I ask, "Like what?"

A small smile tugs at the corners of his lips. "Like all those baby clothes Greasy Sae and Finnick are making for you."

I smile, holding back a laugh. Who knew Finnick out of everyone could sow? "Sometimes I think he's more excited for this baby than I am."

"Well, she is getting close. How far along are you now?"

"About 7 months." My hands subconsciously find their way to my swollen stomach, taking comfort in the large bump. It's the only thing I have control over anymore, because at least-if all else fails-I'll have her with me.

It's when our baby is born that sends me into a crazed, panicked, frenzy. It's when she's out in the real world that forces a powerful shot of adrenaline injected fear to overrun my mind. That's when she becomes more vulnerable, more endangered. A magnet for President Snow's pleasures if you will. She'll just be another piece in his sick, tortured game. A player to be used then rung out to dry before he decides she's worthless anyway and throws her to the dumps along with everything else he's taken from me.

It's become my worst nightmare-her father's to-that if that were to happen to her I could never live with myself. I won't live with myself, and neither will he.

The bond I've formed for her is already the size of Finnick's ego and still growing, coated with a thick layer of extreme overprotectiveness. It's hard enough letting the few people I'm close to touch my stomach let alone the other randoms who feel the need to as well. I feel like if too many people get too close it'll somehow corrupt her…then again my future parenting skills might just do that as well.

With the shake of my head I deny myself the opportunity in straining over whether or not I'll be a good mother. It's (of course) been another one of my top worries to stress about 24/7 for the past few months.

Instead, I focus on the weapon next to Beetee.

"Is that a bow?"

The Victor peers up, taking a moment to push his glasses up as he processes my words. "Mmm? Oh. Yes. It's yours actually. For when you're able to…uh…physical…participate in the rebellion. I pray you don't have to use it much but better safe than sorry."

I nod, eyes gliding over the smooth black weapon. "Can I try?"

He looks momentarily surprised. "Uh, um, well I'm not done with it. Nowhere near finished actually. The one you're seeing is just the basic. I haven't programed any of my latest inventions onto it."

"Programmed?" I inquire with a raised brow. Since when does a bow have to be programmed?

"Well yes." A beat. "You'll see later. I haven't done the arrows either, except the normal ones that is."

"Right. But I can still shoot?"

Beetee hesitates once more. "Hypothetically, yes, but-"

"Great." Slapping my hand down on the desk I use it push up to my feet (which, mind you, has gotten harder with the extra weight). "Let's try."

Swiping the bow up in one fluent motion I head out to the spacious training area made for weapon testing, going to stand some ways away from a target. Beetee instantly jumps to his feet, scrambling after me with echoing protests. "Katniss, you can't. You're pregnant. It's not safe."

That almost does it.

He tells me to focus on something else! Well I'm doing just that and now he's going to try and stop me!?

My glare is sharp enough to cut through steel, voice dropping low, obviously laced with unspoken threats. "I know exactly what I'm doing. I've been shooting since I was twelve years old. I was fully capable then as I am now. What makes this time any different?"

The Victor winces at my tone but still dares to speak. "Well the fact that you're pre-"

Before he could finish the elevator door slides open outstepping a very handsome young man.

Great. More people here to tell me I can't shoot.

Dressed in the all black war General's uniform for District 13 it makes his build look stronger than normal, muscles bulging slightly. He's a sight for sore eyes. Radiating a forceful current of confidence and a sense of authority you can tell isn't completely because of his rank nor can you deny that it's there.

His dark hair lays atop his head in a jumbled mess, obviously having not been given much thought this morning. His striking, liquid, silver eyes give nothing away but underneath they'll tell you a story filled with a tidal wave of emotions, you just have to know where and how to look…that is if he grants you permission.

My heart can't help but constrict at the sight of him, butterflies instantly awakening within my stomach. An alerting thought crosses my mind for a split second though and I shove the bow behind my back but after that all control I hold goes bursting out the window once his beautiful eyes gravitate towards mine and he awards me with one of those certain oh-so-charming grins he allows for me, and only me.

It's always different from the others he gives to everyone else. This one is special, more meaningful, more…personal. Filled with an undying love and what seems to be relief, like he finally gets to see me, he finally gets to be with me as if it's been ages. I love it.

Gracing him with one of my own rare smiles I stand rooted to the spot as he makes his way towards me, arms already open. "How are my two girls?"

If possible my beam grows brighter.

Sometimes I wish he didn't have this affect on me and others I can't help but bask in it because I know it's the same for him and we're both hopeless when it comes to us.

"Good. You?"

From the corner of my eye I catch Beetee shifting uncomfortably between his feet, before mumbling something about "giving us space" and scurrying out of the room.

Gale pulls me against him the second I'm within reach, arms looping around my waist, hands going to rest dangerously close to my backside, not that I mind. "Better than ever," my boyfriend mumbles half-heartedly, capturing my lips with his.

On instinct I wrap my arms around his neck, careful not to let the bow bump him as I tangle one hand through his unruly hair, tugging at the ends.

Our kiss is slow but with all the more passion. Both of us wanting to savior the rare moment where we're alone.

Gale's been working nonstop since we got here. We barely have any time for each other except when he gets back to our room at the end of the day and by then we're both exhausted. For completely different reasons of course, but we're tired nonetheless.

I can't help but let out a small squeak in surprise when he suddenly grabs my ass, giving it a firm squeeze. The smirk forming on his face is undeniable.

The kiss steadily comes to an end with Gale murmuring a soft 'I love you' and leaning his forehead on mine.

"Now," he breathes after a second. "Tell me why you have a bow in your hand."

Damn him.

"I-" Attempting to come up with a plausible lie to no prevail I say, "Beetee made this for me and I wanted to try it out. You have no right to give me a lecture about the, and I quote, "risks"."

Sighing, Gale sets the weapon down on the nearest table before tugging me close once more, his breath lightly tickling my skin as he plants a small kiss on the hallow part behind my ear. "You wouldn't listen anyway."

"Damn straight."

I lean in for another kiss but a small beeping sound forces Gale to look down at the communicuff on his wrist with a frown.


He shakes his head in confusion. "I thought I had a break but they want me down in the war room." It beeps again. "With you?"

"Me? Why would they want me?"

He shrugs. "Dunno. Maybe just an update on the rebellion. Come on." Taking my hand I allow him to lead me away.

The war room wasn't as large as I had imagined it but it wasn't small either. A long pitch-black table with papers and maps spread across the surface takes up a large portion while in the front there's a monitor about the size of the wall. Everything else is grey...of course.

A few people file in after us, mostly guards, other than that Plutarch, President Coin, and Beetee occupy the remaining space. "Katniss." Coin gives a strained smile. "I'm so glad you could join us."

"Right," I reply, my tone flat.

While the woman has welcomed us in I still have my suspicions. There's just something about her that is…off. Needless to say I've been a little more hostile towards her than normal which I know for a fact she sees.

Gale doesn't completely understand it but he doesn't fully trust anyone in here anyway so we haven't butt heads on the subject much. Personally, I think he finds it amusing watching my attitude of being particularly difficult towards her then Coin attempting to deal with it while being civil. Which the known fact remains-you can't.

"General Hawthorne."

He gives her a brief nod of acknowledgement. I still can't help but find the name weird. General. I'm not yet used to the fact that Gale was promoted to that high of a position. I'm not fully aware of what he does exactly and I don't think he is either. Most of the time he trains incoming soldiers but is still permitted to all the war meetings. I'm guessing his input during that time is valued (he's not one to keep silent when it comes to the rebellion) and that's why they keep him as close as they do. Which is no surprise. I have no doubt he could plan an attack within the hour, on short notice, and it would work out flawlessly.

President Coin gestures towards the door and a second later its sealed shut. "Let's get down to business shall we?"

"Yes." Beetee adjusts his glasses, shifting in his seat. "Lets. Why have you brought us here, Plutarch?"

The former Gamemaker straightens up, clearing his throat. "Well, we have a bit of a…complication…concerning the, um-"

"What he means to say," President Coin cuts in, obviously impatient. "Is that a new problem has arisen within the Districts. We didn't think this would happen but it did."

In that moment she turns to me, looking me dead in the eye with all traces of anything but absolute business completely gone. She gives nothing away. Hiding everything so well even I'm impressed. That is, until she speaks. "To put it bluntly-the rebellion is dying."

If there are any mistakes feel free to point them out!