Good day, all. If you're reading this, then it means that I've finally decided to take a stance on this story, that being that I am dropping it. There is a reason for this and hopefully you'll humor me in hearing me out. "Didn't see that coming" was first released on this site in 2015, almost 4 years ago, and was last updated almost 3 years ago. There are a couple of reasons for this. For the last couple of years, I've been pretty busy. Up until last spring I was in school working full time at a warehouse and doing borderline full-time school. I would write ideas down during my breaks and lunch since it was such mindless work that I could come up with ideas. Now I'm working 40 hours a week at a job I like and this story has just lost interest in the Percy Jackson property overall outside of the occasional interesting idea that would pop up. So, that being said, I will be dropping this story as I really don't see a clear path on this. I've thought about this for a few months now before making this decision. I sat on this thinking on how to go forward without, outright, just copying the book's story verbatim. It's not that I'm not creative, it's just that I started this idea out with no roadmap and therefore am stuck in a spot where I see no way of possibly continuing this as it is. It's not that I don't like this property, not at all. It's that I don't feel the same emotional connection with it that many others do. I grew up with Halo, Star Wars, Harry Potter, and a few others that I hold near and dear to my heart nostalgically. Percy Jackson came too far along in my life for me to really care about it in the same way that I did with the other aforementioned properties.

So, that being said, the following will happen. As of now, the story will be marked as "complete". Archives of the chapters will be taken and will be uploaded as-is to the "Scrapyard" archive within the week after some very brief cleaning up. At that point, those that are interested in continuing this story themselves can approach and I can, at that point, provide the original doc files for this and you may take it where you wish.

To all of you who loved this story, I'm sorry, but I just wasn't feeling it anymore for this story. I also didn't want to rush this to the end and give you a subpar product with a subpar ending. Hopefully, you'll forgive me for just sitting on this for the longest of times and will stick around to see what I come up with next. As for now, I have some "housekeeping" to do on this story. To those of you who are here for my writing overall, thanks for sticking around as long as you have on this and hopefully you'll look forward to the next thing I put out. For those of you that were only here for this, again, I'm sorry and hopefully, someone will take this up and complete it. If someone does, I'll add the story's ID and author name to the note here and in the description so I'm not breaking the general rule of too many authors note "chapters".

And to those that stick around here just for these wacky ideas I put out, see you next time in whatever I do next.