Here, celebrate my birthday with an update

Chapter 19: It'll be Alright

POV: Ezra

I was still fast asleep from Kallus and mine journey.

"Wake up Ezra," Kallus says gently, waking me from my sleep.

"Mm," I mutter rubbing my eyes sleepily.

"We're back at the Ghost." He explains.

"Oh," I say, as the days memories came back to me: Kallus taking me to Lothal, finding out what happened my parents, him comforting me. I go to stand.

"Come on, I'm sure Kanan and Hera will be much better comfort then me." Kallus says softly.

"You were passable." I say, which makes Kallus chuckle. I exit the Phantom into the Ghost. I look around for Kanan or Hera, and find them in the cockpit, Kallus right behind me.

Kanan turns and looks at us, "Hey, how did it go?"

Tears come to my eyes and I run to him. He picks me up and places me in his lap. I bury my face in his chest and cry softly. "What's wrong?"

"Mira and Ephriam Bridger were killed during the escape." Kallus explains softly.

Kanan holds me close and rubs my back soothingly.

"Oh," Hera says softly and comes over and kneels next to me.

"I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up." I cry.

"But hope is good," Hera says. "Rebellions are built on hope."

Kanan rocks me softly. "It's going to be okay bud. We'll help you through this."

I nod a little and curl closer to him, seeking his comfort.

"Do you want something to eat dear?" Hera asks.

"Please," I say softly.

She smiles softly and leaves the cockpit to go fix me something to eat.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Kanan asked.

"No," I reply.

"If you ever change your mind," Kanan says. "I'm here for you."

"I know," I say.

"You know I'd never try to replace your father?" Kanan whispers.

"I know," I reply. "But you're doing a good job."

Kanan smiles a little. "Thanks bud,"

"I love you," I say softly.

"I love you too," he replies and kisses the top of my head softly.

I smile and lean in close, taking in his Force presence, which offered so much warmth and comfort.

Kanan just holds me close and rocks me a little. Hera comes back in a few minutes later. "Here you go, a grilled cheese."

"Thank you," I say softly and sit up a little more upright and take it from me.

"It's going to be okay." She comforts.

"I know," I say and take a bite of my sandwich. I look around a tad as I eat, wondering where the others are. "Where are Zeb and Sabine?"

"I think Kallus told them, they are probably giving you some space." Hera replies.

I nod a bit and take another bite.

"Thank you," I say softly, "For being there for me."

"Of course bud," Kanan says softly. "We'll always be there for you."

I smile softly and lean close to him as I eat. I finish eating.

Hera brushes my hair out of my face. "What would you like?"

"I," I felt embarrassed, this was going to sound childish. "It's, it's childish."

"You are six," Kanan gently reminds.

"I really just want to be held." I say softly.

"Of course," Kanan replies gently. He holds me close and I curl into his chest. I slowly relax in his arms.

Hera smiles softly and starts to gently sing a Twi'lek lullaby.

I smile and gently close my eyes. Hera's singing, and Kanan's presence and heartbeat sooths.

I yawn a little bit and start to nod off.

POV: Kanan

I hold Ezra close, trying to sooth and comfort him after his emotionally trying day. He slowly falls asleep in my lap.

"I'm gonna take him to bed," I say softly. "And I best stay with him."

Hera nods. "Alright love," she kisses me softly.

I pick Ezra up and carry him to the bed room. I change him into his pajamas.

I lay down in bed and hold him close. He cuddles in close in his sleep. I chuckle softly and close my eyes. "It'll be alright," I promise. "I'll be here for you, always."

I slowly fall asleep, holding him close. He rests peacefully, which was good.

"Sleep peacefully my son." I say softly. "Tomorrow is a new day." I rub his back gently as he sleeps, and I slowly fall asleep as well.

I know it's been a while and might be a little short, but I've been going through a lot and haven't really had the motivation to write.