Yeah That was a long wait… Sorry. I guess you now know I'm not dead. At least there's that.

Percy P.O.V.

RING! RING! "Whatever it is kill it." I mumble from my half awake state.

"It's an alarm clock." Anabeth says dully.

I look up at her. Shes already dressed and ready to go. "What time is it anyway?" I ask as I slowly make my way t the dresser.

"Time to go, so hurry up." she says and leaves.

Jace P.O.V

The last ones in for breakfast are Alec and Magnus. They both look like they were recently tornado victims. Magnus's usually perfectly spiked hair was less than perfect, and Alec's bland gray sweater looked especially dull today.

"Coffee." Magnus mumbled as he headed straight to the fresh pot of coffee.

"They look like Church attacked them in the hallway." Clary said from behind my shoulder.

I turned around and smirked at her. "Its more likely that they just stayed up most of the night." That earned me a laugh from her.

"So what exactly are we going to do?" She asked. "I know you have a plan because I could hear you playing with my art supplies last night."

"I was drawing up an attack strategy." I said defensively.

"With my crayons?" she asked.

"I had to color-code." I said. So what if the crayon looks childish, they're fun to use.

As everyone began to eat breakfast and slowly wake up, I began to discus our strategy. "There are so many of these creatures, that it would do no good to individually hunt down and kill each and every one." I announced. "What we're going to do today is split into two groups, the shadowhunters and the demigods. Our goal is not to kill or even attack any of the demon/ monster things, it is strictly to find and follow them to wherever they're going."

Sorry, I know that was incredibly short but I wanted to get something out there before you gave up on me entirely. I hope to update soon, but I dont know what will happen.