Hi! So this is my story, I've had this idea in my head for a while, and I just decided to write it down on paper, I hope you like it.

Disclaimer: In the unlikely event that the creators of Doctor Who or Rick Riordan happen to be online reading fan fiction for god knows what reason, I am a seventeen year old girl, I own t-shirts, not the entire franchise.


Sometimes I wish I had never met the Doctor.

Sometimes I wish I could have kept on living my life in the ignorant bliss that it was. I could have kept on fighting monsters with Annabeth and the rest of the seven, kept on living my life the way I was supposed to.

I could have died at any moment, any monster could have taken my life away with a swipe of claw or sword. I could have lived though, grown old with Annabeth or whoever else I happened to find along the way, had pretty little kids and live a normal life, as normal as a half-blood's life could get.

But normal is boring, and boring makes for an uninteresting story. After all, we're just stories in the end.

And that's just what I am, a story. I've been one all of my life.

"Bro, you sure this is gonna work? It's taking too long." I whispered to Jason, who was crouching behind the chair next to mine.

"Positive, she'll be here any second." Jason whispered back. I could barely make out his form, even though he was barely two feet away from me.

"Shut up you two! I think I hear something." Hazel whispered shouted from across the room. Silence fell over us, and none of us dared to move as we waited in the darkness. After a few seconds of dead quiet, I started to hear footsteps coming from outside the door. The anticipation inside me started to build with every sound, every muscle in my body tensed and my heart skipped a beat in my chest.

My hand gripped the chair in front of me, and even though I couldn't see it I knew my knuckles were white. As the door opened, I couldn't keep the smile from spreading across my face.

As light from the hall poured into the room, two figures stepped through the door.

"Piper I'm telling that's- Why are all the lights out?"

"SURPRISE!" We all screamed in unison as the lights flickered on to reveal the dining room decorated with as much happy birthday crap we could find from the party store Jason, Frank ,Leo, and I raided while Hazel and Piper kept Annabeth occupied and distracted. Hazel was our get ready warning that Annabeth would be coming in the next few minutes, and ever since she walked in the room we were hid behind the chairs in the dark, waiting for Piper to bring her in for the big reveal.

To say she was surprised would be an understatement. When we all jumped from our hiding spot, she jumped out of her skin. Her dagger was in her hand immediately and she was in a fighting stance, ready to rip one of our heads off. That when you know you got Annabeth good, when she goes from relaxed to murderous in under a second.

It took her a bit to realize what was happening and when it hit her, she let her dagger fall to the floor as she brought her hands to her face, laughing along with the rest of us. We all made our way up to her from the back of the room, all of us hiding as far back as we could; knowing that being too close to surprised Annabeth could have possible meant death.

"Happy birthday Wise Girl." I told Annabeth as I pulled her into a hug, smiling from ear to ear. She was not in the mood to hug apparently, as she pushed me off of her almost immediately.

"I hate all of you, you scared me half to death!" She yelled, punching my arm out of frustration, which only made me laugh more.

"Okay Annabeth, don't kill Percy, he is your boyfriend. And he's the only one who knows where the cakes hidden." Leo told her as she tried to calm down. She looked around the room, sighing deeply as she shook her head at all of us.

"You all realize my birthday was last month right?" Annabeth sighed.

"Of course we do, but you and water boy over here took an accidental trip to Tartarus, and unfortunately you had the world's worst birthday while you were down there. And since all of us are so stressed about the fact that if we don't stop dear old Grandma Gaea from destroying the earth we will all become monster chow, we decided to take a break for one night and make up for your literal birthday from hell." Leo told Annabeth

"How many times have I told you quit calling me water boy?" I laughed as I shoved Leo to the side

"I still can't believe you all went to this much trouble for me, you should be focusing on the war, not my freaking birth-" Annabeth started, but she was cut off by a groaning noise coming from the deck above. We all looked, because from what I remember, the ship never made that noise.

"Leo is something wrong with the pipes?" Piper asked.

"No, I've never actually heard that noise before…" Leo breathed, staring up at the ceiling with confusion edged into his features, gripping the side of the of his tool belt.

That's when we heard something heavy drop onto the deck as the groaning stopped. That was the only signal we needed, we exchanged looks before grabbing our weapons and sprinting up the stairs, the birthday party completely forgotten.

We all knew without saying anything that it wasn't a part of the ship, Leo did an inspection just that morning to make sure everything would be fine for the party. And even if something was wrong, Leo knew the thing inside and out, if he didn't know what was making that noise, than we were either royally screwed or it wasn't the ship.

I really don't know what I was expecting to see when I got up to the deck. I was thinking it could be a weird monster that we have never seen before, or maybe a contraption made by Leo's father to help us on our quest. As I ran with everyone up to the deck, I tried to think of all possible out come through my mind, not one could prepare me for what was waiting for us.

It wasn't a monster, it wasn't even Greek or Roman. It was a box, a big wooden blue police box, like the ones you would see walking down the streets of London, but it wasn't red. We all paused when we saw it just chilling on the ship like it had been there since we built that boat. I don't think any of us even knew what to do.

"What is that?" was all Hazel managed to get out. We looked around the boat, looking for anyone who could have put the thing there, but there was no one else there, nothing else was moved or even touched from when I last saw it, and we were in the middle of the ocean, and I knew that sea monsters didn't have any of these just lying around on the ocean floor. I of all people would know.

I nearly threw riptide when the door opened to reveal a girl in a short skirt with long red hair that almost reminded me of Rachel.

"Viva Las Vegas!" She laughed with a smile on her face, stopping herself when she saw all of us pointing our swords at her.

I honestly expect her to scream, or at least act scared. I definitely did not expect her to take one look at us and roll her eyes.

"Doctor! This is NOT Los Vegas!" She groaned in what I then recognized as a Scottish accent, turning around and stomping back into the box. Apparently no else expect that reaction to, as we looked around to each other in confusion, not knowing what to do. We were used to receiving sassy death threats when we were point our swords at someone, or even fear, not complete and total disinterest.

A man stepped out of the box next, which surprised me, considering how small the box was. He was around the same age as the girl, and he was wearing a tweed jacket complete with suspenders and a bow tie, with floppy hair and an equally floppy grin to match.

He stared at us with wonder, "Teenagers with swords, well that's new! Oh I love new, don't get a lot of new these days." He grinned as he stepped out of the box, looking at all of us like we were presents under a Christmas tree.

"Who are you?!" Jason yelled, trying to sound as violent and threating as possible.

"Oh I am terribly sorry, I'm being rude aren't I? Hello, I am the Doctor, and these are my friends Amy and Rory, don't mind them they're a couple and very touchy feely at times, though it depends on the day, sometimes they don't even act like their married which is very strange to me but hey who am I to judge? Well and then there's the whole- Am! Rory! Get out here and meet our new friends!" He rambled before he realized that his friends. Who were apparently married, were not standing where he motioned them to be. As soon as he called for them a man stepped out of the box hesitantly, who I assumed to be Rory, saw our swords and then put his hands in the air in a surrender position, stepping away from us. He was closely followed by the woman, Amy apparently, who first came out of the box. She still didn't look scared, she just looked annoyed as she leaned her body weight on the edge of the doorway, not even bothering to step out.

"You promised us Las Vegas." She scoffed at the Doctor.

"Well I will get you there eventually." The Doctor told her like he didn't want us hearing him arguing with her.

Words cannot describe how freaking confused I was. The entire time the Doctor was ranting on and on about the marriage of those to, we all stood frozen in our fighting stances, unsure of what to do. This man just invade the Argo II, but he was acting like we were friends he hasn't seen in forever. None of us attacked because they didn't seem like a threat in the slightest, and as far as I could tell, they were human. Very weird, crazy humans.

"Wait, I just-I…what are you doing on our ship?" I stuttered, coming out a lot less smooth than I would have liked it to. The Doctor turned to me, studying me with a child-like curiosity before spinning around looking at everything he could before returning his gaze to me.

"What's your name?" He asked me, ignoring my previous question completely.

"Uh, Percy."

"Percy, now that's a name, very fitting. Now tell me Percy, why are there no adults on this ship?" He questioned.

"What do you mean-"

"You're all out in the middle of the ocean on a very large boat. Now considering how you were all pointing your swords at us before we even walked out the door means that you heard us beforehand. Now any sensible adult supervisor would have come to check this noise and told all of you kids to stay put where ever you were to make sure none of you would get hurt. And even if none of you were around an adult, they would have made it up here by now. So with the lack of adults present, my question is why there no adults on the ship?" He explained, with a hint of cockiness to his voice, as though he wanted us to be impressed.

I don't want to say that I was impressed, but I was. Any adult would have told a bunch of teenagers to stay where they were when they heard a strange noise, it made complete sense, and they would have come to investigate. It made me nervous, how fast he figured all that out by taking one look at us. And even though I would never say it out loud, I didn't even think that Annabeth could have figured something like that out that quickly.

"That…that is none of your business." Annabeth stammered. I knew one thing for sure, it wasn't normal to figure out huge details like that in a matter of seconds, which meant that this guy was smart, really smart. He noticed the little things, which meant that given time he could figure out what we were, if he didn't already know.

He continued studying us with a look of joy in his eyes, which was really starting to annoy me, and then he laid eyes on riptide. He looked confused, than did something that made me rethink why I thought he was so smart before. He walked right up to me, ignoring the fact that I was in a fighting stance, and took the blade in his hands and held it to his face, studying it.

It wasn't until later that I realized that he was able to touch riptide without it passing right through him, why I didn't realize it in that moment is something I still smack myself over.

"What kind of metal is this made out of?" He questioned, not even bothering to look up at any of us.

"Why does it matter?" I asked, ripping the blade out of his hands, backing away from him and pointing riptide at his throat. He didn't put his hands up in surrender and he didn't even looked down at the sword, but he still looked concerned, scared even. It was weird, because if I didn't know any better, I would have said that he didn't give to craps about the sharp pointy object threating his life, but he looked around at us with that look in his eyes like we some starving animals in cages that he couldn't help but pity.

"Please just answer the question, this is very important." He said quickly, looking more and more concerned by the second. I exchanging glances with Jason Annabeth and Hazel, all of us wondering why this freaking crazy man wanted to know what kind of metal riptide was made out of. I mean seriously when a sword is pointed at you, what is your first thought? Ninety nine percent of people would worry about the fact that their life could be over within the next few seconds, much less the kind of material said object threating their life was made out of.

A few seconds went by without anyone saying anything, just all of the seven giving death glares to the Doctor; that is before Amy spoke up.

"Oh just humor him for God's sake, and stopping menacingly staring at us. You're all kids, and hate to break it to you but none of you are exactly the most threating looking people."

I honesty felt bad for her. Annabeth grabbed her by the wrist, slammed her into the edge of the ship and twisted her arm back so she couldn't use it, all while pushing her face overboard. If there's one thing you don't do, its insult Annabeth, she'll take it as a challenge.

"I'm sorry what was that you were saying?" Annabeth sighed, the sass in her voice evident.

I looked over to Rory, since they were, you know, married, and he was just mumbling something along the lines of "she always manages to anger the people who want to kill us" all while having his face in his hands. I have to admit I kinda liked the guy.

"It's made of celestial bronze." Piper sighed at the doctor, rolling her eyes. I was honestly surprised she told him the truth, I would have lied and said it was normal bronze that I had polished really, really, well to the point where it looked like it was glowing.

He looked confused for a split second, just a second, then the look completely vanished from his face, and he laid his eyes on me.

"Percy, could I show you something?" He asked me with a kind look in his eyes, the kind of eyes I have learned after many years never to trust from a stranger.

"Depends on what it is."

"I would like to show you the inside of my Tardis, or my box as you would call it, I think it's really something you would enjoy." He asked me.

"You want me to go inside your phone booth?" I asked in disbelief.

"Well it isn't a…yes I would like for you to go inside my phone booth." He sighed.

"And why do you want him to go in there?" Piper asked with skepticism in her voice.

"I honestly think he would love it, and I know what you all are thinking. Not to worry, if anything happens to you in there Percy, I will let your friends decided what happens to us after." He comforted me, by basically saying that if I got hurt, he wouldn't argue when Annabeth ripped their heads off one by one with their bare hands.

I mean I didn't see why not, they were all in it before we came up here, which meant it wasn't booby trapped. The only thing stopping me was that he was so persistent on me doing it, so much so that I was a little suspicious.

I turned back to the seven, unsure of what to do.

Leo was the first to speak. "I don't see the harm in it, the things too small to fit anything deadly in it that you wouldn't see walking in. It's really up to you." Leo said quietly, leaning into me so the Doctor couldn't hear.

I turned to Annabeth, "Is it okay with you?"

"Your smart enough Seaweed Brain, I think you can handle walking into a box and not getting yourself killed." She told me.

"Gee thanks Annabeth, love you to." I told her, which resulted in her shoving me to the side while she rolled her eyes.

I turned to the Doctor, who gave me a nod and motioned his hand towards the door. I walked toward it and when I opened it, I was holding my sword out in front of me, just in case anything did jump out at me.

I nearly dropped it two seconds later.

When stepped inside and saw the inside of that thing, I stopped dead in my tracks. My feet were unable to move, because that was not a freaking box sitting on the Argo II's deck.

I had no idea how to describe it, the ceiling at least 20 or 30 feet of the ground. There were stairs that lead down to a machine that I don't think even God's have seen. There were levels that stretched far below what the floor of the ship would physically allow, and from what I could see, there were hallways around the perimeter of the room that probably lead to other rooms.

All in a box that was only about two feet wide and eight feet tall.

I was in absolute shock, because I knew that not even the mist could create an illusion this massive. I had no idea what to do, so I held my hand out in front of me and took a few steps forward, bracing myself to hit the back wall of the box. l kept moving forwards, not hitting a wall of any kind and I nearly fell on my face, but when I stood up I realized what I was seeing was actually there.

All I could do was look around in awe, I couldn't believe what I was seeing, it was impossible. I turned around, and there was the door, and it looked just as it did before I stepped inside the box, and I could see a sliver of light coming in from the outside.

My feet started to move towards it, even though I didn't tell them to and I nearly fell over again when I got out, and Frank caught me before I could smack into the ground. I quickly got up, turning around to find any explanation, but it was just the same box. The same one I saw before, the one sitting on our ship with the sky above it and the ship and ocean behind it.

"What?" Was all I managed to say.

I think I may have heard the Doctor saying something about me being okay, and I think I heard someone say my name with concern, but I didn't pay any attention to them.

I walked forward and put my hand on it, making sure that it was actually there and it was, it felt like normal wood. I ran my hand up to the top of the box, my fingers curling around the top edges of it, proving that the ceiling wasn't an illusion. I started to circle it, felling the walls to make sure that they were there. I even ran back make sure the bow of the ship wasn't an illusion.

When I got back to the front, I backed up to take another look at it, accidentally bumping into someone.

Jason jumped in front of me and grabbed my shoulders, "Percy! Answer us! What is wrong?" He yelled, shaking me and trying to snap me out of whatever trance I was in.

All that I managed to get out was "I…it…I just…what?"

"Are you okay Percy, do you need to sit down, I know it can be a bit overwhelming at first." Rory asked me, putting a hand on my arm, but I shook him off.

All I could do was point at the box, trying (and failing) to tell them what I just saw.


"It's bigger on the inside." The Doctor finished.

Okay here's the first chapter :) It's not my best but I do really like it, and I wanted to continue but it's long enough already. So tell me what you think! Did you like it, hate it, love it? Leave a review saying what you thought, I always appreciate it :D