So I think its been a year or more since I last write this fic. Life and college, which I just started mind you, got in the way…. I grew up I think quite a bit and I hope that reflects on my writing. I cannot say sorry enough, but I hope you give me a chance for making you like this fic again

Also if there is somebody that just wants to talk about his or her problems… I live in Portugal and I'm almost anti-social when it comes to social media, so I'm basically a vault. :)

Plus I like to think that as a good person and Buddhist it's my duty and my pleasure to try and make at least one person feel better…

Now onto the story

Nest chapter 17 – Anger issues and cuddling

Last chapter

Unfortunately, our Hiccup is always thinking on the consequences so against the people that wanted to see Snotlout getting beat up, (and believe me they were hundreds of them), Hiccup walked next to Astrid before grabbing her by the waist and pulling her against his chest. Murmuring words that made the young woman relax against her boyfriend.

Looking at Astrid Hiccup said "Want to go to my place?"

Astrid however just nodded her head.

Realizing that his girlfriend was still very much mad and furious, Hiccup just waved goodbye to the girls and Tuffnut, before lifting Astrid of the ground walking towards his bike.

It was weird how things could become ugly in a space of seconds….


After getting him and Astrid to his home, Hiccup with Astrid still on his arms, started to walk towards his couch. Putting his girlfriend on the right side, Hiccup moved to sit on the left side.

Astrid has stayed surprisingly quiet during the ride to his place, and the young adult didn't know what to make of it …

Finally breaking the silence Astrid spoke with collected and calm voice…

"You should have left me kick his ass"

Deciding that for now it was best to play this game Hiccup retorqued "We both know I would never let you do that. Plus, I can't go visit you to prison on weekends, I have work"

Not taking the bait Astrid huffed "Snot had no right to call you a waste of space! He just a fucking egocentric ass"

"Technically he was not calling me an ass. At least to him it wasn't that way. Plus, you know I don't give two fucks about what Snotlout thinks or doesn't think of me. Not anymore" replied Hiccup while moving closer to his girlfriend. Putting an arm around her shoulders he made her lean against him while petting her hair with the arm around her.

Getting calmer but still pissed off, Astrid said "I know you don't care, but I do. Henry, you cannot imagine how mad I am right now, not only at Snot but also at myself! I never did defend you when I was a child nor when I was a teen, and when I finally have the time I can't even do it right!"

Sensing where this was going Hiccup said "It was not your fault Ash what I suffer during my childhood or during my teenage years. True you never did anything, but, why would you? you had your own problems and worries. Plus, you were only a child and a teen back then… I mean what good could have you have done? Sure, stopping Snotlout would be great, but we both know he would only get more pissed in the end so really you doing anything was kind of for the best"

"Not doing anything is never the best choice! How can you say that! I could have helped Snot would have listen to me if I ask him too, and with him the twins would also back off" Astrid was getting confused and distress by the second, how could Hiccup don't see that his life could have been so much better if she just tried to help him?

Letting out a frustrated sigh Hiccup said "My problems didn't stop with Snotlout or the twins, not by a long distance. So, I could care less if I had to live it all again or not… the truth is that it was my past that made me became what I am today, and because of that, because of all the things I have accomplished I wouldn't change it one bit"

Seeing that there was no way she could win this argument and that there were still somethings that she didn't know about Henry, Astrid just pouted letting out a tired sigh and resting her head on Hiccup's chest. "I'm still mad at Snotlout for what he did today though"

Chuckling the boyfriend answered "I don't mind that. I just don't want you to see you get mad at things you can't change" kissing the pout away Hiccup turned the Tv on "Wanna see a movie?"

"It depends will there be kissing involved?" a smirking Astrid said while running her hands up and down Hiccups chest

Returning the smirk Henry replied "All that my lady wants she shall get ten times more" with that he kissed her pouring all the emotions he was felling. His hands found a place to rest around her waist and neck, because at some point Astrid had moved to straddle him, her feet barely touching the ground.

Tangling his fingers into Astrid's messy strands. Biting her lip a little roughly and making a low whine echo through her. Hiccup slowly started to place open mouthed kissed against his girlfriend's neck his hips pushing up between her legs. Not wanting to became only a receiver Astrid started to run her nails through hiccups abs under his shirt. That produced a growl from the boy making him unconsciously thrust his hips against her once more. Astrid jerked in surprise when she felt the hot bulge growing between them. Her head fell down against his shoulders, pale gold locks spilling over his back.

Suddenly Hiccup stopped, "Stop. I know I kind of started this but I underestimated myself" he said pulling away

Astrid smiled while placing a kiss on his lips. "Don't worry Hiccup I'm also to blame. You are a very good kisser"

"Nevertheless I think we should stop for a while. I don't want to rush this but I guess my hormones got the better out of me"

"Well then I guess you own me some cuddling time and a movie Mister" a grinning Astrid said while cuddling against Henry

Smiling Hiccup said "That I can do"

The two teens remained like this, the world around dead to them for only the other matter.

After a while the tension grew again and their mouths were drawn to each other again.

The Tv forgotten in the background, soon a man jacket, a shirt and woman shirt joined it. For now, no more cloths were taken of, maybe because it was too soon, or maybe because the greedy adults wanted to explore and conquer every single space without forgetting a patch of skin. Whatever the reasons where they would both have more than enough hickeys to explain tomorrow…


After a very intense make out session… seriously Hiccup does this thing with his tongue were he… Never mind that I can't let myself thing about it right now…

Whatever. After spending time with Hiccup, he offered to take me to my dorm. Even if I really wanted to stay I didn't for multiple reasons. One I don't want this to me just a kind of a hook up or some shit, two I think Henry feels the same and three I had to meet my parents on Sunday so I didn't have any time to spare. The last one is the reason why I didn't spend any time with Hiccup yesterday… Ruff was my neighbor so after having some quality time with our families me and her had a best friend dedicated afternoon.

Talking about boys, our futures, movies and things alike were approached in that time. I learn that she and Fish were going on a date next Friday… I laughed so hard at the blush on her face, seriously I was happy for them it was obvious they liked each other. I also learn that because the tryouts for the national team were in two weeks the gang was thinking in going camping the following weekend. That meant I had Two weeks to convince Hiccup to go with us.

I really wish I could tell Ruff and the rest of the gang that Hiccup was Fury and that we were dating, but I also know that Hiccup wouldn't be too happy about that. I just hope that time comes sooner rather than later…

So right now, is Monday, it's morning and the time I think a little after 6 am… how do I know this? well … BECAUSE I'M RUNNING LIKE MY LIFE DEPENDS ON IT FOR THE LAST TWENTY MINUTES! I mean who the fuck thinks it's okay to put a group of girls running in a cold ass morning like this? Apparently, my lacrosse coach that's who. He wants the team to be on top form for the tryouts and so that means more training for us.

Ruff is running on my right side while Heather is running on my left side.

"So Ruff where are you and Fishlegs going for your date?" casually asked Heather

Ruffnut almost fell on the ground at the question. "How the hell do you already know that?" she looked at me suspiciously but I just rolled my eyes as if to say 'why would I gossip? I hate gossip'

"Tuff heard Fishlegs talk in his sleep about it…so do you or do you not have a place already in mind" Heather was very persistent when it came to gossip and right now she was in full mode

Muttering a 'fuck me' Ruff answer "not that is any of your concern but no, we do not have a place in mind yet. Maybe a movie and dinner or something I could really careless where we are going just that we are going together"

At this I could not help but to mess a little with my best friend, faking an aww I said "Who knew you could be so romantic Ruff"

"She is right Ruff you haven't even banged the guy yet and you are already heads over heels over him" also teased Heather

Blushing Ruffnut answer "Fuck you girls ! if I could feel my arms and legs I would so kick your asses" trying to change the conversation Ruff smiled a wicked smile before turning to me "Plus don't think I didn't notice you trying to cover up your hickeys yesterday and today. All I can say is go Fury"

Now it was my turn to blush, recovering the rest of my dignity I said "Well at least I have something to be head over heels for, you on the other hand have never kissed Fish so…."

"She got you there Ruff. Plus, you know we are just messing with you Girl!" Heather said

Chuckling Ruff replied "I know … I know… I would do the same. But please just let this be okay? I really want this to work ya know?"

It was weird to see the fearless Ruffnut so vulnerable, trying cheer her up I say "Don't worry Ruff if he behaves anything less than perfect I will have a talk with him" I cracked my knuckles for adding effect.

Joining me Heather said "Yeah and if that doesn't work Astrid here can ask Fury to call his friends to help. I bet Fishlegs would leave the country before even thinking hurting you"

At this all of us started to laugh.


"Isn't he always so lovely to us" sarcastically said Ruff

"Just like honey" I said

"Yeah well I'm on a diet so don't wanna see him get even more 'sweet' so I think we should all hit the showers" Heather said grabbing a bottle of water and starting to drink from it

"Agree" me and Ruff both said

Oh how I loved mornings…..


After having my first class at ten am I could now say that three hours later and I was tired of school especially math. Plus I haven't see Astrid in almost two days so I was feeling a little down the weather… what? She is beautiful I have the right to be needy dammit!

I know it is mostly my fault because I refuse to show everybody who I am and therefore our time in school is always limited. But at the same time I can't 'reveal' myself so to speak yet. The most important reasons being that if my father discovered it he would most likely disown me, I dunno if Astrid would still be me if word got out that she was dating Hiccup the Useless and finally I just not ready to face my past yet.

So what if I'm a coward, it's not as if life has been chocolate and sweets for me…

Today I was dressed you could say as simply 'school Hiccup' what did that entail you ask ? well for once I didn't bring my sunglasses nor my caps, so my face was mostly uncovered except of course for the small patch of beard that Astrid for some reason says she likes… I have simple normal black pants and a red sweater. So you see nothing out of the ordinary…

As usual I was going to have lunch with Frank and the rest of the guys. Today we were all siting on one of the campus tables, which was unusual because we were almost always in the library going over our paperwork… Yup we are nerds, sue us if you want to.

Unfortunately our table was next to the jocks, I mean not next next, like there was a table between ours and theirs, but still those guys could smell nerd meat like it was oxygen.

Luckily they all seem to be busy with something about tryouts for the national team or something so they were occupied for the moment.

"Hiccup did you start doing the Physics homework, yet?" asked John one of Frank's friends and I guess mine too

"Hmm not really I mean it has a deadline of two weeks so I think I will focus on my mechatronic work first" I answer while eating my lunch, just a simple sandwich really

"Can we stop talking about work for a second. Man no wonder we are all called nerds!" said Mark, he was one of the few guys that was part jock part nerd you could say. I don't really know why he was here today, usually he was by the hockey players table. It may be because of the test we will have on algebra

"At what do you want us to talk about then? I don't if you have noticed but we are not very social active" Mumbled Frank while taking a bite out of his burger.

"that's what I mean! You guys need to go out more, to party and to just live a little! Next Wednesday there will be a party at the my friends house you should definitely come" Mark excitingly exclaimed

"we'll see but if I were you I wouldn't bet on it" I finally said getting up and going to the trash can. On my way there I bumped in to a kind of short yet robust guy, and just my luck I knew him….


Bumping into Snotlout was probably really unlucky of Hiccup, but then again when was life ever easy for our guy ?

"Watch where you're going toothpick before instead of your trash it's that ends up in the garbage." Seeing that his buddies where all looking at him expectantly he added "Maybe I should just help you out with that… what do you think Useless want me to help get in the trash"

The innocent way Snotlout used to speak could only be fooled by the sneer that accompanied it. His buddies started to laugh and on Hiccup's table you could see Mark trying to laugh while he had guilt in his eyes. Frank and the rest of the table just looked fearful but worried for Hiccup.

Henry however just rolled his eyes while thinking 'Must not murder grumpy. Astrid would be probably upset, must not kill him'. Sighing Hiccup just looked at Snotlout before putting his trash on the garbage can, then looking at Snot he said "Why can't you just grow up Snot ? I mean you are in college not in kindergarten"

Fuming Snot moved to grab Hiccup, and he did succeed to grab his left arm, but before he could grab the other a voice made him stop…

"Are you out of your mind Snot?" the angry voice of one Astrid made itself heard. As the lacrosse team entered the cafeteria. "What do you think you are doing?!"

Astrid didn't know what to think, one moment she was walking with her friends towards the cafeteria talking about silly things while thinking if she would maybe get a glimpse of her secret but not really boyfriend, next thing she knows she is yelling at Snot for trying to grab Hiccup. 'I mean who the fuck does He think he is? If we weren't a secret I would kill Snot… fuck I hope Henry is not upset with me'

Looking at said boy she only found him smiling that silly smile of his. Subtly she watched him mouthed 'Still with the anger issues ?'

Astrid could only try to unsuccessful hid a snort and a chuckle.

Life was good even if it was a secret

Next chapter 18 – Things get confused than just messed up

So I'm terribly sorry once again and I totally get It if you don't want to ever read this again. But please give it a chance

Tell me what you think….

Please review and let me know what you think

Sinaikai out