Percy plays s.a.o

based on the fan fiction onslaught which I enjoyed reading. I do not own pj or sao

this was finally it. After the giant war Chiron had said that everyone needs a break. He had ordered several copies of the latest vrmmo gear. It was the first virtual reality game. It was made in Japan but Chiron had his contacts. I spend a good hour after he had given it to me trying to set it up. damn my adhd it was torture. But in the end I did it. I finally was able to turn it on. And then I had to spend another fifth teen minutes calibrating it. I was getting impatient. Finally I uttered the words.

"Link start!" Instantly bright lights surrounded me . If an epileptic was playing this game I think he would have been in trouble. Luckily being epileptic was one of the few things a demigod was not.

A screen popped up and I started entering my details. I made my character similar to what I look like and all I had left to do was the name I wanted it to be connected to Greek mythology but I had no idea what to put. (I didn't want to offend any gods. That might not end so well) I decided on my real name as nobody would know me anyway. I typed in the name Percy and began.

I spawned in a massive town centre. I looked around to see tens of thousands of other players spawning. I balled my hands. It felt so real. The creator of this game was a genius. I decided to head out and buy a sword since I needed a weapon. I ran down to the nearest npc shop and started looking at weapons. I found a sword called common short sword. I tested it out and since it felt ok I decided to buy it. I then went to buy some cheap leather armour and some food. As I got to the armour shop I spotted two players there. One was called Klein and the other Kirito. I decided to go talk to them

" hey mind if I go with you guys for a bit I'm kind of new to the game" I said. I kind of had an Idea but I thought it would be better to go with others.

"sure I was just going to show Klein here the ropes as well. Follow me" I follow him out of town and through two sets of concentric walls talking to him as I went. "you were in the beta weren't you?"

"yeah" he replied "It was my favourite thing to do. I tried to play every day" wow he must be good at the game. But then again I have a massive advantage at being good with a sword.

We finally reached the fields where there were several players killing boars.

"ok this is where we begin. Its best to get experience here before you move on" Klein was the first to have a go to the boars. And promptly got his arse kicked.

"aarrh" he said as he got rammed by the boar. He does know you can't feel pain right?

"you can't feel pain Klein!" Kirito said trying to hold in his laughter

"oh yeah" he said promptly getting up

"here let me show you something" He holds his sword behind his head. A second latter it started to glow and he lunged at the boar. A red cut line appeared on the boar. It then exploded into blue pixels. A white sign came up showing that he had gotten experience and col which is the in game money.

"what I just used is a sword skill. Its essentially the games combat assist. You get into a certain stance and with the correct timing the game will guide you accordingly It generally does a lot more damage than you can do on your own but there is a short cool down afterwards in which you can't move so it's best not to use them when possible" I walked up to a nearby boar and tried my luck. The boar came charging at me at about 8 miles an hour. I easily step sided and sliced my sword deeply along the boar one shoting it.

"wow your really good at that" Kirito commented "it looks like you have done this before" I needed an answer quick "I do it at my summer camp" I said. It was the truth so yeah.

"summer camp?" he said. I mentally face palmed I forgot that this was a Japanese game

"oh yeah sorry I'm American, I have a cousin who got the game for me"

"oh cool. well anyway let's keep go..." just before he said that a light surrounded us and I heard Kirito muttering "a forced teleport he said"

We teleported back to the main area along with every other player. In the sky a system announcement sign popped up. It started to leak what appeared to be blood. It formed into a giant figure.

"greetings players. I am Kayaba Akihiko. I am the creator of sword art online. As many of you have noticed the log out feature is missing" I panicked and opened my menu . I couldn't find it anywhere "this is not a bug I repeat this is not a bug. This is how sao was designed to be." Shouting erupted everywhere. He started tapping and suddenly everyone went silent. I myself could no longer speak. "don't worry I have only muted you. Now there is no longer any way to log out. If someone from the outside attempts to remove the nerve gear from you at all or disconnect from the server or unplug the battery for more than ten minutes it will fry your brain" oh my got please let that message get to everyone "furthermore. If you hp reaches zero you character will not respawn and the nerve gear will simultaneously destroy your brain" oh no I thought "the only way to get out is to survive for four years in the game. And every month this place will be attacked. If you can survive all forty eight sieges you will be released and will be woken up in your world. I wish you the best of luck and one final thing I have given a gift to all of you"

I opened my menu and brought out the item which was a mirror. Instantly my body along with everybody else's began to glow. When It stopped I looked just like I did in real life

With that he disappeared and let the panic occur. I needed to get out fast. I overheard Klein saying he was going to stick with his friends. I decided to team with Kirito

"Kirito, we need to get out of here" I said he nodded and together we ran out of town.

We sprinted as far as we could taking out the mobs on the way. we levelled up on the way and stopped to add out points. I opened my menu to look at my stats and was surprised to see that I had slightly higher stats than Kirito. I also had a locked ability which was odd.

"what should i spend my points on?" I said

"well str is for damage and carrying better weapons. Agi allows you to move faster and gives you a higher dodge chance. Dex increases min dmg and hit rate" I don't really need that one since I have my natural skills " and vit Increase hp and can give you a regeneration but that about it. I personally prefer the str, agi type but you can do whatever" After a decided I would be an str type with a bit of both agility and bit of vitality.

"ok I'm done" I said. Kirito looked at my setup

"ok that's a good setup. I see why you didn't get Dex since you are already accurate with a sword. Ok now we need to get going. We need to seriously power level if we are going to have a good chance of surviving the first raid" I nodded and we set out

We found a group of about a dozen level 2 wolves and engaged. I swung my sword which now felt a little lighter in my hand. I sliced through the wolves with all the skills from my years of fighting monsters. I did take a few small scratches but they barely depleted my hp. I ducked as one leaped at me and drove my sword up all the way through its body before slamming it into the ground to finish it. It exploded into blue pixels. That was the last one. I looked over at Kirito who's hp had gone down a little more than me but not much. In that battle I had gotten a decent amount of col and my exp had gone up to about 50% from those 6 kills.

" nice work there" said Kirito "here" he said passing me a cheap healing potion. I drank it and my hp returned to max. "thanks"

"we are going to need better equipment and I know a few quests where we can get some" I nodded and stood up. I noticed how it was getting darker. "we are going to need shelter for the night" I said

"I know. Follow me there is a village nearby" I followed him slicing down a couple of monsters as I went. Once again I levelled up "here it is" he called out. I could see the village about a hundred meters in front of us. Unfortunately there were several dwarf like warriors we sprinted towards them. As they raised their axes I spun, knocking all their weapons away and sending them off balance. Kirito switched in stabbing one and slashing one in the neck. It didn't kill them but it got there hp down. I ran back in blocking an axe before it build up momentum and then darting to the right. Its weapon hit the ground. I stabbed it through the neck pulled it out pulling its body up. I spun on the spot building momentum and slashed its chest. It exploded into pixels. The rest went down quickly after that. I slashed and hacked while dodging and countering there axes. But axes are slow so it was easy. Afterwards I was exhausted, me and Kirito went into the village straight into the inn and then to sleep...

and that's a wrap hope you enjoyed it leave comments. see you next time !