A/N: Good news! I found another chapter of this to post. Now, I'm not still writing it, but I had a lot written, so I have this and I think one more chapter after this. Enjoy.

Tyler and Connor exited the spider room all too eagerly and found themselves on a catwalk. The grate underneath their feet was a perfect, shiny grid with one-inch square holes. The entire catwalk-which ran along the walls of the large room and across the middle-was red, though the walls were still white like the rest of the building.

Two things about this room stood out to Tyler. First, the fact that it was much more dimly lit than most of the rooms had been. There were lights on the ceiling, a least hundred feet above their heads, but they didn't cast light all the way down to the floor, which was the other thing that stood out. The floor was many, many hundreds of yards below, which made it all the more obvious that the catwalk didn't have rails. None of them did. There were at least a dozen catwalks below them, all connected by a single ladder that ran all the way down to the ground.

Tyler was really fucking tired of heights.

"What the hell is all this?" Connor asked from behind him.

Tyler didn't answer-he didn't have an answer. He stepped forward onto the part of the catwalk that split the room in two. It was a good three feet wide, but it still wasn't comfortable to stand on.

"You afraid of heights?" Tyler asked, turning back to Connor.

Connor frowned, looking down through the catwalk beneath his feet, and shook his head. "I don't think so. I've been bungee jumping before, if that tells you anything."

Tyler raised his eyebrows. "You remember something new, then?"

Connor looked almost surprised. "Yeah, I guess so."

They both looked down suddenly as they heard a door slide open below them. Right below Connor's feet, two catwalks down, a door opened and someone stepped out. From Tyler's angle, he could see blond hair and an outfit just like his own, but he couldn't make out much else through the grids.

The two boys looked back up at each other.

"Should we go see who it is?" Tyler asked.

"Do we have a choice?" Connor answered with a question.

Tyler left the middle part of the catwalk and they both made their way to the ladder by sticking to the wall, neither fully willing to take the shorter route when there was a slightly safer option.

As they started down the ladder-Tyler had never particularly liked ladders, but this was far worse than usual, what with being suspended hundreds of yards above the floor-the person below must have noticed them.

"Connor? Tyler?" It was a woman's voice, and it struck Tyler as being very familiar.

Tyler got off the ladder still one catwalk above the newcomer so he could turn to see her. "Hannah? You remember us?"

Hannah-Hannah Hart, as he recalled-looked up at them and nodded. "I...I remember your names. Why are you surprised?"

Tyler frowned, letting Connor pass him before getting back on the ladder. "Should I not be? Do you remember everything?"

Hannah paused for a moment, but Tyler couldn't see her expression, so he wasn't sure why. Then she said, "I see how this goes. No, I don't remember much, and neither must you two."

Tyler nodded as he stepped onto the catwalk across the room from Hannah. He noticed that Connor was oddly silent, a small frown dampening his expression.

He didn't remember her.

Hannah trotted across the catwalk to them. "Is it okay if I give you a hug?" she asked Tyler.

"Of course!" Tyler said, and embraced her. He certainly didn't remember everything about her, but he knew they were good friends, and that was enough.

"You too, Connor," Hannah said, and while Connor smiled and accepted the hug, Tyler could tell that this situation was making him feel awkward. For some reason, he didn't remember as much as Tyler did.

"So what's happened to you?" Tyler asked, diverting attention from Connor.

"All sorts of insane shit," Hannah answered with a sigh. "But mostly just wandering around this place thinking none of this is really possible. I also thought I was alone. Like, really alone. I never expected to see you two."

"I'm starting to get the feeling," Connor said, speaking for the first time since they'd met up with Hannah, "that there are a lot of people stuck in here. And I don't know if we all have something in common, but I feel like we might."

Tyler looked at him. "You've got a hell of an intuition, Connor, but I'm inclined to believe you."

Hannah looked around. "So what now, you guys?"

Tyler glanced off the side of the catwalk. "I guess we just head down."

Not much more was said as the three of them started down the ladder and into the dimness below.

Tyler went first, Hannah second, and Connor last, which Tyler never would have made a second thought about.

Until he felt his foot hit the lever. He was just starting past the last catwalk and was only about twelve feet from the ground. He put his right foot down, expecting to feel another rung, when instead the bar underneath him swung to the side, catching him off balance. He nearly slipped off the ladder, but narrow saved himself, slamming a nerve on his elbow in the process.

Tyler began to curse as his arm went tingly and numb, but was cut off of his section of ladder fell into free-fall.

He felt it only a second before the bottom of the ladder hit the ground and the whole thing fell backward. He heard Hannah scream and found himself shrieking as well, and then he landed. Hard.

The breath was knocked out of him, cutting his shout short, and the ladder fell onto his chest.

He spent a few moments-seconds, a minute?-regaining his breath and his thoughts, then pushed the ladder off himself and rolled onto his hands and knees.

He looked up, straight ahead, and saw Hannah pushing the other half of the ladder off herself. It was only a small section of the ladder, Tyler realized, or it wouldn't have landed flat on the ground-the room was taller than it was long.

He stood up, looking up to where the ladder had broken off. It had broken cleanly-purposefully-at about the third catwalk, at least thirty feet up, and Connor was still on it.

Tyler turned back to Hannah momentarily and helped her to her feet. "Are you okay?"

She was frowning, but nodded, looking slightly dazed. She had fallen from higher up than Tyler had and he hoped she hadn't hit her head badly when they landed.

Tyler looked back up to Connor, who was scrambling onto the third catwalk.

"Connor? You alright up there?" Tyler asked.

"Yeah," Connor said a bit breathlessly. "Are you?" he asked, addressing both of them.

Tyler nodded and glanced to Hannah, who also nodded, but more hesitantly.

Connor looked down at where the ladder had disconnected, just below him. "I don't think there's a way down now, you guys. Unless you can lift that piece back up here?"

Tyler and Hannah made an attempt to lift the ladder simultaneously. It wasn't very heavy-like the catwalks, it wasn't made of metal-but lifting more than twenty-five feet of ladder is awkwardly top-heavy, and Tyler and Hannah weren't the buffest duo.

After much grunting and cussing, they managed to get the ladder leaning against the second catwalk, and from there could lift it up to Connor's height. He grabbed it and made an attempt to reconnect the two pieces, but had no luck. The ladder had been suspended a few feet off the ground, so it couldn't lean against the catwalks to let Connor down, and even if it could, it would be far too unstable to be safe.

The disaster ended with Connor accidentally dropping the ladder and Tyler and Hannah having to scurry out of the way as it slammed into the ground and the second catwalk then slid to the floor.

"I'm sorry, guys, I'll have to find another way out," Connor said at last, in defeat.

"Don't be sorry," Tyler scolded him. "I'm sorry I wasn't watching where I put my stupid foot."

"We'll work something out," Hannah said, ever the optimist. "Maybe there's a way we can meet up just out of here."

Connor nodded. "I have a few options, so if I feel like I'm going nowhere, I can head back here and try a different door. You two can keep going-someone has to find a way out of here."

"If everything else leads to a dead-end," Hannah continued, "I know you can go back where I came out of. There were other hallways I hadn't explored."

"Okay, thanks."

"Connor?" Tyler added, "Be careful."

Connor gave him a brief smile and nod. He stood up from where he'd been kneeling at the edge of the catwalk and started to assess his options.

Tyler looked to Hannah. "'Kay," he said through a sigh. "Now let's see what's behind that door."

The voices had gone silent. They had done so not long after Ian and Anthony had last finished speaking, so Ian figured whoever else was here had heard them.

The room of spikes didn't seem to be very wide, but it was long and kept curving. Ian also guessed that there was little to no chance of passing the people ahead without seeing them.

Ian realized the stalactites were starting to thin out as they continued, and as he was about to point this out to Anthony, he caught sight of someone ahead. Tapping Anthony's shoulder, Ian made brief eye contact with his friend before gesturing.

It seemed there were three of them. There was a woman, whom Ian could see most clearly, who appeared to be Asian and had long, red-dyed hair. The other two were men, one with bright orange hair and the other, who was partially obscured by one of the hourglass columns, dark-haired and shorter.

The trio caught sight of Ian and Anthony almost as soon as Ian had seen them.

"Hey," the red-haired woman said, approaching them with the two men following behind. "You guys look familiar."

Ian and Anthony looked at each other and said simultaneously, "We do?"

She smiled briefly, then frowned thoughtfully. "Yeah, but sorry if I don't remember you. I'm, uh, having some minor amnesia issues right now. You don't remember me, you mean?"

Ian shook his head and said, "You're not the only one who can't remember everything."

Still frowning, she nodded. "Yeah, these two were like that. I guess we all are. Anyway, I'm Mari. This is David-Lasercorn-and that's Matt Sohinki."

"She's right," the latter said. "You two do look familiar."

"So what the hell are you guys doing here?" Anthony asked. "Same as us?"

Mari seemed to be the talker in this situation. "Well, if you've been wandering around aimlessly, looking for a way out of here ever since you made it out of a little cell, yeah. We are doing the same thing."

Ian raised his eyebrows and nodded, but it was Anthony who replied. "Did you three all start out in the same place, or did you meet up along the way?"

"He and I were together," Sohinki said, gesturing to Lasercorn. "She found us a few hours ago. If it was a few hours ago. Hell if I can tell time."

"So what do you think of continuing together?" Ian asked. "We're all trying to get out of here. Might as well do it as a group."

"Sounds good to me," Mari said. "This place is kind of tricky. The more brainpower, the better. You guys know of a way out of this stupid room?"

"Yeah, if we can find it again," Anthony replied.

They chatted back and forth, sorting out the similarities and differences of their situations-since no one could remember much about themselves-as they headed back to try to find the door to the grid. The more time Ian spent around these three and the more he listened to them talk, the more he felt that he did know them. He had known them in whatever life he'd had before here. It drove him crazy that he couldn't remember more.

He also felt that something was missing. Someone was missing. Obviously, these weren't the only friends he'd had, but they were of a certain group, and within that small group, someone was missing.

Of course, he had no idea who.

"Dammit, I swear it should have been around here," Anthony said in frustration a few minutes later, when they'd gotten to where Ian and Anthony felt the door should be. "I even left it open so we'd find it more easily."

"Well guys," Lasercorn said, sounding slightly puzzled as he looked back at the area they'd just left, "it's moving."

"What?" at least two of them, including Ian, said at once, turning to see what he was looking at.

Indeed, the entire other half of the room, where they'd found Lasercorn, Mari, and Sohinki, was silently sliding away to left. The cross-section of a wall slid by, then revealed another section of room, much like the first. The difference would have been easy to miss, except that Ian distinctly remembered the previous room had curved to the left, and this one went to the right instead.

"Well, that's fucked up," Sohinki said.

"Shit, so that door is probably gone now," Anthony sighed.

"Yeah, but now we have a different way to go. That's gotta lead somewhere," Ian said, trying to be optimistic.

With a few nods from the rest of the group, the started back the way they'd just come.

And Ian couldn't shake the suspicion that someone was toying with them.