Disclaimer: I don't own these characters

Comfort Zone

"That's revolting."

And truly, it was.

Or so the German thought as he witnessed the brutal devouring of yet another McDonalds brand cheeseburger.

"'s not." Alfred protested through a mouthful of the fast food.

"It is." Ludwig affirmed, cringing.

Alfred was the only single entity on earth that Ludwig felt could consume an entire banquet of the greasy, unappealing slop of what ought not even be rightfully called /food/, that the Americans so seemed to enjoy.

"You wouldn't know." Alfred answered briskly, lifting his chin smugly. He sucked through the straw of his soft drink and grinned.

Ludwig haphazardly waved a hand, "I do," he said, eyeing the uneaten burgers on his companion's tray. "and I also know," he continued, "that those," here, he gestured, "are not hamburgers." They were clearly some form of chemical waste that had been changed to resemble something edible.

"'Course not." Alfred replied coolly, "They're cheeseburgers. There's a difference." He sniffed and picked one of the sandwiches up, offering it to the other blonde. "C'mon and try it. It's good-You're missing out Lud."

The younger grimaced and nearly flinched away from the offered food, "They're not even edible."

"Not by your high class standards." The American drawled sarcastically, unwrapping the burger. "Stop being such a hard-ass and live a little. Get out of your comfort zone. It's just a sandwich." He leaned across the table.

Ludwig pulled himself back, glaring at the offending item. "No thank you."

"I can and will cram this down your throat." Alfred issued the empty threat in an almost convincing tone. In response to Ludwig's dubious stare, the American made a point of glancing around the restaurant , "I bet I could even get a few of these fine young patriots to help out." He added archly, a smirk tugging at his lips.

"Alfred-stop you're making a scene." Ludwig mumbled, ducking his head down, the action much like a turtle retreating into its shell. He looked around at the strangers in the room who had paused to watch the interaction with open curiosity.

Alfred laughed, "Then eat the burger. Just a bite, promise. Then I'll leave you alone." He pointed a finger to his own chest and marked it with an X "Cross my heart."

"I don't want the stupid burger." The German grumbled unhappily, sinking down into his side of the booth as Alfred joined him.

Ludwig found himself effectively trapped between the window and the American wielding a hands wrapped cholesterol issue that would give even the hardiest of cardiologists a second glance.

"One bite." Alfred repeated, leaning over.

Ludwig grimaced, closing his eyes and wishing that when his death came, it would be quick. He opened them, glaring at his friend as he snatched the food and quickly taking a bite. He chewed as quickly as he could and swallowed, shoving the burger back to Alfred. The German crossed his arms and sulked moodily as the other laughed.

"Told you! Gotta get out of your comfort zone."

"It's not the burger invading my comfort zone." Ludwig muttered.

Alfred leaned over and gave the top of the German's head a quick peck, pulling back before he could get punched, "We'll have to work on that comfort zone next."

Ludwig was looking forward to it.

A/N: Thank y'all for reading. Please leave a review to tell me how I did, I'd appreciate it.