Disclaimer – I do not own BMT world, it belongs to Trudi Canavan


Sonea was very annoyed with herself. She had almost drifted off into a comfortable dreamy state and started to talk to Akkarin about what had gone on in her meeting with Siryru. She was not angry with Akkarin, it was only reasonable that he try to discover her secrets, but she would have to be careful about drinking wine in future. It was all too easy to have an extra glass or two and find herself vulnerable to Akkarin's enquiring mind! It was difficult enough that he could read her surface thoughts so easily, now she had to start considering how much wine to drink, or worry about chatting to him when feeling tired. He would be able to take advantage very easily and he would, if she let him.

She felt weary and decided she would forgo her usual routine. She hung her clothing in the cupboard with only the merest shake and searched through her chest for a sleeping garment. She wanted to sleep, so she chose one of her plain garments, with long sleeves and a high neckline.

Although he had risen when she decided to seek her bed, Akkarin had not followed her. He was probably thinking of another strategy to encourage her to reveal the details of her meeting with Siryru. She wondered if he would try to lull her into semi-sleep during love-making so that she might give away something, she hoped that tonight, he would not. Although there was nothing more she loved than to lie in his arms and give herself up to his touch, Sonea was beginning to dread their nights together. She so much wanted to explain everything, but knew she could not, indeed knew she must not, which cast a shadow over their time together. She would be foolish to think he had not noticed.

She had considered over and over again whether it would simply be better for her to take Justen and go away somewhere where Akkarin could not find them. Although that would be like tearing away the better part of herself, it would at least prevent her feelings of treachery and betrayal when she remembered what she must keep to herself. She had mulled over this idea for several days before deciding that it was not practical. Where would she find another cave, or the special rocks that Siryru had commanded she use? She could not take them with her as well as Justen and supplies of food and clothing. In addition, and perhaps more telling as far as her decision was concerned, Akkarin would find them. Perhaps not for a few days or for a few weeks, but he would find them. All her past experience of him told her that. He was not the sort of man who would let his companion and child set off for somewhere, without making sure he knew where they had gone and what they were doing.

A sound on the stair told her that Akkarin would soon be joining her in their bedchamber. She hurriedly shook out her sleeping garment and shrugged it on. She gave herself permission to use magic to unbraid her hair and let it fall in curly waves about her shoulders. She finished her preparations just in time to scramble into bed as Akkarin opened the door.

She smiled up at him, "I am really sleepy, Akkarin."

He returned her smile and surprised her by saying, "Of course you are, especially after all that wine!"

He pulled on a pair of silk sleeping trousers and slipped in beside her. She felt herself pulled gently into his embrace as he whispered in her ear, "Just relax and sleep, Sonea."

He made no attempt to do anything except allow his hands to drift slowly along her body in a soothing motion. But Sonea found that the sleep she so greatly desired even a few minutes before had fled and she was wide awake. She moved a little in his arms and his hands stopped their gentle caressing. Instead, he began to speak about his time in the Ichani camp. His voice was soothing and she began to listen as he described in some detail daily life in the camp both for the Ichani masters and their slaves.

She almost held her breath, not wishing to do anything to cause him to stop and reconsider telling her his tale. So many times in the past she had tried to encourage him to speak, but he had always resisted saying more than the barest details. Now she began to learn about the ruthlessness of the masters and the misery of being one of their slaves. Almost imperceptibly, his tale turned towards what he knew of Siryru. He spoke of the countless banners with her image that were dotted around the camp, the reverence shown by men when they spoke of her. Her name was not mentioned, but the images were captioned with powerful titles praising her power and influence. Sonea simply lay still and let his words drift over her, not really taking them in, but allowing his quiet voice to calm her emotions. So what he said next really surprised her.

"I think it would be a good idea to talk to Takan about her," Akkarin said. "I don't know very much about the rituals used by the Ichani or even what they actually believe about her. But Takan does."

Sonea almost thought she had misheard. She had a distinct memory of Takan's hostility towards anything to do with Siryru and doubted that even Akkarin could persuade him otherwise. What did Akkarin mean to do? She knew that there was a form of magic involving compulsion which forced someone tell their deepest secrets, but surely Akkarin would not use that on his friend?

"You told me he would not speak of it," she murmured.

"True, but I think he may say something if we approach him in the right way. It is important to know more about her and her worship, don't you agree?"

Akkarin was using his calm, reasonable, High Lord's voice which usually annoyed Sonea and sparked a tart response, but this time she was silent. If she agreed, was she tacitly saying she was a follower of Siryru? She must not give away the cave, the stones and her task. But, on the other hand, she had a lot of questions and perhaps Takan could provide some answers. If she disagreed, she was no further forward in understanding what exactly her task was doing or why she had been commanded to do it. Was it a risk worth taking?

She went for a diplomatic response, "If you think Takan would help, it would be useful."

"Good, we will talk to him in the morning, after you have had a good night's sleep."

Akkarin wrapped his arms around her and the next thing Sonea knew, it was morning. Akkarin was long gone from the bed judging by its coolness. Sonea had no recollection of falling asleep nor of dreaming, but felt completely relaxed and calm for the first time in a long while. She strongly suspected that Akkarin had used magic to help her and although part of her was annoyed that he had done so without her permission, she was at the same time, very grateful.

She grabbed a cloak and went to her bath house for a good long soak in very hot water. When she had finished, she dressed quickly and returned to the house. There was no-one in the main room, nor was Takan in his scullery. She grumbled a little and set about preparing breakfast. By the time she had laid the table, filled platters with warm rolls and slices of cold meat, she heard voices outside and a clatter as Justen rushed down the stairs.

It wasn't until breakfast was over and Justen sent out to feed and groom his horse, that Akkarin asked Takan to remain behind for a few moments.

"There are some things Sonea needs to know and although you may find our questions difficult, I would like you to answer them."

Akkarin's tone was bland and it seemed to Sonea that he was rehearsing something agreed upon earlier. Takan stared at his master, not speaking, his face pale and closed. She wondered what Akkarin had said to him earlier. Whatever it was, Takan did not look happy but he nodded slightly at Akkarin's words.

"You know that Sonea has an image of Siryru. We want to know more about her and what she does."

Takan continued to stare at Akkarin, wooden faced, a slight shudder as Siryru's name was mentioned was his only response. Sonea glanced over at Akkarin. His eyes were fixed on his servant and she knew that messages were passing along the blood gem link. Takan's hands began to tremble and he quickly moved them out of sight below the table.

"She is a Being that you must not anger," Taken said in a quiet voice. "It is better not to speak her name, nor think of her image because if you do, she will come."

"How is that possible? She is a creature of man's imagination." Akkarin's voice was dismissive.

"Yet many men believe in her and take care not to anger her." Takan looked over at Sonea, "I warned you not to keep the image, but you continued to wear it."

Sonea felt the blush bloom in her cheeks as Takan's reproachful gaze met her eyes. "I…I had to, Takan. I had to."

Takan nodded, "She knew you wore the image and made sure you would keep it. You invited her into our home and now she will remain until her purpose is fulfilled."

"Her purpose?" Sonea's mouth was suddenly dry so she could barely get the words out. There was a cold feeling in her belly.

"Her purposes are not always known to us, but do not ever think that there is not a purpose behind everything she does, however small or unimportant it seems."

Akkarin's calm voiced filled the sudden silence which followed Takan's words. "Does she have temples or other places of worship? Are there priests to lead her worship? Tell us all you know."

"There are places where Adepts keep her relics and people can go to pay homage and make requests. There are certain words which must be used or the consequences can be painful. These places are usually dark with many of them underground or in caves. There are no buildings made for her. All her places are formed by nature and not man."

"Have you visited such places?"

"No!" Takan's voice was suddenly louder. "My family did not wish to bring themselves to her attention." He stared again at Sonea. "People should not seek her out."

Sonea noticed that Takan's fingers made the same gesture over and over again as he was speaking and guessed it was some sort of sign meant to ward off any danger from Siryru. There was no point in trying to copy it. It was too late, she had invited her into their lives and if what Takan said was true, she would remain.

"Have you seen her?" Takan asked quietly.

Sonea nodded, "She sent me dreams and during the last one, I saw her."

Takan's fingers flew quickly as he made the sign again. "What happened?"

Sonea looked down at her hands for a moment. She was getting dangerously close to revealing her secrets, but perhaps she could answer Takan without telling him everything. She took a deep breath, "She offered to solve a very serious problem for me and I agreed."

Takan's face paled, "You made her a promise?"


"What was it?"

"I cannot say. I must not say!"

Takan nodded, "Yes, that is what usually happens. If anyone speaks of such promises, destruction will fall upon them."

Sonea paused for a moment and glanced at Akkarin. He was still looking towards Takan and seemed uninterested in what she was saying, but she knew it was just one of his many masks. It was too late now to hold back and there was one question she desperately needed to be answered.

"How long before she takes her payment?"

Sonea could barely look at the servant because she did not want to see the pity in his eyes. She contented herself with quick glances, before returning her gaze to her clasped hands.

Takan sighed, "That is up to her. She may collect her price immediately, or it may be years. No one can tell how long it could be. The waiting itself is part of the price that has to be paid. I have heard that some men have lived long and happy lives before she comes for her due. Others have paid almost immediately. There is no pattern, it is in her power to take whenever she wishes and there is nothing mortal man can do to change it. There is only one thing that is certain, the price will be paid."

Sonea released a breath she hadn't known she was holding. Was this true? Could it be that Siryru would not take her payment immediately? Dare she dream that it would be a long time before Siryru would take her price? It wasn't much, but there was hope now in her heart that her son would not be ripped from their lives before he had a chance to live.

She looked up. Takan was watching her closely. She smiled briefly at him. "Thank you." It was all she could bring herself to say in case she broke the spell and her hope shrivelled.