Hey everyone I'm back with another story! This time we will be looking at the cast of FNAF going through the last two years of high school. As far as the cast is concerned everyone will be in this story except BB, the shadow animatronics and the phantom animatronics. I hope this won't bother you guys. The story will focus on the animatronics from FNAF1 And FNAF2. All characters are humanised. The story takes place in 2015.

Please leave any advice on how I can improve and enjoy the story! :)

Freddy And Foxy

"Freddy, Foxy wake up. We're almost there lads."

The two boys Freddy and Foxy woke up with a start. Looked around they found themselves in the backseat of a moving car, a 2013 Audi A8 to be exact. Freddy's father Francis was driving the car, he was a 46 year old man of average height and build, had long brown hair, blue eyes and was wearing a black business suit with a red tie and black dress shoes. Freddy wondered where were they going at first before he suddenly remembered, he and Foxy were on their way to Fredbear's Boarding School to start the 11th grade.

"What time is it sir?" Asked Freddy.

"Right now it is 8:30 in the morning son." Replied Francis.

Freddy Fenlon was a 16 year old boy of slightly above average height and average build. He was the spiting image of his father, he was currently wearing a brown shirt, black pants and black runners . He was a shy and quiet boy which made him a target for bullies. Frank Fallagher or Foxy because his hair was as red as a fox was Freddy's best friend he was a tall 16 year old boy. He was wearing a white shirt, blue jeans and blue sneakers. He had short red hair, yellow eyes and a short temper to boot. He was the one who came to Freddy's rescue when he was being picked on because of his shyness or because he was the son of Francis Fenlon who was the head of the Audi Headquarters in Detroit. One day during 10th grade a group of bullies had ganged up on Freddy and stolen all his books, mobile phone and given him a wedgy. Foxy responded by hiding all their study notes and beating the living crap out of them until they were knocked out cold. Because of this incident they didn't have many friends and for most of the year they only had each other. This was why Foxy in particular was looking forward to going to Fredbear's because it was a chance for him to make friends and start over.

"So now that you're awake, do you two have any idea what you would like to do after school?" Asked Francis. "Any ideas yet Freddy, Frank?"

"I don't know." Replied Freddy. "Maybe start a business or something along the lines of that. What about you Foxy?"

"I'm thinking of joining the navy, it has good pay, outstanding health-care benefits, generous vacation time, plus opportunities for advancement and travel."

"Well Freddy you'll need to do well in your exams to go down that career path." Said Francis. "As for you Frank you must be a high school graduate, have earned a GED or have met other high school equivalency requirements to enlist as a Sailor in the Navy. It won't be easy lads but I know you two can do it. We should be at Fredbear's in 15 minutes, you can go back to sleep if you want. I'll wake you when we have arrived."

As the car continued it's journey Freddy took this time to reflect on past events, he remembered what it was like being a target to those bullies. They made his life a living hell. After that incident in the 10th grade Freddy's parents decided to send him to Fredbear's in the hope that he could escape his past and make friends. When Foxy heard about Freddy moving he practically begged to his parents for permission to go with him so that he could protect Freddy in case something happened to him, eventually Foxy's parents let him go after 3 straight days of listening to his begging. If Fredbear's turned out to be just as bad as his old school at least he had Foxy, his one true friend.

Freddy then remembered how he and Foxy met, one day during 9th grade while minding his own business he saw the bullies picking on Foxy mocking him over his poor background and his looks. On that day Freddy just snapped, he managed to with Foxy's help knock out the bullies. Since then he and foxy had been fighting a constant war against those bullies. They tried telling the teachers but it only made things worse for him and Foxy.

Now at least he could look forward to another chance at Fredbear's and say goodbye to those bullies who made his and Foxy's life miserable back their old school.

"Life can only get better from here on in." Thought Freddy as he and Foxy drifted off back to sleep.


"Are you sure that you want to live there kid?" "We live near enough to the school to the school if you want to stay here."

A tall thin man in his late 30's and boy of average height and build had just finished packing a suitcase. The man was wearing a dark green shirt, blue jeans and brown leather boat shoes. He had grey eyes and blonde hair. The boy was wearing a black t shirt, grey jeans and brown slip on shoes. He had magenta eyes and purple hair. They were currently standing in the living room of a house.

"Uncle Trapp you worry too much about me." Replied the boy. "Relax I know what I'm doing, I want to fully experience what it's like living in a boarding school and make some new friends."

"Of course I worry about you Bonnie Baines." Said Trapp. "After all I've looked after you since you were 10 it's only natural I'm a bit nervous about you moving in to Fredbear's."

"I'll look after myself uncle I promise."

"I know you will kid." Said Trapp proudly."Look at you now, 17 years old and off to boarding school, I'm so proud of you. I bet your parents would be proud too if they had lived to see what you had become."

Bonnie shed a few tears at the mention of his parents. They had been killed in a car crash one night while Bonnie was spending the day at his uncle's house. Since than Trapp had been looking after Bonnie, he could still remember the last time he saw them.


"Where are you and father going mother?" Asked Bonnie.

"You're father and I need some alone time son to look over the photos we have taken for the local newspaper, but we will be back soon ok?" His mother said while hugging him.

"But I want to go with you! Why can't I come with you?" Cried Bonnie.

"How about this," His father said. "When we get back we will do whatever you want to do. Hell you can even come with us to our workplace if you like, would you like that? However you must do what Uncle Trapp says alright?"

"Okay I will." Replied Bonnie as he hugged his father. "you will come back right?"

"Of course son, you be good now." Said his father before he and his wife departed.

End of flashback

"Hey! can you hear me kid?"

Bonnie snapped back into to reality, his uncle was looking at him with a worried look on his face.

"I'm fine." Said Bonnie. "I was just thinking about my parents that's all."

"Are you sure your alright kid?"

"Yes, I'm sure Trapp thanks for asking."

Trapp looked at his watch and saw that it was 8:30am

"You better get going Bonnie. If you get there before 8:50 you'll be sorted into your room faster."

"Alright I'm going." Said Bonnie as he picked up his suitcase. He then looked at Trapp briefly before embracing him in a hug.

"Take care uncle. Try not to miss me."

"I'll try not to kid, take care of yourself now."

Bonnie exited the house with his suitcase and began the 10 minute walk to Fredbear's.

Old Friend\Crush Chica.

Five minutes later

Bonnie was walking up the road, he could see the main building of Fredbear's in the distance. As he walked Bonnie couldn't help but think about Trapp's last words to him about how proud his parents must be. He certainly hoped they would be, after all he did his best in everything he participated in whether it was school work or sports he always gave 100 percent.

As Bonnie was lost in his thoughts he bumped into something, regaining his senses he saw that he had bumped into a girl who was around the same height as him. She was wearing a white shirt, short blue jeans and white runners shoes. She had golden blonde hair, magenta eyes and was carrying a pink suitcase.

"Bonnie?" Asked the girl cheerfully. "Where are you off too?"

"To Fredbear's Chica." Replied Bonnie shyly. "How about yourself? Where are you going?"

Chica Chambers was a childhood friend of Bonnie's they went to the same primary and secondary school together. During this Bonnie had fallen in love with her but was too afraid to tell her. Personality wise they were exact opposites, Bonnie was a bit of a reserved guy while Chica was a very happy easy-going type of girl. Despite these differences in personality both Chica's and Bonnie's friends would jokily say that the two would be the perfect couple if they would end up dating each other, however because of Bonnie's reluctance to reveal his feelings to Chica the two remained friends.

"So am I, what made you want to go to Fredbear's in the first place if you don't mind me asking?" She asked.

"I wanted to try something different, our old school was fine but I feel that Fredbear's will be better." Said Bonnie. "What about you Chica? What made you want to go to Fredbear's?"

"My parents felt I was too easily distracted in our old school so they sent me to Fredbear's, what made them think that I don't know because as you know I do fine in my exams. They also don't think I'm living up to expectations because I want to work as a hairdresser but they want me to work as a secretary, so they sent me to Fredbear's to supposedly clear my head apparently." She replied sadly.

"Chica listen to me." Bonnie said affectionately. "Don't listen to what your parents are saying I think you're a great person, also it should be up to you what your future is not your parents."

"Thanks Bonnie I really appreciate hearing those kind words from you" Chica than began to walk up to Fredbear's when she stopped. Time to find out the truth from Bonnie.

"Is something wrong Chica?" Asked Bonnie worryingly.

Chica slowly turned around with a small smile on her face. "Do you like me Bonnie?"

"What?! W-what do y-you mean?" Bonnie said in a panicky voice.

"Oh come on Bonnie isn't it a bit obvious?" Chica moved a bit closer to Bonnie. "Only a person who truly cared about me would say those sort of things to me."

"S-so would any close friend of yours Chica." Stuttered Bonnie as his face started to turn red.

"I also recall you defending me from the popular girls back in our old school. That was a very brave thing to do you know." Chica was now so close to Bonnie their faces were touching.

"Y-your a bit close Chica what are you..."

"Just kiss me lover boy." Said Chica before pressing her lips against Bonnie's. Bonnie's eyes lit up before closing as he gave in and leaned into the kiss. They kissed for 5 minutes, but it felt like a eternity of happiness.

The two eventually leaned out gasping for air. Chica had a large grin on her face while Bonnie seemed to be lost in his own world in addition to having a shocked look on his face.

"We better get moving." Said Chica teasingly . "Don't want to be late now do we?"

"Y-you go I'll be right behind you." Replied Bonnie in a shocked voice. "When did you find out about my feelings for you?"

"I found out about your feelings for me a year ago Bonnie. I also figured you cared about me because your protected me and looked out for me over the years when no else would."

As Chica winked at Bonnie and walked away one thought was in Bonnie mind.

What the fuck just happened?! Did this seriously just happen?!

He eventually came back to reality and began to follow Chica to Fredbear's.

One thing was for sure this was going to be a hell of a year that's for sure.

That's the end of the first chapter hope you enjoyed! Let me know what you think about it in the reviews section. As mentioned in the description there will be shipping in this story. We know one of them is Bonnie and Chica, but can you guess the rest? Thanks so much for reading this chapter I really appreciate and as always I'll see you in the next chapter! See you next time!