The Waterbender's Wager

NOTE: I posted the chapter way back in August but I wasn't happy with it so I took it down and did some editing. I've been really busy lately so it's taken a while to put it back up but here it is. I apologize for the delay and I hope you enjoy the conclusion to this story.



"Very well," declared the Moon Spirit.

Before Katara could make sense of what was happening, a large wave rose from the sea and moved towards her. The wave then deposited a stunned firebender on the shore.

Zuko wobbled as he tried to regain his bearings, having floated in a strange abyss for an indefinite amount of time. He had been returned to the world as abruptly as he had been snatched from it and he was extremely disoriented.

He vaguely heard someone call out his name but he could not be sure if this was real or merely a trick of his imagination.

Just as his brain had begun to piece together what had just happened, the firebender felt two arms being thrown around his neck, engulfing him in a tight embrace.

"Katara," he whispered, recognizing the person who had her arms around him, and he gradually began to return the gesture.

Katara held him tighter, tears of joy and relief streaming down her face. She needed to be sure that he was really there, that this was no cruel trick devised by the Moon Spirit to deceive her.

"Thank goodness you're all right," she whispered emotionally, a tremor in her voice.

"I wasn't going to let them take me away from you," Zuko replied earnestly.

They held each other this way for a few more minutes, reluctant to pull apart. After their latest ordeal, the profound realizations they had made about their true feelings now needed to be expressed. This was no time for doubt or hesitation, not after all they had been through together.

Slowly, they pulled slightly apart and leaned their foreheads on each other. Katara noticed that Zuko was crying too so she held his face gently in her hands. He looked at her tenderly.

"I couldn't bear the thought of losing you," the waterbender said softly.

"Neither could I," Zuko replied.

"Zuko," Katara spoke his name and nothing else needed to be said.

They leaned towards each other carefully and then, remembering that there was not a moment to waste, they closed the distance between them. They somehow felt that the entire journey had really been leading up to this moment, that nothing else mattered but how their paths had converged against all odds.

At length, they remembered where they were and they were distracted by a brighter glow from the Moon Temple. They pulled apart and smiled at each other shyly before turning to face the gleaming structure. It seemed that the Moon Spirit herself had been waiting discreetly for them to have their moment before she spoke again.

"Congratulations," the spirit said proudly, "You have both passed the final test."

Zuko and Katara exchanged a look of puzzlement before turning their gazes back to the glowing temple.

"The exact nature of the final test differs according to the relationships between the pilgrims," the spirit explained, "but it all comes down to a single, crucial choice: would you be willing to sacrifice the life of your companion, someone not from the Water Tribes, for the sake of saving your people?

Those fortunate few who have passed this test were sworn to secrecy, bound never to reveal its nature to the people they meet after their journey. Those who failed the test have had to live with the burden of their shame for the rest of their lives."

The two benders listened to the spirit's explanation with growing comprehension. They were both still angry that they had been deceived so effectively but they also understood why the final test needed to be so drastic.

"So you see," the Moon Spirit continued, "Neither of you was in any real danger, as long as your hearts were true."

Zuko and Katara smiled at each other. The waterbender took the firebender's hand in hers, letting their fingers intertwine. They felt their strength renewed as they stood together and listened to how they had both triumphed over this latest hurdle.

"And now, you may enter the sacred temple and claim your prize," the Moon Spirit said, "And so you can learn about your new mission."

Katara entered the temple reverently, Zuko following behind cautiously. The interiors of the sacred structure were simple but elegant. There were sculptures of the moon as well as the symbol of the Water Tribes carved on the walls. There was nothing much but a small, sparsely furnished room with a pedestal at the center on which was placed a glowing scroll.

Katara approached the item slowly, feeling a sudden chill. She knew that she was about to lay hands on an ancient artifact, a great treasure to her people. She had endured so much to reach this moment and the culmination of all her efforts was finally within reach.

She exchanged a slightly nervous glance with her companion and Zuk gave her an encouraging nod. Her hand trembling, Katara reached out and unrolled the scroll. She gazed in wonder at its contents, figures showing advanced waterbending techniques and some forms that she had not learned yet.

But more than the waterbending techniques, there was another mysterious image on the scroll that caught her eye immediately. It was a picture of a large, round structure with two figures inside. Katara looked carefully at the image and vaguely recognized the shape of a small boy and a large animal, both floating within the orb.

Perplexed by this, Katara showed the image to Zuko who expressed similar confusion. They studied the scroll for a few more minutes before the voice of the Moon Spirit broke the silence and explained its significance.

"This is your new mission, one that has been destined for you from the beginning," the Moon Spirit elaborated, "This is a path that has been laid out for both of you."

Again, Zuko and Katara exchanged a glance with one another before turning their gaze back to the scroll.

"You are to journey back to the South Pole and search for this iceberg, a structure that has been the refuge for a hundred years for someone the world desperately needs," the Moon Spirit continued, "the Avatar."

The two benders' eyes widened at this revelation. Could it really be happening? Were they truly being tasked with finding the Avatar?

"So he's alive?" Katara muttered in wonder.

"He's been asleep for the past hundred years," the Moon Spirit replied, "But it is time he is awakened, so that he may restore balance to the world."

"And you would entrust such an important mission to me?" Zuko asked incredulously. He was very honored by this latest undertaking but he also wondered how much the Moon Spirit really knew about his background.

"This pilgrimage has revealed your true nature, Prince Zuko of the Fire Nation," the Moon Spirit replied, "And you have proven to be, in the best sense, not your father's son."

Katara looked at Zuko proudly as the firebender continued to stare incredulously at the scroll. He then looked at Katara who nodded at him encouragingly.

"So, will you undertake to find the Avatar and help him master the four elements and save the world?" the Moon Spirit asked.

The two benders answered without hesitation, "Yes."

"Then, may you have the strength to endure what is coming," and those were the last words the Moon Spirit spoke to them.

The temple lost its celestial glow, leaving the two pilgrims to reflect on their new task in silence.

There was so much to consider, so much that had changed in such a short time. Their original goal had been accomplished but now they were faced with an even greater responsibility. And yet somehow, this did not weigh so heavily on them, not after what they had discovered about themselves.

"It looks like we'll be going on a new journey together," Katara said with a smile. Zuko returned her smile and took her hand in his.

"I'm looking forward to it," he replied.




And that's a wrap. A huge thank you to everyone who has supported this story!

Thank you to everyone who added this story to their Favorites: accioelements, Amadine, ArandoraCJC, CherryWillow19, Crazy Horse Nae, CrazyJulz16, Edlover23, Geistermaus, GoldPhire, Homohominilupus, Itarille Celebrindal, JellyBeanTango, KeFlowers2020, Lasana, RurouniSakura, SSZutara13, Shivisdivis, SulfuricCynicism, Tigger300, ToMarei, Vonna530, accioelements, clapifyoubelieve, family adventures, head-first-fearless11, mousecheesecake3, nishsreedharan30, nomercy58, Klue516, DarkrosePsique, and NissaTengou.

Thank you to everyone who added this to their Alerts, the wait is over! : ArandoraCJC, ArrayePL, Ceysna, CherryWillow19, ComradKing, Coral179, Crazy Horse Nae, Cress2319, CrystalSapphiremoon, DDBB19, Flip Ants, GoldPhire,Homohominilupus, JNgirl, JellybeanTango, KeFlowers2020, Klue516, LadyMaryBranson, Lasana, Luiz4200, Meditrina, MyNameIsNoOnesBuisness, PartyLikeGinger, SanctuaryX09, Shivisdivis, Skatzaa, SpencerBrown, StoryLovingAuthor, SulfuricCynicism, TallieeCat, The Arcticour Spellwright, Tigger300, Vonna530, WeAreAllBaka, WordswWithoutFriends, accioelements, csnow28, family adventures, ghostwriter, ingagirl, jujurego, kurama-tendo, moonkrystal, mousecheesecake3, readercub410, redliquidfire, teacupdestiny, thomas40110, viva la bee, ystv, zeldabwsmsk, Starlin's Ghost, DarkrosePsique, NorthernLights25, and NissaTengou.

And a huge thank you to everyone who left a review, your feedback has been much appreciated: KaliAnn, Luiz4200, InItToWinIT, RurouniSakura, WeAreAllBaka,Kataan4eve, Freebooter4Ever, Axel100, Kafkafkaf, and all you lovely Guests who have been reviewing the story.

This will probably be my last Zutara story until Zutara Week next year. No more sequels to this since it's pretty obvious how the rest of the story will play out.

I might try and continue one of my Zutara Week entries from this year (The Dragon's Refuge) but I'm not sure if I'll have enough time to devote to it because look at what happened with this story, it became way longer than I expected. But it's been an enjoyable ride and I'm glad I was able to do the idea more justice.

Thank you for reading and putting up with all my delays and hope you keep on shipping Zutara!