What is up reader's this is Red Reaper Of Murder here with another chapter of Phazon Emperor Reincarnated, i'm sure you were wondering what took me so long, but i have been having bad headaches, sinuse's clogging up making my skull ache badly, sleeping alot and contemplating getting a job so all in all a busy week. So now then what did you all think of the lemon scene with Kaito/Naruto and the three otsutsuki females, was it too raunchy or too good for imagination. I promise to those who liked it there will be much more as the story goes on, this chapter will be Kaito coming back from the dimension with the women in tow and thus begins the start of the Konoha Genocide...by yours truly Kaito Naruto Otsutsuki and yes the other villages are gonna join in on the fun! so yeah expect blood and gore but here's the thing it will only happen after a few years so yeah that means the kids will around, but who they are will be a secret.

Disclaimer - I do not own Naruto, any of the games or anime's showcased in this fic nor the OC Kaito he belongs to PhazonLordKaito who i dedicate this fic to, so without further ado let's start!

Opening Song - Panic! At The Disco - Miss Jackson

Climbing out the back door, didn't leave a mark
No one knows it's you Miss Jackson
Found another victim
But no one's gonna find Miss Jackson, Jackson, Jackson

A dark hall flickered with lights, a silent figure with multicolored eyes glowing in the blackness walked through the ominous home silently.

You put a sour little flavor in my mouth now
You move in circles hoping no one's gonna find out
But we're so lucky,
Kiss the ring and let 'em bow down
Looking for the time of your life (ain't always gonna find out)

Kaito sat on a throne, Kushina and the girls around his legs as the hall was lit with blue red flames.

A pretty picture but the scenery is so loud,
A face like heaven catching lighting in your nightgown,
But back away from the water, babe, you might drown-
The party isn't over tonight (lighting in your nightgown)

The shadows covered Kushina, Naruko, Mina and Kaito's eyes flashing crimson with similar smirks.

Where will you be waking up tomorrow morning?
Out the back door
But I love her anyway
I love her anyway
I love her anyway
Out the back door
But I love her anyway

Miss Jackson
Miss Jackson
Miss Jackson
Are you nasty?

Miss Jackson
Miss Jackson
Miss Jackson
Are you nasty?

Miss Jackson
Miss Jackson
Miss Jackson
Are you nasty?
Are you nasty?
I love her anyway

Where will you be waking up tomorrow morning?
Out the back door
But I love her anyway

Way down 'til the fire finally dies out
You've got 'em wrapped around your finger
Watch 'em fall down
There's something beautiful and tragic in the fall out
Let me say it one more time
(Tragic in the fall out)

Where will you be waking up tomorrow morning?
Out the back door, Goddamn
But I love her anyway

I love her anyway
I love her anyway
Out the back door
But I love her anyway

Miss Jackson
Miss Jackson
Miss Jackson
Are you nasty?

Miss Jackson
Miss Jackson
Miss Jackson
Are you nasty?

Miss Jackson
Miss Jackson
Miss Jackson
Are you nasty?
Are you nasty?
I love her anyway

Flames flickered in the dark showing the nine jinchuuriki leaning against one another, all have crimson gleaming eyes with fanged smirks fingers of their bijuu number with their tenants beside them.

Where will you be waking up tomorrow morning?
Out the back door
But I love her any...

Climbing out the back door, didn't leave a mark
No one knows it's you Miss Jackson
Found another victim
But no one's gonna find Miss Jackson, Jackson, Jackson

I love her anyway

Miss Jackson
Miss Jackson
Miss Jackson
Are you nasty?

Miss Jackson
Miss Jackson
Miss Jackson
Are you nasty?

Miss Jackson
Miss Jackson
Miss Jackson
Are you nasty?
Are you nasty?
I love her anyway

A red moon above shined Kaito and the others shadowing their forms, the shadow stretched over Konoha in an ominous silence

Where will you be waking up tomorrow morning?
Out the back door
But I love her anyway

Kaito smirked as darkness encompassed him and his group eyes all shining with dark intentions.

(End Song)

Chapter 2 (Part 1)


"Is Kaito-sama alright?" Sasumi asked nonchalantly with only the slightest hint of worry in her voice for her lord and love, all of Kaito's girls from the villages stood around Hinata and Hanbi meditating with their palms pressed on the ground, eyes closed trying to use their chakra sensory to locate their mate.

"Patience, Sasumi-chan." Hinata spoke up still focusing and furrowed her eyebrows suddenly, this got the attention of Kushina. "find anything Hinata-chan?" The redhead kunoichi asked while watching Jiraiya who was glaring at them surly like from one of the still usable tents for the war council, his gaze demanding, arrogant and suspicious yet still perverted.

"Eye's elsewhere Gama-teme!" Kushina spat darkly eyes shining with malice, bringing her hand up to call her mask causing Jiraiya to flinch and duck back into the tent to sulk.

"Stupid disgusting lecher, no wonder Kaito despises that man." even Sakura looked ready to kill the man herself wit how tight her fists were clenched together.

"Don't worry mom...that pervert will get his very soon~" Naruko had a wide innocent smile, yet her crystal blue eyes spoke of lots of insanity and a promise of pain and destruction for the Gama Sennin. For some reason Kushina felt both proud yet scared, she turned her head to Mina who had a large sweatdrop with a nervous grin thinking the same thing 'Yandere Uzumaki go figure.' They shrugged helplessly not caring if their daughter would commit murder if someone offended their son/lover Kaito (they still consider him a son in a way as him and Naruto are the same in body despite him being reincarnated).

"Girl's whn are we gonna go through with Kaito's plan?" Hana asked while glancing at discreetly at Kiba looking sour and jealous, and hateful yet he was looking at Hinata and her twin calculatingly and lecherously while glancing at Jiraiya making alarm bells ring in Hana's head.

She leaned over whispering in Hinako's ear furiously, the elder Hyuga twin furrowed her eyebrows silently, whispering back a few times then to the others around them getting nods.

I'm gonna enjoy slitting dog shits throat soon." A redhead named Tayuya smiled maliciously, Kaito/Naruto found her in a bandit camp during the 2nd year trip with that toad bastard off to go peeping yet again. He happened upon a slave auction and saw Tayuya his fellow kin in a cage with obscene rags tied up with Kin Tsuchi herself and Karin Uzumaki, Sasame, Kagero and Kotohime Fuuma, he saw red when he saw it was another of Gato's scum trying to collect females again, he showed no mercy, every slaver and buyer there was guilty and he wrought judgement upon all of them.

The females he rescued were in his debt, he sent them regular stipends of money to get themselves on their feet, have a place to stay, warm beds, baths, food, utilitys and even their own training ground. Tayuya cursed at him askin-no pleading as to why he saved them when he could have left Orochimaru's former servants to their fate. He calmly explained those who truly seek redemption deserves second chances, and being sold into slavery isn't something he would wish on his worsest enemy, this ended up with them swearing fealty and loyalty to him much to his shock, he came to accept it after they beat the utter shit out of the gama teme whenever he tried peeking on them.

When they heard how their master was actually a reincarnated Celestial Guardian they were awed, still they didn't see him any different from Naruto, he was so warmhearted to those in plight they would never abandon him.

"Same here...although i get first dibs on beating the shit out of Kiba-baka thinking he could claim me because Kaito-sama was supposedly on a mission." Satsuki let out a venomous hiss eyes nearly slitting in anger, Tayuya chuckled darkly as did Kagero and Kotohime. "Of course not, you are one of master's alpha's so getting first dibs is natural." She smiled back at the Oto girls and knew Kaito would get more, although she felt any woman who married Kiba would want to get with Kaito.

'Cuckold much?' She thought in dark amusement and arousal.

"Guys something is coming!" Hinata informed sweat dripping down her forehead at her intense concentration, before everyone's eyes a golden gate with a very archaic language streamed down the heavenly looking gateway.

"T-this chakra!" Jiraiya sweated heavily like a pig at the feeling of the deadly chakra signature pressing down on all of them, his heartbeat rose fast as the gates opened outward, smoke seeped out and for a few minutes nothing came out.

"Come on Kaguya-hime." Kaito's voice spoke from the obscured open passageway getting wide eyes from Mina and Kushina, also Hinata and her sisters, and the Uchiha twins.

'Did he just say Kaguya?!' Their eyes widened to the size of dinner plates as Kaito walked out.

Over his clothes he wore a regal cloak colored blood red with an ouroboros symbol on a clasp at the neck area (Think of Sasuke's epilogue cloak). On his arm was a very very well endowed woman looking like someone completely of noble bred especially with her looks.

"Ancestor!" Satsumi and the girls related to this powerful matriarch bowed respectfully earning a bemused quirked eyebrow, Kaito was sniggering as were Shiro, Kuro's golden colored eyes were twinkling with mirth.

"Girls please stand up no need to bow to me." Kaguya said kindly with a motherly aura enough to make even someone like Kushina jealous.

They straightened themselves up slowly a bit while looking at the legendary Otsutsuki mistress with awe and respect the Uchiha, Senju, Hyuga, Kaguya and even the Uzumaki's descended from the powerful legendary clan, there was so much about the clan that was enshrouded in mystery.

"I like the collar Kaito-sama~" Shiro leered exposing her dog like collar with diamonds encrusted around it with the slash in Kaito's hands.

"Yes~ it's very erotic..." Kuro breathed hotly in his ear wearing a white dog like collar with black diamonds instead of clear colored ones.

"Girls enough of that before i end up taking you guys on this battlefield right now, damn the audience." He grunted feeling partly amused yet a bit aroused at their wandering hands.

Kushina giggled with a nosebleed as did Hinata, Hinako and Sakura, "Can we get a collar Master-sama~" They teased tauntingly getting a pout from Kaito, "Un! teasing she devils!" He huffed turning his nose up mockingly earning laughter from the group as Kushina teased him mercilessly like a true she devil.

"Back villain back i say!" Kaito jumped back in a martial arts stance dramatically getting a false evil lecherous laugh as she wiggled her finger,s inching closer to Kaito. "Now now my sweet submit to my sexy wiles and i'll show you pleasure beyond even a bijuu could give~" This set off Matatabi, Chomei, Kurami and Shukaku.

"BITCH I CAN PLEASURE NARUTO-KUN MUCH MORE THAN YOU CAN!" Shinju blushed at their brazenness and turned away a bit hiding her arousal remembering what he did with the Otsutsuki women a few moments ago.

'Something tells me Kaito-sama will be having more women, i feel he'll tire out even Kurami.' Shinju attended to her cherry blossom garden with contentment.

"Oi! baka since when did females start to flock to you!" Kiba snarled from a safe distance looking like a retarded dog with constipation, he was only a bit smart to not get up in Kaito's face like he did.

"Unless you want mom to know you are acting like a spoiled pup i suggest you shut the fuck up now." Hana spoke up coldly turning to Kiba with the Hainmaru triplets lowly snarling viciously, slowly stalking towards a pale sweating Kiba but surprisingly he stayed his ground. "That bastard is nothing but a tool and a dead last at that! he doesn't deserve any of what he's got!" Kaito started to rub his forehead in sheer growing annoyance.

"How many times are you going to say the same thing over and over like a broken record, you don't even truly know me you stupid mutt, get it through your thickheaded skull, i am a whole different man now." Kaito groaned shaking his head feeling as if his brain was getting dumber by trying to reason with this bloody child.

"Kai-kun ignore the mutt as he has nothing worthy of your attention, now let's head to your home so you can get rest from these troublesome endeavors."Kiba snarled at this bitch dismissing him and moved to teach her a lesson confident he was above all of them.

Kaito turned his head revealing his eyes to Kiba who froze, his heart pounding hard in his chest in fear, Kaito's eyes were cold and emotionless the look of one who wouldn't hesitate to kill in cold blood if they harmed his loved ones. "I believe you should get back to your station Inuzuka Kiba." Satsumi shuddered knowing why Kaito was feared.

The Shodaime Battousai...

A look that would turn hardened veterans into sweating pale mess's on the ground with a look. "Y-you don't scare me dead last!" Kiba shot back with a defiant look.

"Na-" Jiraiya who stalked out with an intimidating look got many swords and kunai pointed at him shut up. "My name is Kaito Naruto Otsutsuki, we have nothing to discuss, and first of all your zealous behavior to prophecies disgust me, i can't believe you were named as Naruto's godfather with your negligence."

"It surprises me at how much more of a zealot you are than a shinobi..." Kaito's eye twitched dangerously, his fists clenching slowly filling the grounds with ominous knuckle cracking making Jiraiya sweat a bit, and shiver.

"Konoha doesnt own me, you dont own me and you never did, i could only watch asss you and the porn virgin asshole hypocrite Kakashi do everything to stunt Naruto my reincarnation all because of a prophecy you don't even truly know the full details of...for some reason i feelyou would've tried to manipulate the prophecy just so Konoha could come out on top!" Kaito's eyes narrowed slowly into slits connecting the dots as did Kaguya and his girls.

"Disgusting." Was all the Rabbit Goddess could say with held back want to execute the stupid manipulative bastard, but no she had a feeling someone else would be the one to eviscerate the stuck up pervert.

"now if you'll excuse us Toad Sannin, the girls and I have a big warm bed waiting for us." Kaito tugged Kuro and Shiro's collars getting red blushes and pervy grins, eyes alight with excitement and anticipation They did glance at the other girls wanting to mate with Kaito-sama and got even more wet just thinking about the activities!

Jiraiya 's mouth opened and closed helplessly watching the imposter of Naruto walk away unopposed...like he was in control like a damned emperor, he did not like this at all the fucking prophecy was in jeopardy, who was this high mighty bastard to question his morals on what's right about a shinobi, all he wanted was for Tsunade to be in his arms, and his arms only and bring the world peace with Konoha controlling everything!

The deluded fool had no idea his precious Konoha was going to crumble into dust very soon~

"The maelstrom of the sea stirs...earth quiver and quake..." Jiraiya froze hearing the whisper and looked at Kaito who looked back at him with a cold smirk, eyes full of the thirst for retribution and revenge. His blood then ran cold at the last few wordings.

"The clan of the moon shall return from seclusion and reduce the pillar of corruption, arrogance and stagnation...to a barren wasteland of unlife..." Jiraiya's face caked with sweat as Kaito's eyes flashed with his doujutsu's sinisterly.

"Ja ne Gama-chan, enjoy yourself now that the war is over never know when it might be your last~" Kaito snickered darkly and before the toad sage's eyes they vanished slowly like burning embers but what made it more ominous was what was left.

Burning leaves...

"N-no noooooo!~" Jiraiya lurched and fell into the dirt facefirst as if to add to his torment the moon above turned blood red with the rinne-sharingan blazing in all it's glory on the surface of it.

"Medic Medic! Jiraiya-sama's having a heart attack!" Kiba yelled hysterically barking orders left and right medics swarmed picking up the catatonic sannin, who was foaming at the mouth as Kaito's ominous words kept playing through his head.

'The clan of the moon shall return from seclusion and reduce the pillar of corruption, arrogance and stagnation...to a barren wasteland of unlife...' Jiraiya finally lost consciousness with those words playing over and over in his mind like a repeating record. Another part of his mind wondered where it all went wrong...

The answer was clear...

Never try to undermine or manipulate a celestial guardian's reincarnation!

(2 year Timeskip - Uzumaki-Namikaze Compound)

The clouds above drifted peacefully colored white grey normal looking ones simply passing by without a worry in the world...

Many envied the clouds for having such freedom and peace, many were completely ignorant to the approaching threat on a whole other level than the barebones invasion force of the Oto-Suna group years ago.

"Hahahaha come on Kaito-otou-san!" Laughter rang in the yard of the strongest clan no doubt in Konoha or soon to be reduced to slag Konoha.

"Dammit! Denzel-soichi get back here and take your bath!" A busty pink haired woman with a blue diamond on her forehead screamed angrily with a towel over her body.

Denzel had light brown wavy hair and blue joyful eyes he was running around out in the backyard of the family compound which had enough space within it for several ANBU cells to train in, and not worry about injuring their other friends.

Over the 2 years Kaito had grown his hair to his legs and a few months later he and the girls decided it should be cut, and he did so trimming it down till it was down to his shoulders.

He adopted eight kids, seven were from the orphanage and then there was Konohamaru who couldn't live with the shame after Hiruzen Sarutobi's crimes came out. The public screamed, raged and raved but when Kaito the pariah known as Naruto Uzumaki struck back viciously and ruthlessly against all those who tormented his reincarnation. Found themselves homeless, facing angered mobs and debt collectors or their family's getting arrested with various offenses, crimes and the whole shabang, Kushina cackled madly like an insane asylum escapee when they watched at how he literally got sweet succulent revenge, so fucking sweet it made her bow in pride to the ultimate pra-no sadist master.

The children he adopted had curious energy aside from chakra within them. Denzel, and Marlene had both chakra and mana that explained how strange things occured in the orphanage with an abusive caretaker having an unfortunate accident. His 3rd son Shadow (Hey it my OC!) was the most bloodthirsty, dark and violent out of the three, he had so many energy types all dark, some neutral and other's warm, he had such expert control befitting a mid Jounin, however when he was defending Marlene, Denzel, Amy, Taki, Talim, Xianghua, Seong Mina and Ivy. From being kidnapped by child molesters he demonstrated an expert level mastery of Kurogami Uchiha's taijutsu blended with that of several different martial arts style, his strength was like Gai's in the 4th gate he ripped those poor sods apart like little toys for him to dismantle. Kaito was pissed when he learned it was Mebuki Haruno's former husband Kizashi Haruno who hated Kushina because she was a foreigner and saw all foreigner's as lower subjects to follow the whims of the rich and wealthy.

Shadow paid the fat bastard a visit and let's just say Kaito whistled when he heard the screams of pain and pleading for mercy, plus the laughter of madness, sadism and hatred, Kaito thought one thing 'Interesting kid aren't you little Shad?' They discreetly went back to their growing family while celebrating the arrival of their new family members.

Denzel, Konohamaru and Shadow were a tight knit group they were rarely seen without one another training and pulling humiliating sadistic pranks on the arrogant bastards of Konoha and pinning the blame on the most hated Sannin since Orochimaru. Jiraiya of the Sannin, the toad sage was public enemy number 1 on all borders outside of Konoha his spies all assassinated without him knowing when they were revealed to have been in on the prophecy, and much to the disgust of people agreed to hi ideals of how Konoha should remain in control of everything, those who got in the way had to be removed, they were even tasked to stunt Naruto's growth. They didn't act so smug when Kaito tore their asses apart limb by limb, flesh by flesh. It was worse because he and Tsunade and Sakura and Hinata healed them over and over for Anko and Kaito to torture, then they were dragged out in public at Tetsu No Kuni's summit for the whole world to see with the advanced technology Kaito brought in.

Their public execution was swift and unforgiveable, Jiraiya rarely showed his face in public considering he organized that mob to kidnap Kaito's new sons and daughters after he wrung the info out of a few barely alive ones and found out that he wanted to use them as hostages to get his complaiance before suppressing his mind permanently. He was allowed in Konoha he just wasn't allowed to be seen by Kaito or whoever in the Uzumaki Namikaze clan.

He whined and complained about not being able to get his research, everytime he came close to an onsen, either Kaito, Konohamaru, Kushina, Mina or a mob waiting to beat the crap out of him. He learned after the first few times he was left for dead and was taken in by a few sympathetic to his cause and views. he planned and planned and so far every plan he hatched with many others to subjugate and manipulate the powerful clan went up in smoke.

Later on a massive spaceship crashed into the area where Kaito discovered the leviathan and Yami.

The one piloting the archaic ship was revealed to be Tonera Otsutsuki hellbent on finishing what should've been Kaguya's job in destroying the elemental nations but, before she could evens end out her minions to target Hinata or Hanabi Hyuuga, Kaito confronted the forces within the landing area taking down each and every one of them.

Tonera thought going full chakra mode against him was enough to even make him sweat, she paid for her arrogance by getting the same mark as Kurogami and Obiko Uchiha. His slave, mate whatever they thought of it.

At first Tonera rebelled multiple times but soon she got to see what was so special about Kaito. She still retained that high and mighty attitude but kept it toned down.

She was a real screamer and a dirty bitch in bed as discovered when Kaguya, Kuro and Shiro got their claws on her. It was so worth getting ear shattering complaints about his family making too much noise.

His daughters Xianghua, Talim, Taki, Ivy and Seong Mina and Marlene were his precious treasures, not a day went by that he burned incense thanking those above for giving him such children even not of his blood fully. He trained them all in the ninja arts, there were exceptions like Shadow and Seong Mina who snuck out of the orphanage daily to bring back stolen food and goods for the others. Those two are the most fearsome and ruthless protectors out of his adopted kids they all looked up to him as one of the major figures in their life in the 2 years living with him. Everyone even Shadow shed tears because they all finally got the one thing they above all desired besides getting stronger

A loving family...

Whoever gave them this new lease on life they prayed to them hard and frequently.

Now here they are being given a bath in their family onsen, Shadow got annoyed because Denzel was up to his tricks again, "That's it Denzel-otouto i'm dunking your little butt!" Denzel's eyes widened comically before getting put in a full nelson and flipped into the onsen where everyone else was wearing swimsuits or boxers as there were children around.



"GAH DAMMIT I'M GONNA KICK YOUR ASS SHADOW!" Denzel roaring jumping from the bubble filled onsen pissed off till he felt a chill down his spine and turned to see Ivy looking like an early bloomer looking at him with a dangerous smile.

"Doe's someone need to have their mouth soaped out?" Denzel paled hiding behind Kaito who sniggered at his son's pale look.

Ivy could be a polite lady one moment, and a sadist almost on par with Anko one second later.

Then again the whole family are a bunch of sadists, they all just hid it to surprise any they encounter.

"Ahh! relaxation." Shadow sighed blissfully ruffling Denzel's wavy hair again much to his annoyance.

"Quit it Ani!" Denzel grunted in annoyance only getting a cheeky smirk in return.

The girls giggled or laughed as did Kaito seeing the antics of their adopted kids.

"I'LL GET YOU BOSS!" Konohamaru cried out in triumph showing a very toned teenager wearing a pair of brown swimming trunks.

He didn't see Kaito's smirk nor his eye twinkling.


"AHHH! NO FAIR!" Konohamaru screamed as he was caught in mid air by his father and dunked headfirst jumping up wet as a dog glaring at a cheeky grinning Kaito.

"You maybe stronger than Jiraiya-baka but you still have a long road to go before you even make me sweat, but you're getting there." He pats the former sarutobi's head warmly getting a beaming smile. He could hardly believe someone so vicious as boss could be such a perfect father.

The family talked about all the important things, teasing and joking with each other while Kurogami, Obiko and Tonera brought out drinks and joined them in the onsen.

Tonera's tenseigan suddenly shined to life getting the others attention especially the children at their Tonera-onee-san's eyes switching on knowing that meant something big was coming..

"Tonera-hime is something coming?" Tonera pointed up into the sky and everyone focused their sharp eyesight only to see what looked like a feminine male floating in the air next to a large elderly muscular man both wearing white robes with the familiar robes of the Otsutsuki clan.

"Momoshiki? Kinshiki-ji-chan?!" Kaguya shouted her voice reaching up to the airborned figures, the two snapped their gaze to the direction of the voice to see the matriarch of the Otsutsuki clan.

"Kaguya-nee-chan?" Momoshiki gasped unknowingly releasing a hold on their chakra making it completely visible to the whole village that was still bigoted if not more because of the vast technology improvements.

"Guys we got company!" Kaito shouted causing everyone to jump out of the water and get dressed in their ANBU tailored outfits even the most gentlest of them Marlene.

He taught all of them how to be High ANBU borderline High-Sannin level, Denzel and Marlene specialized with Suiton and Doton plus Lightning and Wind respectively. Taki was Katon and Raiton, Ivy carried Raiton and Suiton, Talim had a mass Futon affinity that was on par with his, Seong had Raiton, Futon and Katon surprisingly but Shadow himself was a shocker.

He possessed all basic chakra elements including the secondary chakra elements, tertiary and kekkai tota. If Kaito had to guess he could've sworn Shadow was a reincarnated god being especially since he had a highly upgraded version of the Rinnegan doujutsu.

'STOP THERE WOMAN IN THE NAME OF THE STRONGEST VILLAGE!" A jounin ordered glaring not sensing the strength this woman had at her fingertips he landed on the top of the wall with the whole ANBU force and even Kakashi and the other bigoted fools of the village, Kaito's girls and loyal soldiers appeared by his side glancing between him and the woman floating with Kinshiki.

"Oh i see the rats are here already you saved me the trouble of having to search for all of you." Momoshiki smiled pleasantly yet his smile had nothing but insanity and malice written on it. Raising a palm a slit opened up showing a Rinnegan eye much to their shock.

"SHE'S A FREAK JUST LIKE THAT RABBIT BITCH!" Momoshiki's face darkened dangerously as did Kaito and Tonera.

"What did you say Ebisu?" Kaito said darkly glaring pissed off at the arrogant bespectacled Jounin.

"I said she's a freak just like you brat what you gonna glare at me i am your superior!" Ebisu raised his nose snootily not seeing Kaito grasping a tube like object at his hip with an insane grin.

"Momo-itoko!" Momoshiki raised a trimmed eyebrow at Kaito who smiled widely with bloodthirst and roared. "CHAKRA AND GRAVITY SEALS OFF!" Both Kinshiki and Momoshiki raised eyebrows high up when all of their chakra signatures slammed down on the forces of Konoha seeking to defend it as always.

"WAIT KAITO-SAMA PLEASE SAVE US!" Kaito paused looking down and saw it was Kizashi Haruno begging looking completely haggard due to his wife leaving him, Kaito's hostile takeover of his business's and destroying his black market child slave collection ring he was with nothing left.

Kaito's eyes turned so cold enough to make a blizzard itself collapse, clicking a sigil on the side of the tube it suddenly extended into a very long serrated halberd with several different colored gems aligned along the shaft (Picture the halberd Juuzou used in Tokyo Ghoul).

"T-t-that halberd is radiating pure malice and judgement!" Kiba stammered sweating in fear not noticing Akamaru slinking away from him with a dark look of vindication.

"OTSUTSUKI CLAN!" Kaito's clothing turned into archaic armor with a band around his head before being engulfed in his sage of six path's mode before to everyone's surprise the chakra turned brighter and split off into streams slamming into Shadow, Marlene and the others cloaking them all in the same warm powerful god level chakra.

"S-sugoi!" Karin Uzumaki gasped clenching her fists, her hair was two toned of pure sun blonde gold, her eyes were even more beautiful.

"F-fuck this feels so good~" Tayuya Uzumaki screamed to the heavens in pleasure and maniacal glee clenching her fists, her flute glowed with the same chakra she felt she could cast quad layed Genjutsu with her fruit alone.

"So this is what Hagaromo's chakra feels like." Kaguya breathed out in awe, her beauty looked so sinfully enhanced it was too much to even look at her hair gained a gold shine to it, to the shinobi she looked terrifying and even more of a goddess than before, but to her family she looked even more beautiful.

"AWESOME!" Denzel cheered with a feral wide grin showing teeth.

"Papa-kun's energy is so warm!" Talim blushed brightly she felt so intimate with her father just from the cloak around her, Ivy, Taki and Seong Mina were no better state than her they had red cherry blushes with wide looks of amazement.

"Prepare to get put six feet under shitstains!" Shadow roared with a wolf like feral grin the gudodama spinning behind him.

"S-s-s-so much!" Xianghua shuddered and blushed apple red trying not to do something indecent and embarrass papa the energy was overloading her senses with such warmth and life!

"O-oh kami this is too much!" Kushina's cheeks turned red enough to make a tomato jealous as she felt her imagination run wild. "Don't need to tell me about it i feel like i can go even faster than my Hiraishin Jutsu and Shunpo combined!" Mina was hunched over with a wild look in her eyes like she wanted to jump her son/mate right here and now.

Naruko was blushing bright enough to light up the sun, "O-oh k-kami i feel like my mind will melt into nirvana!" She hugged her bouncing bust tightly trembling a bit.

The others exclaimed shock including Anko, "FUCK YEAH LET'S KILL THESE FUCKERS!" Anko cackled madly with a demonic grin.

"Ho? this is powerful chakra here Kaito." Ibiki whistled liking the golden look he got and smirked ferally causing more than a few ANBU to faint in horror at the sight of Ibiki.

"Oi! Kuromaru ready to rock!" A golden Tsume shouted with a dog grin getting a similar one from Kuromaru who looked like a long haired Tsume with iny black hair and grey streaks.

"You bet your sweet ass partner!" Kaito smirked evilly as the shinobi sweated and whimpered like little weaklings that they are, all bark and no bite.

'Why not add onto that despair!' He cackled madly with a wide grin scaring even Shukaku in the seal as he flipped through handseals slamming his hand on the ground.

"BIJUU KUCHIYOSE! (Tailed Beast Summoning)" Jiraiya who was watching from the shadows of the tree's paled in absolute horror and terror,Ten towers of smoke erupted colored red before several dangerous demonic growls echoed causing chills to run down the spines of those facing the Otsutsuki clan members and that of the Uzumaki-Namikaze.

Kaito smirked floating in the air next to Momoshiki and Kinshiki witnessing this with interest and awe.

"I think we're done with the warmup leaf dogs." Kaito grinned toothily and whistled getting Konoha's attention only to pale when Raikage A, his sister, Samui, Karui, Omoi, Darui, Shi and the THUNDER anbu corp and several hundred to the thousand jounin jumped out with a crash.

"Oi! we're not late for the party are we!" Kaito grinned widely.

"Of course not minna! (everyone)" This time the forces of Kiri, Iwa, Suna and Oto under leadership of Kimimara Kaguya and Guren jumped out practically surrounding Konoha on all sides and beating them in all out strength, power and numbers.

"Now then...say hello to our final allies!" Kaito bowed dramatically as the red smoke cleared showing the ten bijuu in all their demonic glory with wide toothy grins or smirks.

"Now who get's to be my bitch toy." Shukaku spoke in a female tone smug with superiority causing Ebisu to shit his pants as did Kakashi and several others.

"Now who wants to playyyyy~" Kurami mock simpered sweetly widening her insane grin and gleaming crimson eyes.

"KAMI SAVE US!" A poor chuunin cried out praying religiously getting dark laughter.

"Sorry Kami isn't here to save you nor will she answer your calls nowhere to run...nowhere for you to hide hehehehe!" Kaito started to giggle sinisterly before letting out earth shaking dark cackling laughter. "HAHAHAHAHAHA! DON'T WORRY YOU ALL GET TO BE MY BITCHES NOW HAHAHAHA!" Kaito charged headfirst into the mass and sorely screwed army eliciting the others to do the same.

"SHI-NE!" Kin's eyes gleamed dementedly raising a double bladed axe with one hand getting a shrill scream from a poor Konoha jounin.


No god...no hidden trump card or savior to save them from destruction...

Konoha's annihilation is at an end!

They will go out naught with a bang...but with a silent whimper...

Chapter End (Part 1)

Hahahaha got your asses with that cliffhanger dont worry i will show the next part of the end of Konoha rest assured this is gonna make even canon Madara's slaughter of the alliance look like fat kid in a candy store no offense to fat people though!

How'd you like the ones adopted i decided to use certain characters from popular games as the adopted orphans with one being my OC Shadow in child form.

What's this Momoshiki and Kinshiki joining in oh shits about to get down and dirty!

Updated - 1/20/2016

Signing Off

Red Reaper of Murder


*Vanishes in a crimson swirl of wind*