Ty stands triumphant over Thamiezel. The seas of blood and storms of broken minds thunder across the flooded moon. Thamiezel cowers as he is flooded with the pain of countless atrocities, fully feeling the weight of his sin in his human soul as if it were fresh in his mind. He's a child, broken and terrified, curling up against a boulder. He stumbles away from the rock. He looks down at the sea of red and scoops the blood into his hands. He tries to swallow it, desperate to regain his power and subdue his humanity. But the blood is poisonous. Thamiezel gags and lurches as the acidic blood falls out of his mouth. He dives into the blood, trying to lick it up. But Ty's magic burns his skin, causing Thamiezel to move away. The vampire shivers on the cold ground as Ty moves closer.

"I… Ty… I'm sorry… I'm so sorry… I… I'm sorry… I'm sorry…"

Ty pulls his brother up. The brothers meet each other's gaze, both crying silently as the moon boils in oceans of blood. The weakened vampire king is soaked in the blood of the fallen, his once black coat dripping crimson droplets on the ground. Ty readies a fist, prepared to finish his brother off by piercing Thamiezel's heart.

"Ty… I was…"

Ty hesitates. He recognizes the same sorrow that harmed his own soul for so long. Before he can react, Zelestra dives in, slamming into the warrior of Gaia. She gouges her nails into Ty's skin, ignoring the searing pain in her own faltering flesh. She bashes her brother to the ground amidst the chaos and tumbling mountains.

"You! will never! hurt him! again!"

Ty dodges another fist and punches his hand into Zelestra's stomach, causing her to vomit out black smoke. The toxic cloud enters Ty's body, violating his senses. He expels the vapor and stands against the queen. But Thamiezel rests his head on Zelestra's shoulders, breathing heavily while watching their brother.

"I… we… we've lost… sister."

Zelestra goes silent, weeping as she falls to her knees. Thamiezel stumbles to the ground. He looks up at his brother. And he smiles, almost happy to have lost at Ty's hand. Then the vampire stands. He struggles to breathe while weakly limping over to Ty. His lips tremble as he marches forward.

"If… you destroy me fully… I will lose much of my memory… and cease to be Thamiezel… I'm ready, brother."

"Dipper, no!" Zelestra shouts.

"Sister… we will always be one… but… we cannot… defend our world… we cannot… do this, any longer… we will lose…"

Thamiezel inches closer and falls onto his brother's shoulder. For the first time, the vampire can feel his brother without pain. With the dark powers freed from his soul, Thamiezel can feel his brother's skin. He savors the sensation, wrapping his arms around his brother and pulling him in.

"Ty… you are… perfect…"

Ty clenches his fist. He readies his power to pierce the heart of the greatest Dracula. To end the threat to the cosmos posed by Thamiezel and Zelestra.

"I… I can't…"

Ty's anger fades. He pushes his brother away, looking into the eyes of the insane vampire. He sees the truth of his brother's evil. The truth of the game he played and lost. The brothers fall to the ground, broken and exhausted.

"I… I can't."

"Soft… like me…"

Thamiezel closes his eyes, the last of his strength gone. Ty and Zelestra look at their brother. They begin to realize that the moon, broken by the last battle, has begun to explode. Ty and Zelestra use their remaining power to prevent the moon from exploding and destroying the Earth. Then Zelestra carries Thamiezel back to their home. She sets the broken king on his bed. Ty is with her. He looks away in shame. He clenches his fists before releasing his anger and sorrow in long, deep breaths. He sobs weakly, knowing that he couldn't finish off his brother. Knowing that he pitied Thamiezel.

"I… why… couldn't I destroy him… why couldn't I stop you?"

"You did, brother." Zelestra replies.


"You… you saved your world… you stopped our war… you did what you thought was right. So did we. And we lost."

Ty finds a chair away from the throne. Wendy approaches Thamiezel, looking over the damage to her companion. His powers are reduced to the point when he first became a vampire. She looks up at Ty and growls, desiring vengeance for his attack. But she sees the pain in his eyes. The eyes of a man who's seen too much.

"Wendy … I'm sorry…" he whispers pitifully, sounding more like a whimpering dog than the iron-willed man.

Wendy ignores Ty in favor of watching over Thamiezel and Zelestra, both broken and weak. Days pass as Ty and Zelestra help rebuild the galaxy. The vampire takes in the wandering souls and fragments of energy she finds, attempting to regenerate her own lost power. Ty helps repair the damage to the cosmos inflicted by Xexanoth and Thamiezel's empires. He focuses on restoring dead planets and saving the surviving souls from the insanity inflicted upon them. They try to reduce the gaps in existence created by the two universes pressed against each other. And all the while, Thamiezel remains in his slumber. He hasn't stirred since his defeat. Wendy and Pacifica wait in the throne room, watching the vampire as he mumbles in his sleep. Wendy looks up at Pacifica, seeing the worry in her eyes.

"So… Paz… you really think… that they wouldn't save us?"

"I… that's not… they did save us… and I love them… and I love you… but… they can't save everyone. Not if the war spreads. It'll just make… everyone will end up like us…"

"They… I don't… I can't believe that… because… then it means… it means we've lost."

"We've already lost… we lost the second we tried to start the war… if it happens, we'll save who we can… but we can't be the ones to start it… we can't… it isn't right."

"I… 'if it happens?'... it's going to happen…the Great War is coming."

Wendy's voice rises slightly, revealing her anger at Pacifica. But she quickly buries it, not wanting to fight after being together for so long.

"It won't." Ty mutters. Wendy and Pacifica turn to see him. He frowns solemnly. What's left of his happiness is gone, leaving a bitter man.

"We'll have to stop it… never let it happen."

"Ty… it's going to… because they won't stop. Heaven and Hell won't stop until one or the other is dead."

"Then I'll be there to help… but if I can prevent it, then I will."

Ty looks down at his brother. He looks at the pale skin of the vampire. He watches as Thamiezel's blood glows in his veins. And he looks at Thamiezel's face. He smiles in his sleep, the only time he's smiled without baring his fangs. He seems happy.

"Why didn't you destroy him?" Pacifica asks. Ty looks over to her.

"He… when I was… on Earth… and wanted to die… I realized that not everyone has… someone to look out for them… I realize that, if I had known about him… if I was there to help when he needed me… I could have saved him… from this… and… I understand… I know what happened… and I pity him. He's… not as strong as he thinks he is. And I should have been there to help him… if I had known who he was, where he stayed. I… I should have…"

Ty begins to cry. He presses his back against the wall, sliding down and holding himself weakly. Wendy walks over and sits next to him. She doesn't speak, nor does he. They simply wait for when Thamiezel will wake up. The people of the planet begin to celebrate with the knowledge of victory spreading. They are relieved with the knowledge that Xexanoth, once thought to be the most dangerous creature in the universe, was defeated. Pacifica joins the celebrations, not wishing to confront her vampiric companions. Zelestra, Wendy, and Ty wait around the throne for weeks. Ty and Zelestra sit down near each other, both silent as they wait. Ty reads through an old Duck-tective comic book as Zelestra plays on her Gameboy. She looks up at Ty, wondering what he's thinking at the moment. He looks up at her before turning his gaze back down.

"… We haven't told our parents about you, Ty… but we can…"

"…They don't need to know about me." he whispers.

"You… really gave us a good beating there."

"… How do you do it?"


"Act… like nothing's happened… like everything's the same as it was before."

"Just… try to ignore the present… and remember the past. Remember what's important."

Ty doesn't continue the conversation. He remains silent as they sit and wait. Then they hear a cold, deep breath. Thamiezel begins muttering. He drools slightly before opening his eyes. His two siblings are immediately at his side. Zelestra begins smiling as crimson tears pour down her face.

"I… I had… the most wonderful dream… you were there, sister… and you, Wendy… and… oh… that's right… we have a brother… heh…"

Zelestra leaps onto her brother, elbowing him in the stomach and forcing the air from his lungs. Thamiezel wheezes before giggling slightly. Ty, upon seeing his brother has recovered, walks over to the balcony.

"Where… where are you going, brother?" asks Thamiezel.

"Just… going to stay on Earth… for a while…"

"Ty…" Wendy mutters. He looks back at her. And he smiles slightly before turning around. The brother of the vampires leaves their world, returning to his own planet.

"He's… he's a terrible liar." Thamiezel mutters.

"What?" replies Wendy.

"He's… he doesn't want to stay here… he's leaving… back to Gaia's realm."

"He… he's leaving."

Zelestra, Wendy, and Thamiezel look up as Ty leaves their planet, returning to his home. Thamiezel lifts himself out of the bed. He stumbles and falls before standing again.

"Funny. Forgot what it was like to have gravity affect me." Thamiezel says with a grin. Zelestra and Wendy help him over to the balcony, looking down at their world.

"I… I cannot see beyond the shields anymore." Thamiezel says.

"You… how much power did you lose?" Wendy asks.

"All of it… every last shred of insignificant flesh, I have lost… and… I do not believe I will attempt to rebuild our empire."


"Tyrone Pines… he is… foolish… but he is right… we must try and conquer… Paradise and Inferno… through other means."

"You said that wasn't possible."

"It wasn't… with Lucifer gone… but now, he has four of the keys to his prison… a far greater chance of taking back Inferno than we had before… yes."

The planet shakes slightly with the disappearance of the Earth and its moon.

"What was that?"

"Tyrone has taken the Earth within Gaia's realm… he's gone."

Thamiezel brings Wendy closer, desperate to feel her warmth. She's watching the sky, looking past the clouds at the space where the Earth once lived. Zelestra moves closer, huddling with her companions.

"It was… it was too much for him." Thamiezel says.

"I should… I should never have told him." Wendy responds.

"Maybe… maybe."

"I… I actually loved the weirdo…"

"Same… I had hoped… he would join us… but he is not of our world. Not of the shadow…"

Wendy turns away from the balcony.

"Its… I hope he comes back someday… I hope I see him again."

"We will. As certain as our love is eternal." Zelestra replies.

"You… you really think you two will last forever?"

"If the Star Weavers' creator and her BFF are eternally one, then my brother and I likely are… that is why we became so powerful. Why you and Pacifica have become so powerful. We are one… and I hope Tyrone will eventually become one with us also."

"Thank you… I don't say it enough. Thank you. I love you."

"Forever, my queen Taurgarus."

Thamiezel, Zelestra, and Wendy leave the tower. They join with Pacifica in the streets. Thamiezel meets his sister's eyes and smiles. She smiles in turn as Pacifica ogles the pair of them. Thamiezel and Zelestra restore their shared link, smiling as they bring Wendy and Pacifica closer.

"Wendy and Pacifica, we are honored to have you with us on this journey."

"I'm glad to be here." Wendy replies.

"And… I am too." Pacifica adds.

Thamiezel looks into his sister's eyes. They both know what the other is thinking. They look down, saddened as they extend their influence across the stars. Crimson energy extends throughout the twins' empire, spreading out like a web to touch all of their remaining worlds. With Nyarlathotep gone, bored with the aftermath of the battle, Dracul is free to extend his power into the universe and open a gateway to his realm. Thamiezel and Zelestra call upon their master.

"What… what are you doing, Dip?" Wendy asks.

"We… can no longer protect you. We cannot protect these worlds… but there is one who can… it is time to return to the shadows, my love."

The twins' power draws forth all souls. Every spirit and consciousness is painlessly pulled into the center of the twins, restoring Thamiezel's power. Bill Cipher, the twins' parents, Alice Pines, Stanley, Stanford. All are brought into the chasm of Dracul's world. The twins' empire is gone, passed into the darkness beyond. Wendy and Pacifica float above the gateway into the realm beyond.

"You're coming with, right?" Pacifica says with trembling lips. The twins smile sadly, looking down at the gateway.

"We have to fight, still. We will never stop fighting… but now, we may yet be able to save this universe, rather than destroy it… but it means that, for now, we cannot be together."

"Dip, you can't!" Wendy shouts. Her protests fall on deaf ears. Pacifica and Wendy fall down through the portal to the realm of Dracul. The seemingly infinite number of spirits fly around, endlessly watched by their master's gaze. Crimson shades of the twins appear in the dark world, smiling at their loved ones.

"Dipper, where are you going?" Wendy whimpers.

"We must serve our Dragon. With the keys of Cocytus, we might be able to save this universe from its own destruction… and we will not always be able to enter this world. Don't worry. We'll visit on weekends."

Thamiezel giggles slightly as he looks over to his grandfather and great uncle. Stanley and Stanford hover over, now returned to their spirit forms.

"So, this is what vampire headquarters looks like." Stanley says.

"Yes. We'll give it a makeover when we come back."

Stanley laughs as his spirit fades into the great cloud of souls that hover overhead. Zelestra pulls two of the spirits out of the mass of souls. Her children, Stan and Bella, sit before her. She smiles sadly as she takes them closer, giving them their physical bodies for only a moment, allowing them to embrace.

"Mom? What's happening?"

"We're leaving. We'll have to go soon… but you'll be safe here. All of you."

"You… why can't you stay?"

"Because we have to. We have to prevent any more ruin."

"I… don't get killed."

Thamiezel and Zelestra laugh despite their sadness. Another spirit hovers over. Zelestra's husband from millennia ago looks upon his wife. She smiles at him as she chokes back a sob.

"I… still hate me, Greg?" Zelestra asks. The spirit hovers in place, not knowing how to respond to the one he once loved.

"I… don't hate you… but… I can't stay with you."

"I still hoped… look after our kids. Make sure they don't come trying to rescue me."

"I… I will."

Greg leaves into the great beyond with his and Zelestra's children. The eye of Dracul turns upon the twins. The powerful god that desires to destroy Heaven and Hell looks on with irritation and distrust at his servants.

"You believe that pawn of Gaia knows what must be done? You would favor that insignificant creature over me?"

Dracul's voice rises in anger. His rage pulses like a heartbeat across his realm of blood. The twins bow before their king as Thamiezel speaks.

"No… I have always served you, my master, but if the war can be halted, if we can conquer them without the battle ever having to be fought, then we must guide the universe towards that path."

"… You've changed."

"… I have… because I remembered the truth of what I've lost… and I realize that even if the war is inevitable, we must not be the ones to bring about its beginning."

The dark god is silent, contemplating his servant's words, forever distrustful of those who would attempt to subvert his power. The old god allows his servants' minds to leave his realm, giving one final warning as they vanish.

"If you disappoint me, your companions will suffer my anger."

Thamiezel ignores his master's threats as he vanishes. The twins are left in the empty space that was once their galaxy. With all their servants, worlds, and stars devoured, the twins have nearly returned to their full power, now left alone in a dark world as the gateway to the realm of Dracul closes.

"Now… now we are alone again."

"We're never alone, brother… and you never will be again."

Thamiezel smiles as he brings Zelestra into a hug. The twins create a gateway to the first circle of Hell. Within the realm of Inferno, the twins become invisible, hiding their enormous power. Thamiezel and Zelestra return to the shadows, prepared to honor their brother's victory by ensuring the final war does not come to pass.

"Are you ready, brother?"

"Yes. So long as I have you at my side, we are unstoppable."

"Together, Dipper."
