What Doesn't Kill Us-Ch 1

Penelope Garcia looked up from her computers when she heard her door open, she smiled and said, "yes bossman", Hotch said, "I want to see you and Morgan in my office in 10 minutes". She swallowed hard and said, "is something wrong sir"?, he said, "I need to go over a few things with the two of you", she nodded her head and said, "yes sir".

Before the door closed Hotch grinned at her and said, "Garcia", she said, "sir"?, he said, "you aren't in trouble so you can breathe", she giggled and took a deep breath and said, "thank you sir" before her door closed. She sat there for a few minutes wondering what Hotch wanted to talk to her and Derek about, the longer she sat there the more confused she was getting.

She looked down at her watch and saw that it was time to head toward the bullpen, she stood up and pushed her chair under her desk before making her way toward her door. She stepped out into the hall and bumped into Derek, he said, "are you alright sweetness"?, she said, "I'm fine chocolate drop", he shook his head and grinned as they headed closer and closer to Hotchs office.

He said, "do you have any idea what's going on"?, she shook her head and said, "nopeeeee, no idea at all, what about you"?, he bit down on his bottom lip and said, "I'm drawing a blank. As they stepped up to his door Derek took a deep breath before raising his hand to knock, Hotch said, "come in", Derek pushed the door open and motioned for Penelope to go in.

Hotch looked up and said, "close the door please Morgan", Derek closed the door and walked over to sit down in front of his desk, Hotch said, "the reason I wanted to talk to the two of you is I need to put you two undercover". Derek said, "undercover, what's the case"?, he handed both Derek and Penelope a case file and watched as they opened it.

Derek said, "this is on sick unsub", Hotch said, "that he is", Penelope said, "I don't understand sir, why are you sending me and hotstuff in, I'm not even a profiler". Hotch said, "I need you with Derek because you are our biggest asset, you are the brains and heart of our team and your expertiseeeeee is what is needed on this case".

She smiled and said, "why thank you sir", as she looked at the pictures and read the file she looked up and said, "uhhh sir, these couples are married", he nodded his head and said, "yes they are and you can see that all 4 couples are going to counseling". Derek said, "so baby girl and myself are going undercover as a married couple having problems"?, he nodded his head yes and said, "and you are going to be living in the same area of the other couples that have been taken and killed".

Penelope said, "are you sure that you want to use me as his partner and not JJ or Em"?, he said, "I'm sure Garcia, you can see in the pictures that you and Derek are the perfect couple". Derek grinned as he looked at his baby girl, Penelope said, "when do we start"?, he said, "right now", she said, "ri right now, what about packing clothes"?, he said, "don't worry clothes for both of you is being delivered to your new home as we speak".

Derek said, "according to the reports they removed cameras from almost every room in the houses"?, he said, "that's correct so we can only assume that your home will have them as well". Penelope said, "what if we slip up, or what if I slip up"?, Hotch said, "you are going to do fine Garcia, you and Derek already act like a married couple sooooooo you will do fine".

Hotch looked at the couple and said, "once you get into your routine you are expected to act like a normal couple", Penelope said, "normal couple sir"?, he nodded his head yes". Hotch said, "yes with hugs, kisses, fights, making up and all the other married people things", Penelope said, "you mean"?, Hotch said, "I'm leaving that up to you two" they nodded their heads yes in agreememt.

As they stood up Hotch handed them some papers and said, "you need to read these and get your information down", Derek said, "I see that I am going to be head of security". Penelope said, "and I am going to be working with computers"?, Hotch sia,d "I wanted to keep you as close to normal as possible but your names are completely different and so are your backstories".

Derek said, "don't worry man we'll have all of this down before we get to our new home", he grinned and said, "here are your tickets", Penelope said, "tickets sir"?, he said, "yes, you are moving effectively immediately". Derek said, "moving where"?, he said, "South Carolina", he said, "ohhhhhh niceeeeeee, are we going to be close to the beach"?, Hotch laughed and said, "as a matter of fact you are".

As they grinned he said, "after you two leave there will be no contact with anyone from the team unless it is a matter of life and death", Derek said, "you guys aren't coming"?, he shook his head and said, "not right now, we will be there soon but we are giving the two of you some time to get adjusted to your new homes and jobs first".

Derek nodded his head and grinned, "Hotch reached into his desk drawer and said, "ohhhh before I forget, here are your rings", Derek took the engagement and wedding bands and said, "let's make this official baby girl". Penelope felt her heart racing as Derek slipped the rings onto her finger, she laughed as she then slid his wedding band on his finger.

They took a deep breath as Derek held out his arm, she looped her hand through his arm and said, "are you ready hotstuff"?, he took a deep breath and said, "I'm more than ready baby girl". Hotch said, "good luck you two and we'll be in touch soon, they nodded their heads as they walked out of his office and headed toward the elevator.