It was the start of a new semester and a new year. He had gotten used to college life after two years of putting up with it. Teito was glad he was roommates with Mikage again. Unlike their other friend Hakuren, Mikage was laid back and hardly tried to compete with Teito. Waking up after a night with hardly any sleep, Teito looked over at Mikage who was already wide awake.

"Hey Teito! Did you sign up for the Creative Writing class like I told you to?" Mikage asked as he started to get ready.

"Yeah, but why did I have to? You and Hakuren were both going to take the class together anyway. It's not even a requirement for my major."

"Well, it's an elective so it counts for your credits. Besides, I thought it'd be fun to take the class altogether. It'll be fun!"

Teito wasn't really interested in creative writing, but he didn't want to let his friends down. Besides, a class was a class and in order to graduate he needed all of his credits. Getting up, Teito stretched his arms and looked over at the window. The same routine would soon commence.


Surprisingly the class was fairly large. Teito didn't think a lot of people would be interested in creative writing, but apparently he was wrong. He went to sit down with his two friends as the other students mingled amongst themselves. Teito took out a notebook and a pen like he usually did at the beginning of each class. Mikage waved at some people he knew and Hakuren took the time to look over a syllabus for one of his classes.

"Good morning class."

Everyone went silent as they turned to look at the tall blonde haired man that walked into the room. He was definitely not that old professor that taught the class before. The man stood behind his desk and put his attention on the whole class in front of him. "Please refer to me as Professor Frau. I'm going to be teaching this class from now on. I've printed out copies of the syllabus so please pass them down and take a few minutes to look over it. I'll answer any questions afterwards."

Frau walked over to hand the students in the front row a stack of papers. The students passed them back so everyone was able to get one. Teito looked down at the syllabus and then up at Frau who was taking out a book from his bag. For some reason, Teito was a little glad he decided to take the class. It scared him a bit.


"Now I'm glad I signed up. Professor Frau looks like an interesting person," Hakuren said as they walked down the hallway.

"He really is! He's almost as amazing as Professor Ayanami!"

"He teaches sociology, doesn't he?" Hakuren asked.

"Yup! He's one of the best professors here!"

"I hear he's strict and kind of scary. Then again, mostly the guys say that. The girls have no problem with it because he's good looking. You think the same don't you Mikage?"

"A-And what if I do?!"

"It doesn't matter to me if you have a crush on him or not. I feel like I can understand you now. Professor Frau really left an impression on me."

"Hey, what about you Teito? What did you think of him?" Mikage asked.

"I don't know…He's probably one of the youngest professors I've seen here."

"You're not going to get anything out of Teito, Mikage. We already know he doesn't find interest in anyone," Hakuren replied.

Teito couldn't deny it. He wasn't really interested in liking anyone. His main focus was finishing school and getting by day after day. There wasn't any time to think of love. Teito had more important things to worry about.


"You know, you didn't need to give me the job," Frau said as he sat in the dean's office.

"Labrador told me about your circumstances so I thought I could help you out. We are old friends after all," Castor replied as he adjusted his glasses. "Besides, you're a hard worker. I know you're going to do just fine."

"Labrador's a Biology Professor, right?"

"That's right. He really enjoys it. That's why he thought it'd help you liven up your life."

"And what's that supposed to mean?"

"You suddenly stopped talking to us for months and we grew worried. If it wasn't for Bastien, we wouldn't have known what was going on with you."

Frau became silent. He didn't want to think about anything that made him upset. He wanted to stay positive and hope for the best. "Sorry Castor, I'll make sure to never do that again."

"I'll take your word for it moron."


"Hey Ayanami, what do you think of our new colleague? I hear he's friends with the dean and Labrador." Hyuuga said as he sat across from Ayanami.

"He stands out. He gives a different aura then all the other professors."

"It sounds like you're interested Ayanami."

"We'll just have to wait and see," Ayanami replied as he took a sip of his drink.


Teito decided to go to the library and search for a book to read. He thought it'd be nice to relax by reading a good book before he went to his part time. He came across Frau who was sitting alone in a corner. Teito couldn't help but stare at the man. He had a calm look on his face that was hard not to look at. Frau looked up and made eye contact with Teito which meant Teito had to say something.

"Professor Frau, I'm Teito Klein. I'm one of your students."

"Ah, I do remember seeing you in my class."

"That looks like a big book. Is it interesting?"

Teito went to take a peek inside and was surprised at what he saw. Frau was using the library book to cover up the dirty magazine he was actually reading. Teito's face grew red as he quickly looked away.

"What's wrong? You've never read one of these before?" Frau asked as he closed the book.

"N-No! If you want to read something like that, then you should do it in the privacy of your home!"

"I will, but I also wanted to read a little while I waited for a friend to finish work. Once you graduate, you'll learn what it means to be a working adult."

Frau stood up and grabbed his book. He looked down at Teito's blushing face. He found the reaction amusing and couldn't help but grin. "I'll see you on Wednesday." Frau moved passed Teito and walked off. Teito watched Frau leave and wondered why his heart was beating so quickly. There was definitely something strange going on with him and he wasn't sure whether it was a good or bad thing.


Frau made his way to the dean's office. He slowly opened the door and found Castor and Labrador kissing in the middle of the room. He cleared his throat which quickly got the two to separate from each other and look at Frau.

"Frau! Why didn't you knock?!" Castor asked a little irritated.

"I didn't see the point. But, I'll keep it in mind for next time. It looks like I interrupted you guys at the good part."

"Don't say it like that!"

"Frau, how was your first day?" Labrador asked with a gentle smile.

"It was okay. I wasn't able to mingle with a lot of the other professors, but I'm curious to see how this all works out."

"Why don't we talk more over dinner? You did say you wanted to go to the hospital before visiting hours were over," Castor said as he moved to grab his car keys.

"Yeah…" Frau replied before looking down.

"Then let's go. I know the perfect place to celebrate your first day," Labrador said. Frau looked up at him and smiled. He was glad to be reunited with his two close friends.


Teito flopped onto his bed after a long day. It was only the first day of the semester, but with five classes and a part-time job, he hardly had any time to himself. Mikage and Hakuren had gone out with some of their classmates so Teito would be alone in the dorm for a while. Teito sighed out. All he wanted to do was sleep. He wanted to get away from reality and enter dream world as soon as he could.

His mind went back to Frau. He didn't know why he was thinking about his professor, but something about Frau made him curious to know more about the man. In a way it sounded like he was turning into Mikage and Hakuren. The thought alone sent shivers down his spine.

Teito's head started to hurt. He quickly got up and took some pills. It had been a while since he had seen his doctor. Matter of fact, it had been a while since he saw his dad. He didn't like talking about his condition or thinking about it. The only ones who knew about it were Mikage and Hakuren.

Teito silently went back to lie on his bed. That was another reason why he never tried to seek out a lover. Not just anyone could understand what he was going through without thinking he was crazy. It really was exhausting having a borderline personality disorder. Sometimes the medicine couldn't stop it from interfering with his life. But Teito still fought to keep himself stable when he was around others. He'd be okay as long as everything stayed the same.


"Frau, you didn't need to come see me," Bastien said with a smile as Frau entered the hospital room.

"I had the time. How are you feeling?"

"I feel fine. What about you?"

"Today was my first day as a professor."

"Oh, you did tell me about that. How did it go?"

"It was okay. At least I'll be able to have an income to support myself and help you pay for your medical bills."

"Frau, I thought we discussed this. You don't need to worry about it."

"It's the least I can do. You've always been like a dad to me. It's my way of paying you back for everything you've done. So please, let me do this for you."

Bastien smiled. "It doesn't matter how old you get, you're always going to be my dear child." Frau smiled back and nodded in response. He wanted to do everything he could so Bastien could get better and get back on his feet. That's all that mattered and all that would ever matter to Frau.


I wanted to try and write a Frau x Teito story since I love them so much :D I've also read amazing Frau x Teito fanfics which have inspired me to write my own. I went with the school approach since I thought it would be interesting (it's also been a while since I've seen the anime and read the manga so I wouldn't have been able to write a story that fit with the actual plot :o). But I still hope you liked it :D

Tell me what you think? Should I continue this story? Please let me know ^_^ Thanks for reading!