Everything is black but I hear many sounds around me near and far. People talking, shouting and singing. The loud rattling sound of carriages and hooves of horses clopping, whinning and snorting. The air held a strong unpleasant smell of manure, coal and alcohol. Soon the blackness disappears and began to see shapes moving. Soon my focus was normal and realised I was lying on the cobble-stoned ground facing to the grey sky. All the houses around me are built out of bricks and from the chimneys rolled out dark smoke. From the architecture I recognised they are English.

"Oi lad! Move aside! You're in the way!" Called a man behind me from a certain distance.

I turned to see, a man sitting on a hansome in a long coat and bowler hat with a whip at hand was there. I blinked, staggered to my feet and stepped aside. As I moved, many people stared at me bewildered as if I were some sort of alien. Especially the women. Damn! I am wearing trousers and trousers at that time was only a fashion made for men. I should better be out of sight for some time. I began walking down a street. Hoping to find something that would help me be out of sight for some time and perhaps get some proper clothes to blend in. With my great eagerness and without thinking what danger might lie ahead I entered into one building without ringing the bell. Once I shut the door I leaned beside it against the wall and gave a sigh. Realising my blood pressure was a bit low at the moment, is it shock or something else? I wondered while I heard a soft never ending peeping sound in my ears and saw strange colourful spots dancing around the corners of my eyes.

Not very long appeared an elderly lady in a long black dress with white hair tied to a bun. "What on earth are you doing here? Get out at once! Get out or I'll call the police!"

"No. Please." I pleaded with a calm voice and tried to remain calm, so that my blood pressure can stabilise within minuets. Breathing in deep and breathing slowly out. "I mean no harm. Please." I continued while glued to the wall as a support.

"What's the matter Mrs. Hudson?" Called a manly voice from the stairs.

"Some boy in strange clothes has entered without ringing the bell, doctor Watson. Is he a client of Holmes?" Responded Mrs. Hudson.

Suddenly the dark figure from the stairs moved rapidly towards in the light, I saw doctor Watson's face. His face was firm. "Don't worry, I'm a doctor." With those words he placed gently a hand to my forehead and pulled from his waistpocket a watch tied to a golden chain.

"It's just low bloodpresure, it will pass in a few moments doctor." I assured.

"Do you have it often?"

"No, seldom."

"Mrs. Hudson, could you please prepare some tea for this boy. I'll take him to the couch to give some rest. Mr, if you please come with me." Gave Watson. Slowly I walked up the stairs with help from Watson and entered into a large room that looked somewhat familiar and was led to the couch. "There, now you better lie down for a few minuets. Mrs. Hudson will bring you some tea shortly." He explained.

While looking around I spotted another figure of a man standing with his back to me facing the fireplace and smoking a pipe. He wore a grey-brown tweed Jacket and long trousers with chocolate-brown polished leather shoes.

"Holmes, it would best not to smoke at the moment." Noted Watson to the figure.

"Holmes?" I called out of amazement, staring at the man with his back to me.

Holmes slowly turned round, looking to me then to Watson with a pipe in his right hand and other in his jacket pocket. He had an oval shaped pale face with a hawk-like nose and a pair of dark green eyes with thick, dark eyebrows. He said nothing but smoked at his pipe and scanned me. His confident eyes wandered about me.

Before I could say another word or do, everything turned dark before my eyes.