Written in response to this prompt: Miss Belle is super protective of Regina, more than usual, while she's pregnant

He'd first noticed right before Halloween, how Miss Belle's head perked up higher than usual, how she sat even closer to Regina's legs than she had in the past, how she watched even family with more ferocity than was necessary when they approached her master.

He'd nearly gotten a piece of Miss Belle's mind one morning when he'd tried to wake Regina after she'd failed to set her alarm clock the night before as the dog nudged her nose into his leg in a clear signal that he should let his wife rest. He'd watched Miss Belle position herself between Regina and Henry after Thanksgiving Dinner when Robin brought his wife a piece of pie, and had chuckled out loud at the dog's low growl when Henry tried to sneak a bite from his mom's plate.

The message could not have been clearer, and Henry backed off in surprise.

It seems Miss Belle has a protective streak, one displayed in full force now that her person is pregnant. And Robin honestly couldn't be more pleased.

He grins as his wife leans into his side as he reads The Nightingale aloud, watching as Ms. Belle begins to sniff at Regina's belly as she's prone to do these days.

"She's kicking," Regina states, her hand rubbing her stomach in wonder as he reaches out to touch it for himself. Miss Belle eyes him warily, and he waits for his wife to place his palm right where the action is taking place, unable to keep from smiling until it hurts as an arrhythmic tapping greets his touch.

"She's a kicker," he grins, leaning over to kiss Regina on the temple.

"That she is," Regina agrees with a soft chuckle that melts his insides like warm butter. "You say dance. I say karate."

"And Roland says ninja," Robin returns, adjusting his hand as his daughter continues her performance from her mother's womb. There's a soft whine then, a whimper rarely heard, and Robin watches in wonder as Miss Belle lays her head right beside his hand as if trying to nuzzle the baby herself.

"Just wait," Regina instructs him, holding his hand perfectly still as Miss Belle sniffs and rubs her head across her stomach, finally licking right where the baby kicks. "They already know each other, you know."

His breath catches, and he stares down at his wife before gazing into Miss Belle's soulful browns and rubbing the dog's head.

"Really?" he questions, chuckling as Miss Belle tries to nudge his hand over a bit so she can snuggle the baby for herself.

"Oh yes," Regina smiles. "I think Miss Belle knew I was pregnant before we did. She started sniffing my belly and trying to get me to sit down more frequently before I even missed my cycle."

The dogs quirks an eye in his direction.

"Good girl," Robin says before feeling a particularly strong kick against his palm, thankful that this amazing dog not only serves as a guide for the woman he loves but also as Regina's protector and four legged nanny for his unborn daughter. "Good girl, Miss Belle."

"She is a good girl," Regina agrees, rubbing the top of her belly as she relaxes further into his chest. "And our little girl loves her already."