Thank you for the review and fav and follow. I love every single of them! :D

Chapter 2

Barry rubbed his forehead. This is crazy.

In front of him are Owen Grady in velociraptor body and a teenage girl that they believed to be no one but Blue.

"How did this happen?" He murmured. "How?"

Owen snapped his head up from his sickle claws that he had been examining with curiosity and sighed at Barry. Hell if I know

Barry turned to Blue who was curious with her new body as well. She curled and bent her fingers, tried to test them. It was weird for her to have thumbs.

Both of them were now in the body they never lived in before.

Owen whipped gravel off the earth surface and tried his best to write with his claws.


"Maybe?" Barry wasn't sure if the scientist was capable of doing something like this but he can't think of any other reason.

Owen gave a low rumble in his throat and Barry change his mind. He wouldn't want to assume anything without prove, especially when he considered that Owen's a short-tempered guy and he wouldn't want him to attack Wu or anything. "Well, I think it's pretty crazy, they couldn't be that advance?"

Owen rolled his eyes. Who knows?

"Hey, I just don't want to assume anything without prove first"

Owen opened his mouth to retort but Blue, who isn't curious about human body any more, decided to tackle him instead.

Owen shrieked at Blue who was hugging his long neck. He snapped his jaws at her. His front teeth barely missed her nose. Since being raptor he had been feeling jumpy all the time and with enhanced senses he was startled with any quick movement. Blue smiled knowingly and gently rubbed under his jaws.

"Eassssy Owen" The 's' rolled of her tongue strangely. He felt calmer and regained his concentration on things around him. His breathe returned to its normal pace and his gaze stopped darting around.

Barry cleared his throat. Owen looked up then smiled sheepishly, clearly embarrassed of his reaction.

"We should do something" He stated. "At least get Blue more proper dressed"

Owen had just noticed that Blue was wearing nothing but a blue handler's shirt which, according to Barry, belonged to Leon. Apart from the shirt she wore nothing. Owen stretched his neck and caught a blanket that was lying nearby with his teeth and tried to use it to cover Blue. Blue ignore his action and mess with his quills instead. It's strange. She'd never seen any raptor had them before.

Barry stood up and offered his hand to her. Owen shook himself as to tell her to get off him but Blue seemed to ignore both of them. Owen looked at Barry for some help. The French man was thinking of using food to get her attention but he was cut off his thought when Owen gave another shriek and bared his teeth at Blue….

Who was holding a quill in her hand.

Satisfying, Blue simply adjusted the blanket around her, took Barry's offering hand and stood up.

Barry took Blue to the employee room. She had been here before when she was a baby. She remembered playing hide & seek with her sisters while Owen talked to other handlers. The room seemed smaller now. Blue sniffed the curiously and found it's irritating that she can smell less than she used to. But even though her ability to smell has dropped, her nose caught something. The smell came from her favorite room.

Barry was still busy checking for clean clothes that would fit her. Blue unwrapped the blanket at place it on a chair nearby. She sneaked into the next room quietly. It is more comfortable for her to move around without those fabric human called clothes. The smell was so tempting. She found the source eventually. The smell was emitting from a flat machine on a table. Blue tapped her finger on it. It was hot. How can she take that tasty-smell stuff out of the machine?

While Blue was trying to figure it out the light on that machine turned from red to green and she heard a clicking sound. She could see that the machine open a bit, allowed her to push the cover up and revealed the tasty-smell stuff. Blue reached to pick it but it was too hot. She hissed in pain, jerked her hand away and caused that thing to slipped off from her hand and falling to the floor. Blue quickly bent down to snatch that thing with her mouth but she lost balance, the result from lacking a tail, and stumbled forward.

"Blue?" Barry pause his searching when he heard a heavy tud. Blue wasn't in the room with him anymore. He notice Owen's blanket on the chair and the door to kitchen was slightly opened. He sighed, snatched the blanket and went to that room in hope that Blue would be there.

Blue was lying on the kitchen floor with a pair of ham-cheese sandwiches scattered near her. Blue gave an annoying huff as she saw Barry.

"Are you ok?" He asked and helped her get back on her feet. She cocked her head before replied.


Blue didn't understand why Barry avoided eye-contact with her. He and Owen'd never done that before. Why now? Do they hate her because she's now one of them?

She cupped his face with her hands and forced him to look at her. Barry tried to turn away but Blue strengthened her grip. She looked into his eyes, sent questioning look to him.

"Don't…..eyes on me…why?"

Barry raised his brow in a surprise. Blue seemed to take Owen's training better than they'd expected. She's using his phrase. Barry didn't know how to explain it to her,instead he just wrapped the blanket around her again. Even though Blue's actually a dinosaur he felt it was wrong to take advantage of the situation. Blue was like a daughter to him no less than she was to Owen. He respected her.

"We're not supposed to look at people when they have no clothes" He said simply. Blue cocked her head again as if it's funny. Then she just nodded.

"Are you hungry?" He asked "Um, food?"

The mentioning of food caught Blue's attention. She purred in response. Barry told her to sit down while he cleaned up the mess and start making another sandwich. Blue watched him every step with curiosity and he ended up explaining Blue basic method of the sandwich making machine.

He let Blue enjoy her breakfast while he searched for suitable clothes again. He found a shorts that could fit her, Owen's spared shirt and his own spared white top. He gave them to her after she finished her sandwich and instructed her how to wear them. He helped her tied the loose shirt into a knot under her chest and combed her messy blue hair. He also found a pair of sneakers for her.

Blue was on chewing on her second pair of sandwich when Barry put everything back in its place and dragged her off the room to get back to Owen.

At first this chapter's going to be longer but I decided to divide it instead because it's very long and I don't like getting you guys waiting. The next part is around 70% and should be ready to be posted in a few days. Anyway, I apologized for those who are waiting for the next chapter of 'Project Alpha'. I'm working on it but's very slow. So sorry.

Until the next time

Wolf Totem