Chapter Four

Sweet Damnation



Breathe… God-Damn-It.

I'm going to burn in hell.

I closed my eyes and let out a deep breath.

Then I pulled in another before I opened the cafe door.

I felt myself cringe as Charlie's laughter reached my ears. But I saw a pleasant smile spread across his face as he listened to the waitress with an inquisitive ear. I stood back and smiled to myself. While Charlie occasionally dabbled in a one-night stand or two, he was genuinely a kind, charitable man with a curiosity for others.

"Over here," Charlie announced spotting me, "how'd the rest of the night go?" He asked inquisitively as I joined him at the table.

My eyes widened slightly at the question, "it went well," I said evasively, smirking at the smoothness, the casualness of my voice. I sipped the coffee I now clutched in my right hand, as I forced myself to regroup, the thoughts of my face buried between his daughter's legs just hours before rendering me speechless. Yes, Charlie, it was mindblowing.

Charlie cocked his head to the side as our conversation fizzled. I nearly groaned, realizing this was where I was supposed to ask Charlie how his night went, but the question sat uncomfortably on the tip of my tongue.

"Dad," Bella grinned, interrupting us, I let out a sigh of relief as Charlie turned his attention away from me and focused on his daughter. He stood and embraced her.

Fuck… Did she own anything un-fuckable? I pulled my eyes away from her creamy legs, It wouldn't do to get caught eye-fucking his daughter. I frowned; her paleness was, if possible, even more noticeable in the sunlight.

"It's wonderful to see you, sweetheart." Charlie pulled back, so he could look her over once more. "You look incredible, I can't believe how much you've grown," he stated, he turned to me, "I can't deny it any longer Edward, my sweet girl is a woman now."

My head jerked upwards to meet his eyes. I could almost feel the fires of hell licking at my soul as I took a deep breath, "Yeah Charlie, she's a woman now," I responded, my pupils dilated as I caught her eyes and give her a provocative wink, images of the night before flashing behind my eyelids.

Woman indeed.

She chuckled quietly, her skin flushing beautifully as she caught my words, "it's great to be home," she said, gracefully taking the chair between her father and me.

I kept my hands on my coffee up and off her thigh.

The meal itself was pleasant; I listened as she carried most of the conversation in between bites of smothered biscuits and sausage. She spoke of school, her good friends, followed by telling us a few silly anecdotes regarding their escapades.

"And have you settled on a major?" Charlie finally asked and I brought my eyes up to focus on hers, curious of her answer.

I raised an eyebrow as she cleared her throat and tucked a strand of her hair behind her right ear, "no actually, I'm thinking of taking a gap year to figure that out."

"A gap year?" Charlie frowned, wiping his mouth with his napkin.

"Yes," she nodded sharply, decisively, "I'm sorry Dad, I just don't know what my future holds and I can't commit to anything." Her words made me pause; they seemed deeper than just a confused girl who didn't know what she wanted.

"What will you do with your year?" I asked, breaking the silence that had fallen over the table.

"I don't know," she admitted softly, licking her pink lips, "I might travel, see the world. Visit the places I've studied."

"We travel frequently; you could come and work for me." I offered. Charlie perked up at the offer, intrigued; almost satisfied by the proposal. "Your father is always badgering me about hiring a new assistant."


I swallowed feeling the burn of my latte as I set the cup down gently.

Edward grinned charmingly at me, enticingly.

I did my best to return his smile, the prospect of spending large quantities of time with Edward thrilled me. However, I had so many other things I wanted to experiences that I nearly shuddered at the thought of spending most of my summer stuck in a nine to five routine. "Thank you for the offer Edward but I'm not sure."

He nodded frowning, my stomach clenched as I tried to gauge his disappointment at my refusal.

"Edward, where are you headed off to next, London or Sydney?" My father asked, turning the conversation away from me, but I wasn't a fool I knew what he was doing.

"Australia, I have a two-day meeting scheduled with a four-night stay booked in Sydney," He replied, "The hotel is positioned on the edge of the harbor, the balcony of my room has a stunning view of the Opera House, which I'll be visiting this time."

My eyes darted up to Edward's green orbs and I found myself regretting my hesitation. As if he sensed my weakness, he pounced, "I was hoping to visit France, Italy, and London this summer as well, but we'll have to see." He trailed off and I swallowed, glancing away from his heated eyes, his proposal clear.

I let out a slow breath, a dreamy smile spreading across my face as I pictured myself traveling. Not just traveling, but traveling with Edward to exotic locations, dining in romantic countries. The man knew how to capture my wanderlust.

"Think about it and let me know," he said, his voice dipping into sensual tones, I flushed.

He cleared his throat and smirked, "I'll see you at the office, Chars."

My eyes followed him as he left.

I glanced around my apartment with a grin, "it's perfect, are you sure I can't move in today?" I teased, pleased to hear my father's chuckle.

"I'm sure, your furniture and appliances will be here Monday," He explained as I nodded noting the air still smelled faintly of fresh paint.

"I'm going to stay and decorate for a little while," I state noticing my father checking his text messages once more. "My hotel is across the road, where I plan to order room service and catch a movie," I added, so he wouldn't feel guilty leaving.

"Right of course," Dad nodded, giving me a side hug. "Think the job offer over, sweetheart; it would be great for your resume and a safe way to travel. I'd feel better knowing you were with someone I trust.

I blinked, at a loss for words.


"I will, I promise," I kissed his cheek showing him to the door, my grin turned teasingly as we made it to the elevator, "enjoy your date, Dad," I chuckled at his startled expression.

"I ... how …" He was cut off as the elevator door closed.

The afternoon was spent shopping and unpacking my knickknacks, pictures, trinkets. I unrolled rugs, hung up curtains, set up lamps, even without the majority of the furniture the space was already starting to feel like home.

"One room down," I murmured to myself touching my new shower curtain, taking in my finished bathroom with pride.

I checked the security pad next to the front door before opening it, "Hey," I grinned.

"May I come in?" He smirked, stepping into my personal space, shutting the door with his foot as his mouth caught mine in a searing kiss.

My body melted into his as our kiss lingered.

I glanced down when he pressed a key into my hand as he pulled away.

"What this?"

"For nights when I want to meet up at my place," he explained simply, so self-assured, his hands stroking my hips gently.

I let out a surprised laugh as he nudged us to the floor; the new carpet was soft against my skin. "I'm too impatient to go upstairs," he grunted, pressing his body into mine as he nipped my ear before pulling it gently between his teeth.

I gasped as his hand slipped into my panties. I clutched him as he teased me, picking up where we had left off this morning as his thumb slid upwards over my clit in a circular motion before inserting first one, then two fingers deep inside my slick, heated center.

I panted, writhing, as he eased down my body stripping me bare.

His lips moved over my skin, suckling each nipple slowly before lowering his mouth to my pussy, his fingers tightened on my thighs as I bucked upwards into his mouth as he took a long, slow lick.

My eyes slammed shut, I felt wired and alive, in desperate need for more - everything.

He stilled, his eye bright with desire as he caught my gaze, "the taste of you, love…heaven and hell." He groaned.

"Please," I murmured, "more," I moaned out, full of want as he continued spinning me around and around, making me reach new heights.

"Shh ... baby, I'll give you what you need," he promised, his eyes were twinkling with mischief, "come to Sydney with me, love, say you'll come and you will."

"Edward?" I groaned as he stilled his fingers.

"Join me," he murmured, adjusting us so he was settled between my legs, running the head of his cock over my wet lips, "say you'll join me."

Author Note...

A big thank you to, purpleC305 and SunflowerFran.

Thank you for reading and reviewing!